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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11167 hits

Info khm1 combined november 2020

THE ALARM SYSTEM IN THE BUILDING Always activate the alarm when you leave the gallery. Do not forget to bring the guarding table, chairs and the sign used in the street inside the gallery, nothing has to be left in the hallway. When the reception is closed the alarm in the building is activated. Therefore you need to leave the building as soon as you activated the alarm in the gallery. You are not - 2025-01-21

Lecture: The Student's Role in School in a Historical Perspective

Lecture: The Student's Role in School in a Historical Perspective Lecture: The Student's Role in School in a Historical Perspective By Caroline Cabot - Published 15 May 2024 Which groups of students are favored or disadvantaged by the current school system? And how has the student's role in school changed over time? Professor Mona Holmqvist explores these questions in a lecture at the Humanities a - 2025-01-21

Stina Melander

Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: stina [dot] melander [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 45 50Organisation Department of Political Science Room number: 332 Service point: 35 WebpageStina Melanders profile in Lund University research portalPersonal website: Melander is senior lecturer in Political Science. Her main area of research interest - 2025-01-21

Effekter av gruppundantaget för motorfordon - vem sitter i förarsätet?

Motorfordonssektorn har på grund av speciella karaktärsdrag och särskilda konkurrensproblem omfattats av specifika gruppundantagsförordningar sedan 1985. Vid utvärderingen av föregående gruppundantag, förordning 1475/95, konstaterades en bristande konkurrenssituation i branschen där makten i stor utsträckning var koncentrerad till tillverkarna. Den gemensamma marknaden fungerade inte på ett tillfr

Hans-Edvard Roos

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: hans-edvard [dot] roos [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 42 Mobile: +46 72 702 03 07Organisation Sociology Service point: 31 WebpageHans-Edvard Roos profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBook chapterJournal articleReport Filter Participation som aktionsfo - 2025-01-21

Ny bok i november: Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets

Ny bok i november: Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets Ny bok i november: Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets Publicerad den 12 oktober 2023 Tom O'Dell och Lizette Gradén har skrivit en ny bok som släpps i november. Boken bygger på författarnas etnografiska fältarbete på sju museer under fem år och erbjuder en djupgående analys av kulturarv - 2025-01-21