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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11128 hits
Syskon på sjukhus
Sjuksköterskors möte med invandrare inom hemsjukvården
Ångest för ångesten. Den onda cirkeln vid panikångest
Viktminskning genom mental träning
Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och uppfattningar gällande ordinationer enligt generella direktiv
Telefonrådgivning och datorstöd dokumentation
Vikten av information som stöd till föräldrar till prematura barn
Sömn på intensivvårdsavdelningar
Hur arbetar violinpedagoger med notläsningslärande? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fenomenet notläsning
Title: How do violin teachers work with music reading? - A qualitative interview study on the phenomena music reading. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how five violin teachers in mixed ages and from different backgrounds teach music reading to their students. The paper is based on semi structured interviews. The result shows that there are as many methods as respondents, but you can fi
Överträdelser av konkurrenslagen - en form av ekonomisk brottslighet som bör kriminaliseras?
Konkurrensen ses idag som ett av de grundläggande fundamenten i det samhällsekonomiska systemet. En väl fungerande konkurrens antas leda till samhällsekonomisk effektivitet och, som en följd därav, välfärd för samhällsmedborgarna. Förutsättningarna för en väl fungerande konkurrens påverkas av flera faktorer, som t ex olika typer av samverkan mellan marknadsaktörerna. Då företagen drivs av en sträv
Flödesekonomi – Supply Chain Management
Transkulturell omvårdnad
Rights and obligations for students geology eng v5
Department of Geology/Education/Rights and Obligations Your rights and obligations as a student – where to turn You are studying at a department that is your workplace, just as it is for your fellow students, lecturers and other staff. The head of department is responsible for the physical and psychosocial environment in the workplace and for the provision of education. What rights and obligations - 2025-01-19
GRAND CHALLENGE: Effective and Meaningful Biodiversity Conservation Strategies Across Scales
Scratching the Surface In the Spotlight: Bringing Biodiversity to Policy and Society Maj Rundlöf about Biodiversity under Global Change: Policy Councils and moreOne of the main aims of BECC is to bring state-of-the-art science into policy processes to support evidence-based decision-making regarding biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing climate. As a member of the Swedish Climate Pol
Agneta Kruse
Senior lecturer Contact details Email: agneta [dot] kruse [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 86 69 Mobile: +46 73 828 32 10Organisation Department of Economics Service point: 10 WebpageAgneta Kruses profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer Centre for Economic Demography Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type - 2025-01-19
Inga Persson
Professor emerita Contact details Email: inga [dot] persson [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 95 47Organisation Department of Economics Room number: EC1:267 Service point: 10 WebpageInga Perssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Professor emerita Centre for Economic Demography Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type - 2025-01-19