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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11084 hits

NAC retreat lunch to lunch 2-3 April 2025

To sign up for registration Name (required) Email (required) Jag kan delta vid NAC CORE retreat vid följande tillfällen 2 april kl 12.00 till 3 april kl 13.00 8 april kl 12.00 till 9 april kl 13.00 15 april kl 12.00 till 16 april kl 13.00 Participate? (required) I hereby sign up for NAC retreat April 2 at 12.00 to April 3 at 13.00 Ystad Saltsjöbad Sorry, I can't participate ... and preferably avoi - 2025-01-15

Sacharias Votinius

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: sacharias [dot] votinius [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 63Organisation Department of Law Room number: T420B Service point: 56 WebpageSacharias Votinius profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU) Associate professor Department of Law Publications Displayi - 2025-01-16

A Fourier approach to valuating derivative assets

This paper valuates two different financial contracts, the European Call and the Spread option using the Fourier transform. In the European Call case the underlying asset is modelled by the geometric Brownian motion stochastic differential equation. All necessary conditions in order for the transform to exists are examined and it turns out that the payoff needs to be scaled by an exponential facto

Tankar kring att medverka i en vänbok, och klimaträttsforskning

Den här festskriften är tillägnad Jan Darpö, professor i miljörätt vid Uppsala universitet. Författarna bakom boken vill uppmärksamma Darpös stora betydelse för såväl miljörätten som den rättsvetenskapliga forskningen i stort. Vid tiden för överlämnandet av denna festskrift har Jan Darpö, eller Janne som hans vänner och kollegor brukar kalla honom, uppnått pensionsålder. Trots det fortsätter han a

Målarens musik - Harmoniska metoder för modal musik

Title: Strokes of music - Harmonic methods for modal music. The aim of this paper is to develop harmonic methods for music based on different modes or scales. It begins with an exploration of the music of Claude Debussy and then goes on with other methods and scales and also includes an analytic chapter and results at the end. With "strokes of music" I mean a musical technique, which ha