Creating Democracy
Vi gjorde en engelska variant av Skapa demokrati som spelades på Svenska Ambassaden, Georgetown University och en skolklass i Whittier Elementary School
Vi gjorde en engelska variant av Skapa demokrati som spelades på Svenska Ambassaden, Georgetown University och en skolklass i Whittier Elementary School
Har yttre belöningar (exempelvis guldstjärnor i kanten av skrivboken) en negativ inverkan på elevers inre motivation? Minskar intresset för människor att engagera sig i eller prestera väl i en uppgift när yttre belöningar erbjuds? Flera meta-analyser har visat att så är fallet. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) är en teori som såväl teoretiskt som praktiskt belyser hur lärare kan stödja elever för a
At the End of the World About the Program Our Research Team Events Previous Next At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present The Latest Newsletter Upcoming Webinar Trailer Read more Current events Our Researchers Our Events Our Publications Distinguished Lecture at CAPAS by Jayne Svenungsson: Political Theologies at the End of - 2025-01-18
LITERATURE LISTS: 1 Collection Łakociński, Z. PIZ’s Collections in Lund Printed and stencilled material Content: Literature in English 71 volumes p. 1-14 Literature in French 9 volumes p. 14-17 Literature in other Roman languages 1 volume p. 17 Literature in Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic 15 volumes p. 17-21 Literature in Polish 70 volumes p. 21-42 Literature in other Slavonic languages 1 volume - 2025-01-19
Prel.Schema MVEN018 - Klimatstrategiska metoder Vårterminen 2017 OBS Alla starttider med kvart utom tentamen! Kurstid: 20 mars – 04 juni 2017 Kursansvarig: Niklas Vareman Lärare: CW Christine Wamsler HT Henrik Tehler NV Niklas Vareman DH David Harnesk MA Marcus Abrahamsson JMP Jurate Miliute-Plepiene AP Andrius Plepys Salar: Sal ”Liganden” (D202), Biologihuset hus D, se karta Litteratur: - Wamsler - 2025-01-19
STRATEGISK MILJÖUTVECKLING (MVET11) MILJÖVETENSKAP Preliminärt schema 170619 Kurs: MVET II Kursansva Bernadett Kiss; Julia Nussholz Lärare: Bernadett Kiss (BK), Julia Nussholz (JN), Andrius Plepys (AP), Sofie Sandin (SS), Peter Arnfalk (PA), Matthias Lehner (ML), Jessika Luth Richter (JLK) Lokaler: Raggmossan, Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37. Litteratur: see additional file Studieteknik: Läs om studie - 2025-01-19
Changing political and personal narratives of aviation, climate, and the good life in Sweden The takeoff of staying on the ground is funded by the Swedish research council Formas and involves researchers Kimberly Nicholas and Johannes Stripple together with the PhD student Sara Ullström. Continuation of business as usual trends for aviation are incompatible with meeting national and international - 2025-01-17
To understand the world around us, we need to understand what causes social and economic development. What drives and what hinders economic growth, climate change, gender equality and peaceful societies? And what makes some individuals and societies more resilient than others? To understand the world around us, we need to understand what causes social and economic development. Photo: Pixabay Resea - 2025-01-17
Librarian Contact details Email: gunilla [dot] wiklund [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 85Organisation Library Room number: 229 Service point: 56 WebpagePersonal website:!kult-gwi Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookConference paperConference paper: abstractJournal articleLicentiate thesisReport Filter It´s - 2025-01-19
Professor Contact details Email: markku [dot] rummukainen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 96 84Organisation Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) Visiting address: Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37, Lund Room number: C326 Service point: 50 WebpageMarkku Rummukainens profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global - 2025-01-19
Visiting professor Contact details Email: kristina [dot] myrvold [at] ctr [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 97 41Organisation History of Religions Room number: LUX: B124 WebpageKristina Myrvolds profile in Lund University research portalKristina Myrvold earned her Ph.D. in History of Religions from Lund University and is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Linnaeus University with a focu - 2025-01-19