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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11085 hits

2013: Finished PhD projects

Department of Human GeographyErik Jönsson     "Fields of Green and Gold: Territorial hunger, rural planning, and the political ecologies of high-end golf"Presentation: Fields of Green and Gold is a multiple case study analysing the placing and establishment of two large-scale, high-profile, upmarket golf developments with the aim of exploring a political ecology of high-end golf. The cases studied - 2025-03-15

Ll smmp22 rev150301

LL_SMMP22_rev150301       Reading list for Place and Destination Development (SMMP22), 15 credits The reading list was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 11 February 2014, revised 1 March 2015. The reading list is valid from 1 March 2015. Colomb, Claire (2012). Staging the new Berlin. Place marketing and the politics of urban reinvention post-1989. Lo - 2025-03-16

SASA016 Syllabus An introduction to social work research and practice

SASA016 An introduction to social work research and practice (reading course; third cycle) 7.5 credits En introduktion till socialt arbete som forsknings- och praktikfält (läskurs, forskarnivå) 7,5 hp 1. Details of approval This syllabus was approved by the School of Social Work’s Department Board on 10 February 2022. 2. General information The course is an independent study third-cycle course wit - 2025-03-16

Lundnew programma eng1

SPAIN SWEDEN POLANDU.K. DENMARK SERBIA ITALY GERMANY WHAT IS UNISTEM DAY? Since 2009, UNISTEM DAY is a one-day meeting organized for high school students. This event solely dedicated to the dissemination and outreach of stem cell science and research provides an opportunity to foster learning, discovery and debate by involving students and teachers in a variety of activities. The event showcases c - 2025-03-16

Mark Brady

Policy officer Contact details Email: mark [dot] brady [at] agrifood [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 41 50 05 Mobile: +46 72 237 04 29Organisation AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU Visiting address: AgriFood Economics Centre, Scheelevägen 15 D, LUND Room number: 4059 Service point: 10 WebpageMark Bradys profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Centre for Environmental a - 2025-03-16

Ll edmb34 h16 160617

Brevmall Litteraturlista för Juridik i teori och praktik ur ett genusperspektiv, 30 hp (EDMB34) Litteraturlistan är fastställd av ledningsgruppen för kandidatprogrammet för equality and diversity managament 2016-06-17. Litteraturlistan börjar gälla 2016-08-07. Delkurs 1 Bengtsson, Peter & Arvidsson, Matilda (2014). Spatial Justice and Street Art. Nordic Journal of Law & Social Research, Vol. 1, No - 2025-03-16

No title

TLV C18 Litteraturlista Litteraturlistan gäller ett (1) år efter avslutat kurstillfälle 1/2 Humaniora och teo log i Centrum fö r teo log i och re l ig ionsvetenskap Litteraturlista för TLV C18 Tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap: Fördjupningskurs, 15 hp, VT 2025 fastställd av studierektor 2024-12-10 Delkurs 1. Teorier och metoder i tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap, 5 hp Graff, Gerald & Birkenstein, - 2025-02-21

Social Policy and Sustainability

While welfare states and associated social policies have been successful in addressing social risks associated with the provision of capitalist growth and increasing their citizens’ wellbeing, they have also contributed to climate emergency and the ecological crisis. We carry out social-policy research of traditional themes such as labour markets, inequality or poverty, but also and particularly i - 2025-03-15