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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11039 hits


LL_KSMA61_121130 Litteraturlista för Innovationer och tjänsteutveckling inom hälsoorganisationer, 15 hp (KSMA61) Litteraturlistan är fastställd av styrelsen för Institutionen för service management 2012-10-16, reviderad senast 2012-11-30. Litteraturlistan gäller from 2013-01-01. Grönroos, Christian. (2008). Service-dominant logic revisited: Who creates value? And who co-creates? European Business - 2025-03-17

A2030 monthly update 230310

Agenda 2030 Graduate School monthly newsletter #2 2023-03-10 Ylva van Meeningen Hi! You can almost sense the ground shaking. Spring is getting ready and all of the flowers and trees and birds are just waiting for that right moment to suddenly leap into action. But just as any typical early spring weather, you never know when it is going to be 10+ °C and sunny and when it is a complete snow storm. - 2025-03-17

David Harnesk

Researcher David Harnesk is an Associate Professor in Sustainability Science with a thematic focus on land issues, social movements and methodology in sustainability transformations. His research is interdisciplinary and action-oriented, currently focusing on the climatic and environmental conditions of Indigenous Sámi reindeer pastoralism, and its surrounding social and political mobilization, in - 2025-03-17

Schema mven18 vt 16-5 0

Prel.Schema MVEN018 - Klimatstrategiska metoder Vårterminen 2016 OBS Alla starttider med kvart utom tentamen! Kurstid: 29-mars – 05 juni 2016 Kurschef: Niklas Vareman Lärare: CW Christine Wamsler EB Ebba Brink HT Henrik Tehler HH Henrik Hassel LA Lotta Andersson TE Therése Ehrnstén HB Helena Björn JJ Jonas Johansson JMP Jurate Miliute-Plepiene AP Andrius Plepys Salar: Raggmossan, Ekologihuset Litt - 2025-03-17

Latest publications

12 Jan 2025 Yttrande för remissen: Vissa åtgärder för stärkt återvändandeverksamhet och utlänningskontroll (SOU 2024:80) Ju2024/02572 Yttrande för remissen: Vissa åtgärder för stärkt återvändandeverksamhet och utlänningskontroll (SOU 2024:80) Ju2024/0257... 6 Mar 2025 Shifting participatory approach when ideology meets reality: a grounded theory study based on project leaders' experiences with pee - 2025-03-15

SASA018 Syllabus Care theories in social work

SASA018 Care theories in social work (reading course; third cycle) 7.5 credits Omsorgsteorier i socialt arbete (läskurs, doktorandnivå) 7,5 hp 1. Details of approval This syllabus was approved by the School of Social Work’s Department Board on 5 February 2020. 2. General information The course is an independent study third-cycle course within the social work main field of study. 3. Learning outcom - 2025-03-17

Göran Djurfeldt

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: goran [dot] djurfeldt [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Human Geography Service point: 16 WebpageGöran Djurfeldts profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Professor emeritus SociologySenior ProfessorSociology, currently associated with the Department of Human GeographyResearching rural and agrarian developoment i Indi - 2025-03-17


Microsoft Word - Interactionism[1].doc     Department  o f  Soc io logy     A. PhD Course in Interactionism (Modern theory 7,5 p) This course has been reviewed by the Director of graduate studies on DAY-MONTH-YEAR. B. Course Details, Assessment, Grades This course is offered by Carl-Göran Heidegren and/or David Wästerfors upon demand as a campus course on the readings listed - 2025-03-17

Marie Appelstrand

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: marie [dot] appelstrand [at] har [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 14 53Organisation Department of Business Law Room number: EC2-363 Service point: 38 WebpageMarie Appelstrands profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference paperDissertationJournal - 2025-03-17

Insikt och Handling 8

Insikt och Handling 8 INSIKT OCH HANDLING Utgiven av Hans Larsson Samfundet Volym 8 CWK GLEERUP REDAKTÖR: URBAN FORELL TRYCKNING: BRÖDERNA EKSTRANDS TRYCKERI AB, LUND 1970 ISSN: 0436-8096 TRYCKT MED BIDRAG FRÅN ANDERS KARITZ’S STIFTELSE, UPPSALA PDF: TABULA, MÄRSTA 2020 ISBN: 978-91-88702-18-0 VERSION 1.0 — 2020-05-14 – 2 – Innehåll 4 »Förnuftets list» Ett idéhistoriskt utkast Gunnar Aspelin 27 Ut - 2025-03-15

Maintain and create new courses at the Department of Informatics

FOR EMPLOYEES AT THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS Syllabi and literature listsThe syllabus is the legal document that regulates the conditions for admission to and completion of the course. It specifies the learning outcomes, content, design, assessment/examination, entry requirements, grading scale and further information, like what teaching sessions that are mandatory on the course. It also states - 2025-03-15

Gnvn04 litteratur vt15

Brevmall Genusvetenskapl iga ins t i tu t ionen GNVN04: Genusvetenskapliga interventioner och debatter. Litteratur VT15 Chodorow, Nancy (2011). Individualising gender and sexuality. New York & London: Routledge. (210 sidor) Donaldson, Laura & Pui-Lan Kwok (red.) (2001). Feminism and Religious Discourse. Routledge (219 sidor) Farrokhzad, Athena (2013). Vitsvit. Stockholm: Albert Bonnier. (70 sidor) - 2025-03-17

Anastasiya Kotova

Doctoral student Contact details Email: anastasiya [dot] kotova [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 93Organisation Department of Law Room number: 186 Service point: 56 WebpageAnastasiya Kotovas profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Human Rights Law Researcher Public International Law Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. - 2025-03-17

Matts Kärreman

Senior lecturer, Assistant head Strategy and Research Policy, Department of Business Administration Contact details Email: matts [dot] karreman [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 01 91Organisation Strategy Room number: Alfa 5,6 rum B407 Service point: 10 WebpageMatts Kärremans profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Assistant head of department Strategy Assistant hea - 2025-03-17

Barnrättsperspektivet i LSS

Lag(1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade trädde i kraft den första januari 1994 som en rättighetslag. Syftet var att människor med funktionsnedsättning skulle få ökad livskvalitet. Genom lagen ville samhället skapa en möjlighet för de som får insatser ”att leva ett liv som andra”. Lagen var planerad som en del av en helhet, där handikappolitikens generella och individuella de

Kollektiv kollaps i lagidrotter - En teoretisk ansats.

Termen ”kollektiv kollaps” förekommer relativt ofta på dagstidningarnas sportsidor, men inte i den idrottspsykologiska litteraturen. På grundval av beskrivningen av kollektiv kollaps i media föreslås följande definition: Kollektiv kollaps inträffar när en majoritet av spelarna i ett idrottslag plötsligt presterar under förväntad standard i en match av stor, ofta avgörande, betydelse trots en norma

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Om Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials trilogi och relationen til hans nye Book of Dust serie.