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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11893 hits

Amin Parsa

Affiliated researcher Contact details Email: amin [dot] parsa [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 30 16Organisation Department of Sociology of Law Service point: 31 WebpageAmin Parsas profile in Lund University research portalResearch areasPolitics of International LawLaw and TechnologyLaw and Politics of bordersPublic International Law including; Laws of Armed Conflict and Internation - 2025-03-15

Master's Thesis

Master's Thesis Master’s Dissertation Structural Mechanics Report TV SM -5273 M ELA N IE D ESH AY ES and TRU LS SO LLI LA RSSO N D ESIG N TO O LS FO R STEEL FR A M ES - C h allen g es reg ard in g stab ility MELANIE DESHAYES and TRULS SOLLI LARSSON DESIGN TOOLS FOR STEEL FRAMES Challenges regarding stability DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION SCIENCES DIVISION OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS ISRN LUTVDG/TVSM--24/ - 2025-03-13

Lina Herbertsson

Researcher Contact details Email: lina [dot] herbertsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se Mobile: +46 70 296 42 55Organisation Sensory Biology Visiting address: Sölvegatan 35, Lund Room number: B336 Service point: 4 WebpageLina Herbertssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate Researcher Lund Vision Group - 2025-03-15

Searching for the Grail – Sigrid Combüchen's tale Parsifal.

The Writer: Sigrid Combüchen was born in Solingen in the German Ruhr territory 1942. Shortly after the War her family moved to Sweden. She is a Swedish writer and literary critic and has so far published seven novels, a collection of essays and a biography (on the Norwegian novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1920, Knut Hamsun). She received the 2004 Selma Lagerlöf Prize and 2007

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian st

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 25 feb LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia 25 februari 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium - 2025-01-28

PhD defense in General Linguistics: Sandra Cronhamn - A grammar of Baniwa classifiers

PhD defense in General Linguistics: Sandra Cronhamn - A grammar of Baniwa classifiers | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 31 jan PhD defense in General Linguistics: Sandra Cronhamn - A grammar of Baniwa classifiers 31 januari 2025 10:15 till 12:00 Disputation Sandra Cronhamn will defend her PhD thesis in General Linguistics A grammar of Baniwa classifiers Faculty Opponent: Associate Professor Katharina - 2025-01-31

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian st

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 25 feb LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia 25 februari 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium - 2025-02-24

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian st

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 25 feb LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia 25 februari 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium - 2025-02-25

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian st

LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 25 feb LAMiNATE Talks: Angelica Zordan — L1 and L2 compound processing: An eye-tracking study on Italian students with typical development and developmental dyslexia 25 februari 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium - 2025-02-25

Musicology and intermedia studies higher research seminar: Music, Mental Health, and Gender in Young

Musicology and intermedia studies higher research seminar: Music, Mental Health, and Gender in Young Women’s algorithmically mediated music practices | Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper 8 apr Musicology and intermedia studies higher research seminar: Music, Mental Health, and Gender in Young Women’s algorithmically mediated music practices 8 april 2025 15:15 till 17:00 Seminarium Veronika Muchit - 2025-03-03


Title Master’s Dissertation Engineering Acoustics EMMA ARVIDSSON THE SOUND ENVIRONMENT IN PRESCHOOLS - A Guide to Acoustical Improvements with Regard to Health and Learning DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION SCIENCES DIVISION OF ENGINEERING ACOUSTICS ISRN LUTVDG/TVBA--14/5043--SE (1-95) | ISSN 0281-8477 MASTER’S DISSERTATION Supervisor: DELPHINE BARD, Ass. Professor; Division of Engineering Acoustics, LTH - 2025-03-13

Musicology and intermedia studies: Music, Mental Health, and Gender in Young Women’s algorithmically

Musicology and intermedia studies: Music, Mental Health, and Gender in Young Women’s algorithmically mediated music practices | Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper 8 apr Musicology and intermedia studies: Music, Mental Health, and Gender in Young Women’s algorithmically mediated music practices 8 april 2025 15:15 till 17:00 Seminarium Veronika Muchitsch In this presentation, Veronica outlines an i - 2025-03-14

Microsoft Word - ASP Gamla testamentets exegetik.doc

Microsoft Word - ASP Gamla testamentets exegetik.doc Postadress Box 192, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Helgonavägen 3, hus B Telefon dir 046-222 83 15, växel 046-222 00 00 Telefax 046-222 44 10 E-post Internet Humanist iska och teologiska fakul teterna Centrum för teologi och rel ig ionsvetenskap Gamla testamentets exeget ik Allmän studieplan för utbildn - 2025-03-13

From impersonal to reflexive verbJB

From impersonal to reflexive verbJB Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 100 (2018), 1–19 From impersonal to reflexive verb Cecilia Falk Stockholm University Abstract Old Swedish had impersonally construed verbs with an oblique subject(-like) Experiencer argu- ment. Most of them are personally construed verbs today, with nominative Experiencer. Whereas this change for most formerly impersonal ver - 2025-03-13

Lyckan kommer, lyckan går

Lyckan kommer, lyckan går   Hem Teman Den fantastiska hjärnan Hållbar framtid Det digitala samhället Blir världen bättre? Smart samhälle Plast Migration Bakterier – vän eller fiende Arbete för alla? Ljusets inneboende kraft Afrika Nära döden Till sista droppen Vår tredimensionella värld Naturen inspirerar Nano – små saker spelar roll Epigenetik – Kartan över ditt hemliga liv Tro, hopp och tanke Br - 2025-03-11

Markus Tullberg

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: markus [dot] tullberg [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music) WebpageMarkus Tullbergs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Lecturer Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music) Profile area member LU Profile Area: Natural and Artificial CognitionI am a Senior Lecturer in Music Education. In addition to conducting - 2025-03-15

Ll ksmc52 rev180820

LL_KSMC52_rev180820 Reading list for Leadership in Service Organisations (KSMC52), 15 Credits The reading list was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 20 August 2018. The reading list is valid from 1 October 2018. Alvehus, Johan (2018). Emergent, distributed, and orchestrated: Understanding leadership through frame analysis. Leadership Online First. 1– - 2025-03-15

LUX_ och SOL-guiden uppdaterad höstterminen 2023

LUX_ och SOL-guiden uppdaterad höstterminen 2023 LUX- och SOL-guiden CAMPUS FÖR HUMANIORA OCH TEOLOGI 3LUX- OCH SOL-GUIDEN | CAMPUS FÖR HUMANIORA OCH TEOLOGI Välkommen till LUX och SOL! Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna (HT-fakulteterna) finns främst i byggnaderna LUX och SOL. Denna broschyr ger dig information om dessa byggnader och praktisk vägledning i olika frågor som gäller dina studie - 2025-03-13

No title

LUX- och SOL-guiden CAMPUS FÖR HUMANIORA OCH TEOLOGI 3LUX- OCH SOL-GUIDEN | CAMPUS FÖR HUMANIORA OCH TEOLOGI Välkommen till LUX och SOL! Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna (HT-fakulteterna) finns främst i byggnaderna LUX och SOL. Denna broschyr ger dig information om dessa byggnader och praktisk vägledning i olika frågor som gäller dina studier. Du hittar information om LUX på sidan 4 och om - 2025-03-13

Profinst sep2013 webb

Professorsinstallation Lunds universitet | auLan | 6 september 2013 kL 16.00 Denna broschyr finns på installandis institutioner och kan också beställas från kommunikationsavdelningen, tel 046-222 70 10, e-post Broschyren finns även på installationer Produktion Kommunikationsavdelningen, Lunds universitet Foto Kennet Ruon - 2025-03-15