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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11929 hits

Rustamjon Urinboyev

Associate professor Contact details Email: rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 37 99Organisation Department of Sociology of Law Service point: 31 WebpageRustamjon Urinboyevs profile in Lund University research portalResearch AreasCorruption and InformalitySocio-Legal Approaches to MigrationLegal Pluralism and Legal CultureReligion and Ethnicity in Post-Soviet - 2025-03-14

Research evaluation iiiee 2014

Research Evaluation 2014 SELF EVALUATION | THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS – IIIEE | LUND UNIVERSITY 2014 2 RESEARCH EVALUATION 2014 Print and typesetting by Media-Tryck, 2014 Lund University 3RESEARCH EVALUATION 2014 Innehåll 1. AIM AND APPROACH ................................................................. 4 2. IIIEE – ADVANCING STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE SO - 2025-03-14

Emma westling

LUMES LUMES Lund University 2005-11-21 Cooperation – a possibility or a barrier on the path to sustainable water management? - Exploring the role of cooperation in the Water Framework Directive from a local perspective Author: Emma Westling Bodekullsgatan 23 A 214 40 Malmö Supervisor: Göran Ewald 046-222 80 83 Abst - 2025-03-14

Claim form - Student In and Student Out

Claim form - Student In and Student Out Postal address Kammarkollegiet, 651 80 Karlstad Street address Våxnäsgatan 10, Karolinen Telephone 054-22 12 00 Fax 054-15 56 10 Organisation reg. no. 202100-0829 Bankgiro 5052-5740 Claim form Student IN For faster processing, it is important that the form is accurately filled in and personally signed. You - 2025-03-13

Claim form - Student In and Student Out

Claim form - Student In and Student Out Postal address Kammarkollegiet, 651 80 Karlstad Street address Våxnäsgatan 10, Karolinen Telephone 054-22 12 00 Fax 054-15 56 10 Organisation reg. no. 202100-0829 Bankgiro 5052-5740 Claim form Student IN For faster processing, it is important that the form is accurately filled in and personally signed. You - 2025-03-13


Wpss88 WORKING PAPERS IN SCANDINAVIAN SYNTAX 88 Henrik Rosenkvist Verb raising and referential null subjects in Övdalian 1–20 Kari Kinn Overt non-referential subjects and subject-verb agreement in Middle Norwegian 21–50 Mayumi Hosono Verb movement as tense operator movement 51–80 Jim Wood & Einar Frey Sigur!sson Icelandic verbal agreement pronoun antecedent relations 81–130 Eva Klingvall On non-co - 2025-03-13

Göran Frank

Director of graduate studies Contact details Email: goran [dot] frank [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 76 35Organisation Combustion Physics Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1, Lund Room number: C376C Service point: 14 WebpageGöran Franks profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system Profile area member L - 2025-03-14

SWEAH Annual Report 2023 ENG

Established by the SWEAH Board, 22 March 2024 Annual Report 2023 Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health Photo: Lill Eriksson Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health Annual Report 2023 2 Table of Contents page Summary 3 Management ◦ SWEAH partner universities 4 ◦ The Board 5 ◦ The graduate school’s management and administration 6 - 2025-03-14

Transkriberad version av ämnespodden om beteendevetenskap, psykologi och kommunikation

Hej och välkomna till dagens avsnitt av Ämnespodden. Vi talar om ämnena beteendevetenskap, psykologi och kommunikation. Mitt namn är Ismar. Jag läser en master i rättssociologi– –och har tidigare läst en kandidat i mänskliga rättigheter. Jag valde Lunds universitet för att det är ett av de bästa universiteten i världen– –och för att möjligheterna efter studietiden och under är oändliga. Jag heter - 2025-03-14

TVSM-7000 (1995-1989)

TVSM-7000 (1995-1989) | Division of Structural Mechanics Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any pe - 2025-01-28

Insikt och Handling 18

Insikt och Handling 18 INSIKT OCH HANDLING Utgiven av Hans Larsson Samfundet Volym 18 REDAKTÖR: BO HANSON BOX 57 193 22 SIGTUNA TRYCKNING: CARL BLOMS BOKTRYCKERI, LUND 1994 ISSN: 0436-8096 ISBN: 91-630-2619-8 TRYCKT MED BIDRAG FRÅN ANDERS KARITZ’ STIFTELSE PDF: TABULA, MÄRSTA 2020 ISBN: 978-91-88702-28-9 VERSION 1.0 — 2020-05-15 – 2 – Innehåll 4 Moraliska roller Dan Egonsson 20 Speciesism och huma - 2025-03-13

Protokoll 7 februari 2013

Protokoll 7 februari 2013 LUNDS UNIVERSITETLUNDS UNIVERSITETLUNDS UNIVERSITETLUNDS UNIVERSITET PROTOKOLLPROTOKOLLPROTOKOLLPROTOKOLL 1(4) Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna Sammanträdestid Forskarutbildningsnämnden 2013-02-07 klockan 9.15 – 12.15 Närvarande ledamöterNärvarande ledamöterNärvarande ledamöterNärvarande ledamöter Gunlög Josefsson professor Linde Lindkvist doktorand Fredrik Lindst - 2025-03-13

Miljö, klimat och hållbar samhällsutveckling

Sociologiska institutionen fyller 75 år och firar med tillbakablickande berättelser. Anna-Lisa Lindén har sedan 1965 varit verksam som lärare och forskare vid Lunds universitet och blev licentiat i sociologi 1972 och docent 1983. Hon har huvudsakligen varit verksam vid Sociologiska institutionen och även varit anställd som forskare vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) vid institutionerna för Teknisk - 2025-03-13


The Art of Writing and Speaking 2011 S ta t s ve tenskap l i ga Fö ren ingen 2011 Lund Un i ve r s i t y the art of writing & speaking 1 Preface The original version of this publication was produced in the academic year 1995/96 through a fruitful cooperation between senior lecturer Gertrud Pettersson of the Department of Scandinavian Languages and tutors at the Department of Political Science in L - 2025-03-14

SIMM32 FINAL 220404

SIMM32 FINAL 220404 1 GRADUATE SCHOOL METHODS COURSES SIMM32 Quantitative Methods: Multivariate Analysis Version 1.0 – March 2022 SPRING 2022 2 1. WELCOME SIMM32 QUANTITATIVE METHODS: MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS Contact info Graduate School e-mail: Home page: Facebook: Student Union Home page: Lund University Home page: ht - 2025-03-14


PRME REPORT 2022 UN PRME SIP 2022 | LUND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SHARING INFORMATION ON PROGRESS: ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY 3 A word from the Dean Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) is part of Lund University, the largest university in Sweden, situated in the beautiful medieval town of Lund. LUSEM benefits enormously from its position a - 2025-03-14

MartinaA Caretta CV 210308

Curriculum vitae MARTINA ANGELA CARETTA, PHD Birth date : 29th April 1986 Citizenships : Sweden and Italy PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE January 2021- Senior Lecturer Human Geography Department, Lund University, Sweden August 2016 – December 2020 Assistant Professor of Geography Dept. of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University, USA December 2016 – November 2017 UN - 2025-03-14

MartinaA Caretta CV 210726

Curriculum vitae MARTINA ANGELA CARETTA, PHD Birth date : 29th April 1986 Citizenships : Sweden and Italy PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE January 2021- Senior Lecturer Human Geography Department, Lund University, Sweden August 2016 – December 2020 Assistant Professor of Geography Dept. of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University, USA December 2016 – November 2017 UN - 2025-03-14

Jubileumsboken hemsidan

Pufendorfinstitutet 2009 – 2019 En jubileumsskrift LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 P U FE N D O R FIN S T IT U T E T 2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 9 – E N JU B ILE U M S S K R IFT Pufendorfinstitutet 2009 – 2019 En jubileumsskrift LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 P U FE N D O R FIN S T IT U T E T 2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 9 – E N JU B ILE U M S S K - 2025-03-14


Mediedrev allt vanligare Tips från forskningsfinansiärer Forskning + kabaré = succé Big data Lunds universitets magasin | nr 8 | 2014 – en digitaL revoLution 2 LUM nr 8 | 2014 LUM nr 8 | 2014 3 Huruvida den skånska långsam­ heten är en livsfara eller möjlighet, förblev oklart då Kunskapskabarén bjöd in till en föreställning på det temat. Helt klart var dock att idén med att leverera forskning i fo - 2025-03-14