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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11996 hits

Lund University Future Week 12-18 October

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 6 October 2020 LUCSUS organises two events at the Future week at Lund University, discussing the future of social movements and the future of traveling, in the light of both the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic. The events will take place both onsite and online. 14 October 15.00-16.00:  The future - 2025-02-19

Thomas Sterner no 9 of Sweden's most influential opinion leaders

Published 2 May 2016 Thomas Sterner, professor of environmental economics at School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg,and BECC PI, has been ranked as no 9 of the most 101 influential opinion leaders in Sweden for sustainable development. The ranking is made by the sustainability magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet. Motivation: The professor's engagement is most noticeable internatio - 2025-02-19

My aerobic capacity – RPC

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 31 May 2022 Anita Wisén. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter. In order to be able to prescribe the appropriate dose of physical activity to patients, healthcare professionals need to consider a range of individual factors. There is a need to facilitate the assessment of aerobic capacity i. e. maximal oxygen uptake capacity (VO2max), - 2025-02-19

Timbuktu on the University’s Cultural Council: ”A glimpse under the bonnet”

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 25 October 2024 Jason Diakité. Photo: Jenny Leyman The next-door neighbour whose home you’ve never been inside. That was how Jason Diakité, also known as hip hop artist Timbuktu, felt about the University while growing up in Lund. Today, he feels differently – having been awarded an honorary doctora - 2025-02-20

Study on Covid-19 among healthcare professionals

Published 21 December 2020 Our latest study on COVID-19 transmission risk among healthcare professionals, a collaboration between Prof Magnus Rasmussen (Dep. of Infection Medicine) and Associate Professor Yang De Marinis (Dep. of Clinical Sciences).  The study was conducted on ~500 healthcare professionals and staff members from 9 units at the Skåne University Hospital in Malmö and Lund, as well a - 2025-02-19

Markus Lahtinen speaks on AI and camera surveillance

By carla [dot] bohme [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (Carla Böhme) - published 12 October 2023 Markus Lahtinen. Photo: Johan Persson Markus Lahtinen, researcher and lecturer at the Department of Informatics, Lund University, has been interviewed by both Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) for expert insights on the use of AI for crime-fighting purposes. The articles in DN and SvD report on - 2025-02-20

Social scientists at the Sustainability Week 8-13 April

By helena [dot] lind [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Helena Lind) - published 25 March 2024 Sustainability week is an annual event in Lund organised as a joint venture by Lund University and Lund municipality. As usual, researchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences participate in several interesting events. Come and listen to your colleagues! The week serves as a platform for bringing together ideas - 2025-02-19

Funding for project on a second side to the refugee crisis

Published 3 July 2018 Priscilla Solano has received a three-year grant from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet VR) for a research project that will study ”a second side to the refugee crisis” - how civil society organisations filled the gaps left by EU national policies and fulfilled refugees’ and migrants’ basic needs: food, a place to stay and legal assistance. Priscilla Solano’s Inte - 2025-02-19

Etikråd håller rågången mot tvivelaktigt handlande

Publicerad 15 september 2016 Macchiarinis luftstrupar är en av de största skandalerna inom universitetsvärlden på senare tid. Ärendet visar brist på etik och moral ur flera perspektiv. – Detta hände förvisso vid Karolinska institutet, men vid varje lärosäte görs dagligen bedömningar som kan få stora konsekvenser, säger vicerektor Bo Ahrén, ordförande i universitetets nyinrättade Etikrådet. Univers - 2025-02-19

Tenure track positions

Published 12 February 2016 The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, is hereby announcing three tenure track positions; Associated Senior Lecturer in the Study of Modern China (application now closed) Associated Senior Lecturer in the Study of Modern Japan (application now closed) Associated Senior Lecturer in the Study of Modern South-East Asia (application now closed) Pl - 2025-02-19

Nya hedersdoktorer för 2018 utsedda

Publicerad 22 februari 2018 De humanistiska, teologiska, juridiska och medicinska fakulteterna har utsett följande hedersdoktorer som kommer att promoveras vid jubelpromotionen den 25 maj. Humaniora Timothy Snyder, professor i historia vid Yale University i USA blir hedersdoktor för sina enastående insatser inom forskningsfältet europeisk historia samt för sitt stora engagemang i den internationel - 2025-02-20

Hello there, Ann-Catrin Johansson!

By maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - published 7 February 2024 Get to know Ann-Catrin Johansson, the new coordinator at the Unit for Educational Support since the beginning of the year. Ann-Catrin has previously worked as a librarian at LTH with a focus on teaching information literacy as well as reading and writing support for students. Over the next t - 2025-02-19

Walking energy, talking energy!

Published 30 September 2019 A café discussion about energy and how to heat our homes in a sustainable way in the future. This event is part of the Future Week at Lund University, 14-20 October. During Future Week at Lund University, the IIIEE is organising Walking energy, talking energy, a café discussion, that aims to encourage the participants of the event to share experiences and visions of how - 2025-02-20

Trump gör presidentvalet till en wrestlingmatch

Av ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - publicerad 10 september 2024 Donald Trump har en stark koppling till professionell wrestling, framför allt genom sitt samarbete med World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Foto: Hugo Fernandes, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Donald Trumps bakgrund inom amerikansk wrestling har bäddat för hans politiska karriär. Genom - 2025-02-20

Final report: New organisation and reduced costs for the animal house

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 18 June 2024 Information meeting about the final report from the investigation of the animal houses at the Faculty of Medicine on 17 June. Photo: Jon Ulvsgärd The final report of how to achieve a cost reduction of SEK 40 million in the animal house organisation by 2027 including an action plan to reach this goal has now - 2025-02-19

HTs blivande dekan: – Vi har en generation starka unga forskare på gång

Publicerad 7 december 2017 Johannes Persson började med matematik men blev filosof. Efter noggrann prövning av argument för och emot tackar han alltid ja till förfrågningar om nya uppdrag, nu senast till att bli dekan för HT-fakulteterna. – Jag är nyfiken på hur universitetet fungerar, säger han. Johannes Persson ser ljust på HT:s framtid. Viss inblick har Johannes Persson redan fått som prefekt f - 2025-02-20

Stor donation säkrar Winstrup-projektet

Publicerad 8 maj 2015 Intresset för Peder Winstrups mumie fortsätter att växa. Tack vare donationer är projektet nu säkrat, vilket skapar förutsättningar för såväl fler undersökningar som en kommande bok och utställning. Det finns också goda förhoppningar om att kroppen kan återföras till Lunds domkyrka. Biskop Peder Winstrup (1605-1679), initiativtagare till Lunds universitet. – Vi kan konstatera - 2025-02-19

Journalister och dansk historiker blir hedersdoktorer vid Humanistiska fakulteten

Av gisela [dot] lindberg [at] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se (Gisela Lindberg) - publicerad 27 november 2019 Från vänster: Thomas Lunderquist (foto:Martin Magntorn), Lars Mogensen (foto: Emma Larsson), Anette Warring. Journalisterna Thomas Lunderquist och Lars Mogensen, producent respektive programledare för radioprogrammet Filosofiska rummet, och Anette Warring, professor i historia vid Roskilde univ - 2025-02-20