drogberoende – Vetenskap och Hälsa
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/drogberoende/ - 2024-12-28
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/drogberoende/ - 2024-12-28
Du som har läst engelska i den svenska skolan har en bra grund, men universitetsstudier i engelska kan ta dig ytterligare steg på vägen. I denna kurs får du lära dig mer om skillnaderna mellan engelska och svenska, så att du sedan kan undvika att göra de fel som personer med svensk språkbakgrund ofta gör. Du blir dessutom bättre på att förklara och motivera för andra vad som är korrekt och passandThis is an Internet-based course that teaches you more about general grammar, English grammar, and the grammatical differences between Swedish and English. Because of the fact that differences between Swedish and English play such a big role in this course, Swedish is a formal requirement, and the course is not an option for most exchange students. The only exception is exchange students with nati
Korruption är ett svårfångat begrepp som behöver studeras och förstås ur multidisciplinära perspektiv. Med denna uppfattning som grund syftar kursen till att introducera studenterna för globala och tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på området för korruptions-, och antikorruptionsstudier. Mer specifikt undersöker den uppkomsten, förklaringen, fortlevnaden och närvaron av korruptionen ur olika samhällsveCorruption is a multifaceted concept that needs to be studied and understood from many perspectives. From this point of departure, this course aims to introduce the students to global and transdisciplinary perspectives in the area of corruption and anticorruption studies. More specifically, the course examines the emergence, existence and explanation of corruption from different social sciences pe
How can a global health program apply a right based approach? Is health a necessity for the enjoyment of human rights? These are some of the questions that you will have the opportunity to explore through web-based lectures, seminars and self-studies in the course. The course welcomes students from different disciplines. Maybe you are working with public or global health and would like to learn moHow can a global health program apply a right based approach? Is health a necessity for the enjoyment of human rights? These are some of the questions that you will have the opportunity to explore through web-based lectures, seminars and self-studies in the course. The course welcomes students from different disciplines. Maybe you are working with public or global health and would like to learn mo
Kursens mål är att studenterna efter avslutad kurs skall förstå olika evolutionära frågeställningar och förklaringsmodeller, samt hur dessa modeller och metoder appliceras på biologiska system. Kursen introducerar och förklarar olika evolutionära frågeställningar och förklaringsmodeller samt illustrerar hur modeller och metoder appliceras på biologiska system från molekyler till ekosystem. KursThe general aim of the course is to enable students to understand the aims, theories, models and methodologies of contemporary evolutionary biology, and how these are applied to different biological systems. The course will enable students to acquire extensive knowledge and understanding of fundamental topics in evolutionary biology. The course will explain how the history of life can be unrave
Den hebreiska bibeln (Tanach) är skriven på hebreiska (och lite arameiska) – ett språk som europeiska judar knappast förstod, eftersom de talade jiddisch i sina dagliga liv. Jiddischtexter som komponerats sedan medeltiden och fram till det tjugoförsta århundradet kommer att bli studerade, omfattande fullständiga och bokstavliga översättningar, didaktisk litteratur, återberättelser i prosa och i po The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) is written in Hebrew (and some Aramaic) – a language that European Jews hardly understood, as they spoke Yiddish in their daily lives.Yiddish texts composed since the Middle Ages and up to the twenty-first century will be studied, encompassing full and literal translations, didactic literature, retellings in prose and in poetry, and dramatic and cinematic adaptati
Through an overview of the historical and cultural contexts in which the biblical narratives were written, the course will critically examine a selection of debated narratives, described in various literary sources, and how they relate to archaeological finds and material remains. Throughout the course you will examine the importance of biblical archeology for biblical interpretations, for our undThrough an overview of the historical and cultural contexts in which the biblical narratives were written, the course will critically examine a selection of debated narratives, described in various literary sources, and how they relate to archaeological finds and material remains. Throughout the course you will examine the importance of biblical archeology for biblical interpretations, for our und
Kursen innehåller moment om forskningsetik med fokus på principer för god vetenskaplig sed samt regelverk för etikprövning och procedurer kring frågor om oredlighet. Kursen ger även kunskap om och träning i att planera forskningsprojekt. Kursen innehåller en del där metodologi, relationer mellan teori och metod, forskningsetik samt olika forskningstraditioner behandlas, samt en del med praktiska mThe course contains elements of research ethics with a focus on principles of good scientific practice and regulations for ethics review and procedures on issues of misconduct. The course also provides knowledge and training in planning a research project. The course contains a part where methodology, research ethics and various research traditions are discussed, as well as practical method e
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/baljvaxter/ - 2024-12-28
Genom att förstå ljusets växelverkan med materia kommer studenterna sedan att kunna välja lämpliga metoder för att få information om elektroniska och kemiska egenskaper eller strukturella egenskaper. Kursen ger en genomgång av principerna för de viktigaste spektroskopimetoderna med röntgenstrålning. I kursen behandlas följande aspekter: Växelverkan mellan ljus och materia, framförallt atomer.Atoms, molecules, and the solid state of matter can be described using the same principles. The electronic structure of matter (i.e. the distribution and dynamics of the electron density) plays a decisive role for its structural and chemical properties, and it is the electronic structure of matter which is mirrored by the results of the spectroscopy techniques used in atomic, molecular, and solid
This course equips you to critically analyse the problems and future prospects of human rights work in East and South-East Asia. We focus on the cultural, social, economic and political factors that prevent or promote the protection for human rights in different societies in East and South-East Asia. You analyse and discuss differences and similarities with regard to problems and policies coThis course equips you to critically analyse the problems and future prospects of human rights work in East and South-East Asia. We focus on the cultural, social, economic and political factors that prevent or promote the protection for human rights in different societies in East and South-East Asia. You analyse and discuss differences and similarities with regard to problems and policies co
Den här kursen är upplagd för att främja studentaktiva arbetssätt där teoretiska studier, egna undersökningar och eget konstnärligt arbete integreras. Undervisningen sker främst i form av seminarier, föreläsningar, workshops, och handledning och självstudier Vi lär oss bygga digitalt arkiv och curatoriskt beslutsfattande, utformar egna visningsrum på olika plattformar, och konstruerar en digiThis course is designed to empower participants to transform their diverse collections into captivating digital archive work The teaching is mainly based on literature seminar in which the participants start to build a digital archive, learn curatorial decision-making, design their own exhibition space on different platforms and design a digital narrative in a systematic way. We will learn curator
Vi kommer att arbeta ur ett globalt perspektiv och beakta hur en ökad global sammankoppling gällande politik, ekonomi, reglering, miljö, konflikter, migration och aktivism påverkar förståelsen av och arbetet med mänskliga rättigheter inte bara internationellt utan även på nationell och lokal nivå. Vi tittar på aktörer som innehar rättigheter eller har en skyldighet att realisera rättigheter. KurseThe global perspective means taking into account the ways in which increasing global connections – in politics, economy, regulations, environment, conflicts, migration, and activism – affect how human rights are conceived and used, internationally, nationally, and regionally. “Agents” refer both to agents that have human rights and agents that are responsible for realizing human rights. “Indicator
Till Sholem Aleichems viktigaste verk räknas hans monologer Mjölkmannen Tevye, Järnvägsberättelser och Menakhem Mendel. Dessa verk diskuteras och analyseras i relation till den kris som den ryska, judiska kulturen genomgick från början av 1880-talet och fram till andra världskrigets utbrott. Sholem Aleichems möte med den amerikanska kulturen - vistelsen i USA 1905-1906 och emigrationen till USA 19Sholem Aleichem's most important works include his monologues Milkman Tevye, Railway Stories and Menakhem Mendel. These works are discussed and analyzed in relation to the crisis that Russian Jewish culture underwent from the beginning of the 1880s until the outbreak of the Second World War. Sholem Aleichem's encounter with American culture - the stay in the United States in 1905-1906 and the emig
Some relevant issues on Church and National Socialism are being related to German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
The study of media, communication and culture has a rich tradition in various methodological positions in the social sciences and humanities. This course critically evaluates established methodological perspectives on research methods in the study of media in society and culture. The course is structured according to a critical reading of dominant methodological and epistemological perspectives oThe study of media, communication and culture has a rich tradition in various methodological positions in the social sciences and humanities. This course critically evaluates established methodological perspectives on research methods in the study of media in society and culture. The course is structured according to a critical reading of dominant methodological and epistemological perspectives o
The course considers the roots of contemporary development problems from a long run perspective. Emphasis is placed upon economic change in the south during the period 1500-1945. The course adopts a comparative approach by drawing upon the varying experiences of a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin American. Contemporary development issues are placed in the context of historical processThe course considers the roots of contemporary development problems from a long run perspective. Emphasis is placed upon economic change in the south during the period 1500-1945. The course adopts a comparative approach by drawing upon the varying experiences of a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin American. Contemporary development issues are placed in the context of historical process