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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11128 hits
Innehållet i yrkesmässig handledning i omvårdnad
Ll ksma53 rev120822
LL_KSMA53_rev120822 Reading list for Service Management: Leadership in Service Organisations, 15 credits (KSMA53) The reading list was approved by the Department of the Board of Service Management 10 August 2012, last revised 22 August 2012. The reading list is valid from Autumn 2012. Bridges, William (2009). Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. Philadelphia, PA: A Capo Press. [162 pp. - 2025-01-19
Forenklad utrymningsinformation redigerbar
LL_EDMA21_rev141121 Litteraturlista för Genusvetenskaplig teori, (EDMA21) 7,5 hp Litteraturlistan är fastställd av ledningsgruppen för Equality and Diversity Management 2011-10-18, senast reviderad 2014-11-21. Viss rev 141201. Litteraturlistan börjar 2015-01-01. de Beauvoir, Simone (2006). Det andra könet. Stockholm: Norstedts. (läses ca 300 sidor). Observera att endast Norstedts senaste vetensk - 2025-01-19
Martin Blom
Senior lecturer, Director of international affairs LUSEM Contact details Email: martin [dot] blom [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Strategy Service point: 10 WebpageMartin Bloms profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations International director Dean's Office, LUSEM Associate professor Strategy Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by typ - 2025-01-19