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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11085 hits
Samarbetskultur i det lilla och balkanisering i det stora. Utvärdering av NV da Vinci
Fotbollens cocktail – hat, kärlek och mycket humor
Isabelle Johansson
Doctoral student Contact details Email: isabelle [dot] johansson [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 73 Mobile: +46 73 998 15 99Organisation Social Anthropology Service point: 31 WebpageIsabelle Johanssons profile in Lund University research portalPersonal website: affiliations Doctoral student Department of SociologyDoctoral StudentSocial Anthro - 2025-03-17
Thomas Hammarberg Archives - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Thomas Hammarberg Archives - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Met - 2025-02-22
Insikt och Handling 8
Insikt och Handling 8 INSIKT OCH HANDLING Utgiven av Hans Larsson Samfundet Volym 8 CWK GLEERUP REDAKTÖR: URBAN FORELL TRYCKNING: BRÖDERNA EKSTRANDS TRYCKERI AB, LUND 1970 ISSN: 0436-8096 TRYCKT MED BIDRAG FRÅN ANDERS KARITZ’S STIFTELSE, UPPSALA PDF: TABULA, MÄRSTA 2020 ISBN: 978-91-88702-18-0 VERSION 1.0 — 2020-05-14 – 2 – Innehåll 4 »Förnuftets list» Ett idéhistoriskt utkast Gunnar Aspelin 27 Ut - 2025-03-15
Consumption, Marketing & Retail
In our society, consumption, lifestyle and environmental impact are closely intertwined. Changes in wider society are constantly creating new terms for consumption. It concerns everything from globalisation and digitalisation to economic fluctuations, climate change, and changing cultural values. Retail and consumption play an essential role in many people’s lives. They stand for both identity and - 2025-03-15
Tystnadens röst och själens musik
Tre begrepp i ett nytt sammanhang
Musikens effekt på depression
Självhjälpsgrupper som erfarenhetsutbyte och testa-dig-själv
Simp26 lit
Kursguide - Course Syllabus Books Acker, Joan (2006) Class Questions: Feminist Answers. Lanham: Md Rowman & Littlefield. 234 pages. ISBN: 0-7425-4630-6 (hft.) Butler, Judith (2015) Notes toward a performative theory of assembly. Cambrdige, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 248 pages. Green, Joyce (ed) (2017). Making Space for Indigenous Feminism, 2nd ed. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. 224 pages. Lew - 2025-03-16
Film och religion - en introduktion
Stora döden. Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa
Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) i Sverige
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has been developed in the USA by Marsha M Linehan, during the last two decades. Linehan elaborated this method for self-destructive women and in continuous cooperation with those women in treatment throughout her research. Randomised controlled studies have showed good results for self-destructive women with a borderline personality disorder. This group of patien