Religious Roots of Europe: Mysticism, Philosophy and Wisdom Traditions in Judaism, Christianity and - 2025-01-29
Filetype - 2025-01-29
Det här kapitlet belyser fyra frågor som man förr eller senare och ofta ganska plötsligt kan behöva ställa sig som (ny)disputerad vid ett universitet. Vem tar ett ledningsuppdrag? Varför gör man det? Vad kan man vinna på det? Kommer man att ångra sig? Kapitlet bygger dels på egna erfarenheter och dels på samtal jag har haft med prefektkolleger och andra som funderat mycket över dessa frågor – ibla
This text deals with living history and an archaeology of the senses within the field of archaeological and historical public presentation and communication. It gives a historical and contemporary perspective on the activities of living history in especially Sweden and Denmark.
Examensarbetet är på 30 högskolepoäng och skrivs inom ämnet historisk osteologi. Kursen utgör det obligatoriska examensarbetet för masterexamen. Under kursen kommer den studerande att självständigt bearbeta ett valt problemområde, vilket innebär fördjupade insikter i teoretiska och metodiska aspekter samt tillämpning av dem. Genom bearbetning av ett specifikt problem kommer studenten också att tilThe Master's Thesis in historical osteology is the obligatory work for the Master's Programme Archaeology: Theory and Practice. During the course, the student will choose an area of study within the subject Historical Osteology. Theoretical and methodological aspects will be applied, to gain deeper knowledge about the interpretation process. Through the course, the student will acquire specialized
This chapter discusses the phenomenon of the so-called Foteviken Viking Reserve, a place in southern Sweden where living history is performed in a re-created town-like structure from the Middle Ages relating to the historical event of the battle at Fotevik 1134. The purpose is to discuss creative forms of use of living history within today's experience-oriented public communication.
Our globalized world has caused many cultures to merge which has led to a society in which a lot of individuals are part of more than one culture. The aim of this study is to examine what difficulties that come with having multiple cultural belongings. The study is based on individual narratives, uploaded on different podcast platforms, that have different cultural backgrounds but are a part of th
Organized crime has received much attention in Sweden the last decade and it is seen as a big threat against the society. In 2007 the government emphasized the importance to fight this type of criminality by taking a first initiative towards a national campaign against organized crime. Further the Minister of Justice wants to investigate whether it is possible to introduce a crown witness system i
This essay treats the theme about processes of identitycreation and feelings of belonging on a couple of young bosnians who are resident in Malmö. The studies background takes starting point in the life after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the late 19: th century and the new life situation in the swedish society. The problemformulation is based on the handle of the different repositions that
The main purpose of this essay was to make a critical study of how the social worker made the child perspective distinct in the administration of the supplementary benefit. To be able to answer this purpose we decided to examine what knowledges, possibilities and what concrete procedures the social workers use in those cases. We carried out this study by interwieving eight social workers, at a so
Animal ornamentation was a dominating expression of art in Scandinavia during the period c. 250-1250 AD. In this chapter i am trying to nuance and deepen our understanding of animal ornamentation as a possible cognitive expression. By relating its images to the metaphorical language of early medieval skaldic poetry I suggest that its meanings have been tightly knit to an ideology of honour and war
This article reflects on theory in social work. With a starting point in the contemporary discussion of evidence-based social work, we raise questions about the role of theory. To understand empirical data, we need theory. The arena of social work is an open field for many academic disciplines, and theories used for understanding social work are mostly imported from general social science. Theory