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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11991 hits


Brevmall Postal address Box 192, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Helgonavägen 3, LUND Telephone direct +46 46 222 72 21, switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Email Website Academic Appointments Board Facul ty coord inator Sof ia Kvarnbo Rules and information on applications to be promoted to Associate Professor Compilation of application The application is to - 2025-02-09

Education - First step to become an instructor att Gerdahallen

Education - First step to become an instructor att Gerdahallen MoreMenu_white Group 3 Our services Schedule/Book English Become a member Login MoreMenu_white Group 3 Our services Schedule/Book English Menu Offer Our facilities Lund Schedule/Book Corporation About us Contact Lund Lund The Foundation for Exercise Activities at Lund University Helgonavägen 8 SE-223 62 LUND 010-722 21 00 kundservice@g - 2025-02-10

New book out - Media Experiences: Engaging with Drama and Reality Television

New book out - Media Experiences: Engaging with Drama and Reality Television New book out - Media Experiences: Engaging with Drama and Reality Television Av Michael Rübsamen - Publicerad den 8 november 2018 Professor Annette Hill's new book is out, published by Routledge. Media Experiences: Engaging with Drama and Reality Television travels across people and popular culture, exploring the pathways - 2025-01-13

The effects of oppositional comments on political campaign pages on Facebook

The effects of oppositional comments on political campaign pages on Facebook The effects of oppositional comments on political campaign pages on Facebook Publicerad den 16 november 2023 Earlier this year, Michael Bossetta published the results of a study on political comments and posts on three official campaign pages on Facebook active during the Brexit referendum. Michael Bossetta and his collea - 2025-01-13

The effects of oppositional comments on political campaign pages on Facebook

The effects of oppositional comments on political campaign pages on Facebook The effects of oppositional comments on political campaign pages on Facebook Published 16 November 2023 Earlier this year, Michael Bossetta published the results of a study on political comments and posts on three official campaign pages on Facebook active during the Brexit referendum. Michael Bossetta and his colleagues - 2025-01-13

We welcome Zaki Habibi to KOM

We welcome Zaki Habibi to KOM We welcome Zaki Habibi to KOM Publicerad den 2 maj 2016 Photo by Roy Thaniago, 2016 He is a researcher in media studies and visual culture. He received his Bachelor degree from Department of Communications, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia and obtained his Master of Communications specialisation in Media and Cultural Studies from School of Communica - 2025-01-13

Pm examensarbetare engelska geor01 och geor02 september 2015 v3 ac

Microsoft Word - PM examensarbetare, engelska (GEOR01 och GEOR02, september 2015), engelska Instructions for degree projects in Geology GEOR02 September 2015 Instructions for the completion and assessment of second-cycle degree projects in Geology (GEOR01 and GEOR02) Completion of the degree project The subject of the degree project may be selected from a list of suggestions prepared by the direc - 2025-02-09

Why Is Chemistry So Difficult? New Dissertation Illuminates the Challenges of Making Chemistry Compr

Why Is Chemistry So Difficult? New Dissertation Illuminates the Challenges of Making Chemistry Comprehensible in Schools Why Is Chemistry So Difficult? New Dissertation Illuminates the Challenges of Making Chemistry Comprehensible in Schools By Caroline Cabot - Published 26 October 2023 [Translate to English:] The fact that many students struggle with learning chemistry in school is well-documente - 2025-02-09

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för MATB24 Linjär analys, vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Yacin Ameur Antal studenter: 39 (detta antal har registrerat sig vid kursens canvas-sida). Betyg: Totalt 15 godkända efter första ordinarie tentamen (betyg G eller VG). Utvärdering Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen: Se följande sidor. Lärarnens kommentarer: Jag är relativt nöjd med resultatet, och det ver - 2025-02-08

Mvet01 - schema 141201

2014-12-01 Kursschema Besöksadress Telefon dir Växel E-post Internet Tegnérsplatsen 4 046-222 0248 046-222 0200 221 00 Lund Tillämpad Industriell Miljöekonomi SCHEMA GW=Group Work, SV=Study Visit. Se längst ner för lärarnas fullständiga namn. Day Time Room Description Who Activ. V. 1: Systematic environmental management - production processes (ca - 2025-02-09

Maria Gedoz Tieppo Highlights Belonging in Physics on International Women's Day

Maria Gedoz Tieppo Highlights Belonging in Physics on International Women's Day Maria Gedoz Tieppo Highlights Belonging in Physics on International Women's Day By Caroline Cabot - Published 8 March 2024 Maria Gedoz Tieppo talked about "Belonging in the physics culture: an intersectional perspective". Photo: Nina Ransmyr. On March 8, 2024, Lund University commemorated International Women's Day with - 2025-02-10

Enhance Your Teaching: Premiere of a New Seminar Series in Educational Sciences

Enhance Your Teaching: Premiere of a New Seminar Series in Educational Sciences Enhance Your Teaching: Premiere of a New Seminar Series in Educational Sciences By Caroline Cabot - Published 30 January 2024 The well-established scientific foundation in the educational subjects at Lund University is evident, but how can we get better at using the same scientific foundation in our teaching? Welcome t - 2025-02-10

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LUNDS UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Reading list - ARKN07, The Archaeology of Social Identities, 15 hp Established by the Board of Department: 2011-11-08 Alberti, B. 2006. Archaeology, Men, and Masculinities. I: Nelson, M. S. (red.) Handbook of Gender in Archaeology. New York, Toronto, Oxford. p. 401-434. 33 p. Axboe, M. 1999. Towards the Kingdom of Denmark. I: Dickinson - 2025-02-07

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1(4) Området för humaniora och teo log i Forskarutb i ldn ingsnämnden PROTOKOLL 2007-01-23 13.15-14.45 Närvarande ledamöter Mari Bacquin forskarstuderande Johan Brandtler forskarstuderande Lovisa Brännstedt grundstuderande Erik Hedling professor Anders Jarlert professor Werner G. Jeanrond professor, ordförande Klas-Göran Karlsson professor Valéria Molnár professor Deborah Olausson professor Bobby - 2025-02-08


Curriculum Vitae Roger Persson PhD 1. Personal data Born: 1972 Current position: University Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Divison of Work and Organizational Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Work Address: Institutionen för psykologi, Allhelgona Kyrkogata 14 O, 223 62 LUND Nationality: Sweden E-mail: 2. Education and academic degrees (Swedish) Associate Profes - 2025-02-09

Bulvanen och huvudmannen bakom - En studie kring den faktiske företrädarens straffrättsliga ansvar

Den ekonomiska brottsligheten har fått en allt mer markant roll i dagens rättssamhälle. Brottslighet som förövas inom bolag blir allt mer av ett samhällsproblem, inte minst när det gäller brottslighet i organiserad form. Av allt större vikt blir då hur man ställer de personer som begår brott inom ett bolag till ansvar för sina gärningar. Utifrån detta syfte har principen om företagaransvar tillkEconomic crime has played an increasingly significant role in our modern society. Crime perpetrated within companies are becoming more of a social problem, not least when it comes to organized crime. It has become of greater importance, how to hold the persons who commit crimes within a company accountable for their deeds. Based on this purpose, certain principles for criminal responsibility with

Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng

Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng Spring semester 2019 Course literature for Linguistics: Prosody, LINC03 Approved by section1 at the Centre for Languages and Literature, 7 March 2018. Obligatory literature Bruce, Gösta. (2007). Components of a prosodic typology of Swedish intonation. Tones and tunes, Vol. 1: typological studies in word and sentence prosody, ed. T. Riad & C. Gussenhoven, 113 - 2025-02-09

Sasnet collection of nordic university dissertations on south asia

Microsoft Word - Document11 SASNET collection of Nordic University Dissertations on South Asia Kept at SASNET’s root node office library, Villa Norlind, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund. A • Aandahl, Guro (2010). Technocratic dreams and troublesome beneficiaries. The Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Project in Gujarat. Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo, Norway • Ahmed, Ishtiaq (1986 - 2025-02-09


Dr 1 Satu Manninen Professor in English language and linguistics, 2012 Docent in general linguistics, 2005 Ph.D theoretical linguistics, 1999 MA in English Philology, 1993 List of publications Books: Manninen, S., Turner, E. & C. Wadsö Lecaros (2020) Writing in English at University: A Guide for Second Language Writers. Lund Studies in English 120. ISBN (print) 978-91-89213-14-2 ISBN (e- version) - 2025-02-09

Microsoft Word - Litteraturlista FIVA10 VT25

Microsoft Word - Litteraturlista FIVA10 VT25 Språk- och litteraturcentrum Kurslitteratur för FIVA10 Filmvetenskap: Grund- och fortsättningskurs, 31–60 hp, vt 2025 (Fastställd i Sektionsstyrelse 2, SOL-Centrum, 9 december 2024) Resurslitteratur till alla delkurser Gocsik, Karen, Barsam, Richard & Monahan, Dave (2019), Writing about Movies, New York & London: Norton Hayward, Susan (2017), Cinema Stu - 2025-02-09