() Bottom-Up Architectures Bo Bernhardsson and K. J. ÃĚstrÃűm Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University Bo Bernhardsson and K. J. ÃĚstrÃűm Bottom-Up Architectures Bottom-Up Architectures 1 Introduction 2 Basic Architectures 3 Large Parameter Variations 4 Otto J. M. Smith’s Specials 5 Miscellaneous 6 Soft Computing 7 Summary Theme: Brick by brick. Bo Bernhardsson and K. J. ÃĚstrÃűm Botto
https://www.control.lth.se/fileadmin/control/Education/DoctorateProgram/ControlSystemsSynthesis/2016/BottomUp.pdf - 2025-03-14