hjärt – Vetenskap och Hälsa
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/hjart/ - 2024-12-28
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/hjart/ - 2024-12-28
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/karl/ - 2024-12-13
The course Corporate Taxation and Sustainability is an undergraduate course which provides the students with an overview of the area, and knowledge about relevant regulations and policies. This is a digital, distance course consisting of a large number of video lectures, quizzes and the writing of an individual paper. Thus, students have a significant degree of discretion in how to structure theirThe course Corporate Taxation and Sustainability is an undergraduate course which provides the students with an overview of the area, and knowledge about relevant regulations and policies. This is a digital, distance course consisting of a large number of video lectures, quizzes and the writing of an individual paper. Thus, students have a significant degree of discretion in how to structure their
Some relevant issues on Church and National Socialism are being related to German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
En vindlande vandring med Jacques Derrida / On a meandering path with Jacques Derrida w/ Stephan Møller & Gertrud Sandqvist En vindlande vandring med Jacques Derrida/ On a meandering path with Jacques Derrida Valbar kurs på MFA nivå/Optional MFA-level course Antal hp/Credits: 9 Lärare/Teacher: Stephan Møller, Gertrud Sandqvist Tid/Time: Tisdagar/Tuesdays 10.11-15.12 at 10.00-12.00 online Undervisn
https://www.khm.lu.se/en/sites/khm.lu.se.en/files/en_vindlande_vandring_med_jacques_derrida_-_kopia.pdf - 2024-12-28
The aim of this essay is to cast new light on citizenship education in the context of Swedish educational policy. The Swedish educational policy is based on a set of core values which should be stated by everyone that is active in the school. One purpose of education within this system is to develop the student’s capacity to critically reflect upon values and ideas presented to them. The analysis
The course is intended to deal with these issues from a number of different perspectives, specifically considering cultural, political, legal, but also economical aspects, including those relevant outside a Western context. It will provide an overview of the legal situation in a national, European, and international setting. Participants will gain an understanding of the various forms of IP (copyrThe course is intended to deal with these issues from a number of different perspectives, specifically considering cultural, political, legal, but also economical aspects, including those relevant outside a Western context. It will provide an overview of the legal situation in a national, European, and international setting. Participants will gain an understanding of the various forms of IP (copyr
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/fullkorn/ - 2024-12-28
Academic literacy skills form an important part of the learning of English as a foreign language in education. But how do we actually build these skills? What do reading and writing share? How do readers and writers transact with one another? What do readers and writers learn when reading and writing are connected? This course discusses different theoretical models of communicative competence and Academic literacy skills form an important part of the learning of English as a foreign language in education. But how do we actually build these skills? What do reading and writing share? How do readers and writers transact with one another? What do readers and writers learn when reading and writing are connected? This course discusses different theoretical models of communicative competence and
Senior lecturer Contact details Email: anna [dot] jonsson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Organizational Studies Service point: 10 WebpageAnna Jonssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Associate professor Organizational Studies Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference - otherConference paper
https://www.lusem.lu.se/anna-jonsson - 2024-12-28
Exploring the Animal Turn Changing Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture THE PUFENDORF INSTITUTE LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 www.lu.se PUBLIC SEMINARS ALL SEMINARS HELD AT THE PUFENDORF INSTITUTE, BISKOPSGATAN 3, LUND Autumn 2013 26 NOVEMBER, 13-15 Jep Agrell (Zoologist, Lund University) Human-Animal Relations at the Zoo. Location: Confe
https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/animalturn_seminar_program.pdf - 2024-12-28
Exploring the Animal Turn Changing Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture The Pufendorf InsTITuTe Lunds unIversITeT Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 www.lu.se PuBLIc semInars aLL semInars heLd aT The Pufendorf InsTITuTe, BIskoPsgaTan 3, Lund Autumn 2013 26 novemBer, 13-15 Jep agrell (Zoologist, Lund University) Human-Animal Relations at the Zoo. Location: confe
https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/seminar_program-1.pdf - 2024-12-28