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Your search for "Svenska kyrkan" yielded 940 hits

Kyrka och kön – om könskonstruktioner i Svenska kyrkan 1945-1985

The aim of this thesis is to analyse how sex and gender have been constructed within the context of the Swedish Lutheran Church 1954-1985. The studied texts mainly consist of Christian pastoral work primarily dealing with sexuality and marriage. But the material also includes investigations within this field published by the Swedish state (SOU), and newspaper articles where marriage and sexuality

"Kristi ämbete" : Gunnar Rosendal och diskussionen om biskopsämbetet i Svenska kyrkan

The episcopate has been much debated in the twentieth century, both in the Church of Sweden and ecumenically. The purpose of the thesis is to study how it has been discussed within the Church of Sweden, using the priest and reformer Gunnar Rosendal (1897?1988) as point of departure. Methodologically speaking, a single individual is studied in order to shed light on a broad historical and ideologic

Hur utformas en välfungerande kyrklig söndagsverksamhet för barn inom Svenska kyrkan?

How many times have you heard that if children are in church they should be quiet and still? It was common to hear when I was young that children should go out as soon as they started making any noise. It was and is always a pleasure for everyone to hear the cute children singing a pretty song in church but afterwards there should be silence again! What I want is for the congregation to accept the

Att dela sorgen - organisation och betydelse av den religiösa aspekten i Svenska kyrkans sorgegrupper

The purpose of this study was to explore and analyse both how the grief groups in the Church of Sweden are organised, as well as how and if the religion is used during the conversations about death. I have also looked at how the group leaders view the grieving process. Semi-structured interviews were held with deacons and clergy that work with leading grief groups within the Church of Sweden. The

Där var och en är älskad för sin egen skull : En undersökning av deltagandet i Svenska kyrkans barnverksamhet

In Sweden today, the participation in children’s activities of the Church of Sweden is increasing, also in relation to the size of the age groups. The number of members in the Church of Sweden is decreasing, as well as participation in baptism and confirmation. Considering these facts the main question of this studie is: Why choose children’s activities arranged by the Church of Sweden today? With

Judisk "ras" som äktenskapshinder i Sverige : Effekten av Nürnberglagarna i Svenska kyrkans statliga funktion som lysningsförrättare 1935-1945

The Effect of the Nuremberg Laws on impediments of marriage in the Church of Sweden, 1935–1945 From 1935 to the end of the Second World War, the Nuremberg Laws were considered by the clergy of the Church of Sweden in its state function of considering impediments of marriage for German citizens. As a civil authority, the Church of Sweden was responsible for all such decisions until 1991. In the 193