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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3481 hits

Student counselling

Our study advisors can help you when you encounter problems, or want advice about your studies Tips and answers on our study advisors' Canvas page! Here you will find information about: Academic Advice at the Department of Political Studies, Academic Advice and Contact, Announcements for Internships, Scholarships, Stipends and Traineeships.Look here first and if you do not find what you are lookin - 2025-03-29

75% PhD performance and seminar: Felicita Brusoni

12 februari 2025 13:00 till 17:00 | Seminarium Felicita Brusoni. Photo: Silvia Musso. Welcome to Felicita Brusoni's 75% PhD seminar in Artistic Research in Music which includes a performance and a discussion with opponent Stefan Östersjö, chaired professor of Musical Performance at Piteå School of Music, Luleå University of Technology. 75% PhD Performance: Red Carpet12 February 2025, at 13:00–14:0 - 2025-03-29

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th - 2025-03-29

Download templates and communication tools

Lund University’s graphic profile is to be used on material, printed and digital, produced on behalf of the University. Various templates and tools are gathered on this page to facilitate your work. You will also find the logotype and other graphic elements available for downloading. All the templates and communication tools have been designed according to the instructions and rules in the Univers - 2025-03-28

No title

At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 September 2023 At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 September 2023 Dear all,   This is the third newsletter for the  At the End of the World research program, housed at Lund University. If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve been subscribed to our mailing list. Below, we’ll fill you in on some exciting events during the autumn 2023 academic t - 2025-03-29

Digital Resources for online SI-PASS

This page offers a variety of tools and strategies designed to enhance the SI-PASS experience in a virtual environment. Here, you’ll find a range of options for digital collaboration, active learning, and engagement in online SI-PASS sessions. We’ve organised the resources by category:A list of video conferencing and meeting platforms suitable for running SI-PASS sessions remotely.Platforms for on - 2025-03-29

Jaco Zuijderduijn

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: jaco [dot] zuijderduijn [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Economic History Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15 B, Lund Room number: Alfa1:2109 Service point: 10 WebpageJaco Zuijderduijns profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer Financial history, banking and insurance Senior lecturer Growth, technological c - 2025-03-29

The GCN Seminar - Photoluminescence

This seminar series is organized by the three nanoscience hubs located in the Copenhagen-Lund area. The aim is to to increase awareness about our mutual capabilities and to inspire collaborations. Below, please find the talk abstracts and short bio of the speakers on the Photoluminescence topic. Within a radius of just 25 km, the Copenhagen-Lund region features three strong hubs for nanoscience, w - 2025-03-29

Insats inför Kunskapsprovet för läkare utbildade utanför EU/EES - distans

LUNDS UNIVERSITET | ARBETSFÖRMEDLINGEN | REGION SKÅNE En unik möjlighet för dig som är läkare och som inom en snar framtid planerar att genomföra Socialstyrelsens kunskapsprov. Genom strukturerad repetition av dina teoretiska medicinska kunskaper ges du möjligheten att på bästa sätt vara förberedd för att klara kunskapsprovet och på så sätt komma ett steg närmare svensk legitimation och ett arbete - 2025-03-28

Human Rights Lunch Online: The Right to a Fair Trial – Historical Foundations

Human Rights Lunch Online: The Right to a Fair Trial – Historical Foundations | Mänskliga rättigheter 16 maj Human Rights Lunch Online: The Right to a Fair Trial – Historical Foundations 16 maj 2025 12:15 till 13:00 Seminarium Human Rights Lunch Online is a digital seminar series where the profile area members present their latest projects and research. On the 16th of May we get to hear a presenta - 2025-03-29

Så här ansöker du om validering av reell kompetens

Om du helt eller delvis saknar de formella förkunskaper som krävs till en eller flera utbildningar, kan du ansöka om att få din reella kompetens validerad. En komplett ansökan för validering av reell kompetens ska innehålla följande:Blanketten "Ansökan om bedömning av reell kompetens".Din kompetensbeskrivning – tänk på att din personliga kompetensbeskrivning ligger till grund för validering.Intyg, - 2025-03-28

Plastic Not So Fantastic: addressing the plastic crisis from the bottom-up 

5 maj 2025 10:30 till 12:00 | Föreläsning Our economies’ reliance on plastics is polluting and warming our planet. We will address why mainstream solutions to the plastic crisis do not work and show how bottom-up initiatives from across the world can transform the ways we relate to this material. Format: presentations+discussions, with fika Plastic is a ubiquitous material that we seem unable to l - 2025-03-28