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Your search for "zoom" yielded 4451 hits
Schema MVEC12 HT21
UDL and accessibility in Canvas
UDL and accessibility in Canvas
UDL and accessibility in Canvas
Preliminary schedule representing sustainability 2020
Microsoft Word - Preliminary schedule_representing sustainability_2020 Representing Sustainability 7.5 credits Preliminary schedule v. 43 Methods of metaphor analysis Monday 19/10, 10-16 Wednesday 21/10, 10-16 Friday 23/10, 10-15 The students are introduced to metaphor analysis. Through article reading and exercises, they will gain a basic understanding of and skills in analyzing the role of metap
MVES04 Schema 2021 210219
Nytt Schema Centrum för miljö- och klimatforskning, CEC, Miljövetenskaplig Utbildning, Sölvegatan 37, 223 62 Lund Preliminärt Schema MVES04 - Miljöövervakning, 15p VT21 Kurstid: 24 mars - 31 maj maj Kurschef: Adam Kristensson, tel:046-2227645, email: Yann Clough, tel: 046-2226831, email: Lärare: Namn Email AKR Ad - 2025-01-15
Course package: Basic
Prepare yourself for a digitally monitored exam
Schema MVEN11 VT21 2021 klar v.3
Schema MVEN11 210108 final
SCHEMA 2021-01-08 Schema för MVEN11 metodik och praktik, 15 hp vt 2021 Kurstid: 18 januari – 23 mars 2020 Introduktion: Måndagen den 18 januari 2020, Ekologihuset (Blå hallen), kl. 10.15-12.00 Lärare: AH Andrea Hjärne tel 0725-671218 Kursansvarig HH Högni Hansson AB Anders Bengtsson BS Birgitta Svenningsson CT Caroline Tandefelt EM Ebba Malmqvist GH - 2025-01-15
Schema psya95 sommar20 2
Examination schedule June 2021 FINAL
PSYP01-PSYP02, VT 2021 El ia Psouni Head examiner and course coord inator DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY MASTER’S THESIS Examination Schedule 3rd and 4th June 2021 SESSION 1 - Thursday 3rd of June 2021, 09:00-12:00 TIME STUDENT Advisor ASSESSOR Assessor2 Opponent TOPIC 09:00- 09:55 Filippa Börjeson, Sofie Karsberg Ulf Ericsson Åse Innes- Ker Fredrik Björklund Marc Persson Managers - 2025-01-15
Schema PSYA95 vt22
Schema PSYA95 ht22
Orientation weeks VT21 Final
Orientation weeks 2021 SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2 TIMETABLE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS SPRING 2021 3TIMETABLE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS SPRING 2021 ORIENTATION WEEKS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SPRING 2021 We are delighted that you are able to join us for the Spring 2021 Orientation weeks for international students at Lund University. The Orientation programme is a combination of practica - 2025-01-15
Förbered dig inför en digitalt övervakad tenta
Drop-in - 2025-01-15
Drop-in - 2025-01-15
Drop-in - 2025-01-15