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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3472 hits

Digital konferens ska minska klimatavtrycket

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 10 juni 2019 Panelerna i Hong Kong och Lund utbyter erfarenheter vid förra veckans digitala konferens. Bild: Ann Moen. Webbinarier och Skype-samtal lyfts till en ny nivå. Nu har det testats om det fungerar att göra en konferens digitalt (åtminstone delvis, minglet är än så länge svårt att få till). Miljödepart - 2025-01-30

Seminarium 19 januari ”Sustainable Teachers”om att arbeta hållbart som lärare

Av caroline [dot] cabot [at] uvet [dot] lu [dot] se (Caroline Cabot) - publicerad 8 december 2022 Att alla studenter ska lära sig om hållbarhet någon gång under sin utbildning har Universitets- och Högskolerådet beslutat. Men hur kan man som lärare inkludera hållbarhet i sin undervisning – utan att slå knut på sig själv i ett ofta pressat tidschema? Det är bara en av frågorna som behandlats i semi - 2025-01-30

Anpassad Arrival Day när internationella studenter kommer till Lund

Av ida [dot] thelander [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Ida Thelander) - publicerad 10 januari 2022 Under Arrival Day anländer internationella studenter till Lunds universitet Måndagen den 10 januari arrangeras Arrival Day för internationella studenter som ska börja studera vid Lunds universitet våren 2022. Alla arrangemang under mottagningsdagen och introduktionsveckorna har anpassats med anledning av - 2025-01-30

Framtidsvecka: Lunds universitet spanar efter framtida genombrott

Av ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson) - publicerad 12 oktober 2021 För tredje året i rad bjuder Lunds universitet in till Framtidsvecka. Den 18-24 oktober hålls drygt 50 populärvetenskapliga föreläsningar, utställningar, guidade vandringar och panelsamtal. Det övergripande temat är Genombrott: Vilka genombrott behövs inom forskningen – och inom samhället – - 2025-01-30

Flydde kriget i Ukraina – fick miljonanslag till drönarforskning

Av jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - publicerad 3 november 2022 Volodymyr Voitenko kan forska vidare på LU ­efter flykten från ­Ukraina. Foto: Jan Olsson Den 10 mars kom Volodymyr Voitenko och hans hustru ­Tetiana med färjan till ­Trelle­­borg. Då hade de varit på flykt från hemmet i Ukraina i en vecka. Nu är han en del av Institutionen för reglerteknik på LTH oc - 2025-01-30

Ukrainian students collaborating with students from School of Social Work

Av sandra [dot] jeppsson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jeppsson) - publicerad 31 augusti 2023 Lisa Pryshchepa and Anastasiia Melnyk. Anastasiia Melnyk and Lisa Pryshchepa, Bachelor students at Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University in Ukraine, was working in a project with students from School of Social Work, Campus Helsingborg. The outcome they hope will be beneficial to both countries. It w - 2025-01-29

Gästprofessorn berättade den häpnadsväckande historien om vaccinet som kan rädda oss från pandemin

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 18 februari 2021 Mikael Dolsten, hyllad forskningschef på Pfizer och gästprofessor i farmakologi vid Medicinska fakulteten, berättar historien om hur det gick till när hans företag på nio månader tog fram ett corona-vaccin. Foto: Agata Garpenlind. Fredagkväll i Lund och strax ska Mikael Dolsten, hyllad forskningsc - 2025-01-29

Gene expression in Parkinson’s disease – PhD interview with Jana Rájová

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 19 October 2023 Jana Rájová defends her thesis on the 23th of October 2023. Jana Rájová’s research turns light on gene expression in different parts of the brain affected by Parkinson’s disease. October 23, she defends her thesis in the Molecular Neuromodulation research group. In this interview, she tells about ho - 2025-01-29

The glymphatic system – PhD interview with Nicholas Bèchet

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 1 June 2022 The glymphatic system, which helps clear waste products from the brain, was discovered about a decade ago. Nicholas Bèchet’s project shines light on how it works in Alzheimer’s disease. On June 17, he defends his PhD thesis supervised by Iben Lundgaard at MultiPark. Here, he tells about his discoveries - 2025-01-29

Modelling Parkinson’s disease – PhD interview with Matilde Negrini

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 28 October 2022 Matilde Negrini defends her thesis 4 November 2022. Matilde Negrini’s thesis project has been to develop and characterize a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. November 4, she defends her thesis. Here, she talks about her project and most proud moments during her Ph.D. journey. Tell us about your rese - 2025-01-29

The glymphatic system in PD – PhD interview with Roberta Battistella

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 23 November 2022 Roberta Battistella defends her thesis 1 December 2022. The glymphatic system clears waste products from the brain. Roberta Battistella defends her thesis about the role of this system in Parkinson’s disease on December 1. Here, she tells about her time as a Ph.D student in Iben Lundgaards research - 2025-01-29

LUCSUS Seminars 2021

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia von Arnold) - published 13 January 2021 Join our research seminars with LUCSUS researchers and invited guests online every Thursday. Programme, Spring 2021 21 January 2021 10:15 to 12:00  Participatory scenario development in the African context 28 January 2021 15:00 to 17:00 PhD Mid seminar with Darin Wahl 4 February 2021 11:00 to - 2025-01-29

Vice-chancellor wishlist: central administrator

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 17 February 2020 Bo Dilton. Photo:private The time has now run out for applications for the vice-chancellor position and it is time for the recruitment group to select suitable candidates for interviews. This work will take place throughout the spring. LUM has talked to staff at different levels within several facu - 2025-01-29

Lund CRISPR facility is here to help!

Published 19 November 2020 Pia Johansson, CRISPR core facility manager CRISPR is a simple yet powerful Nobel Prize winning technology that allows sequence specific editing and manipulation of DNA sequences. The CRISPR facility at Lund Stem Cell Center is here to help you with your projects using this technology. What is CRISPR and who is it for? CRISPR started as a “traditional” gene editing tool, - 2025-01-29

Lgbtqi: Conversations about the inclusive workplace

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 9 November 2023 To create a more inclusive and safe work environment for everyone, the Department of Laboratory Medicine invites all faculty employees to a digital lecture on norms and lgbtqi issues on 21 November. Sign up in advance to ge access to the lecure. Those who do not follow the norm, depending on, for example, - 2025-01-29

Destruction of Gaza monitored from space

Published 26 February 2024 Lina Eklund is one of the researchers in the international team working to analyse satellite images of the destruction of Gaza. Photo: Johan Joelsson. Physical geographer Lina Eklund is tracking the destruction of Gaza week by week using satellite images. Her analyses could be significant if, once the fighting between Israel and Hamas is over, questions of possible war c - 2025-01-29

Quizzes, question banks and random draws

Published 4 March 2021 Hans Knutsson, senior lecturer in business economy at EHL, describes the experiences he and his colleagues have had with online exams and the use of Canvas New Quizzes. Photo by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash  At the School of Economics, where I work as a senior lecturer in business administration, we have spent the last two years working on switching platforms to Can - 2025-01-29

Forskning kring den svenska kulturskolan i förändring

Av nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - publicerad 9 juni 2020 Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg Med frågeställningar kring inkludering och ledarskap i den svenska kulturskolan håller Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg sitt sista delseminarium den 12 juni, med förhoppningen att kunna disputera i slutet av året. Adriana har en bachelorexamen i violinspel, en musiklärarexamen och en - 2025-01-29