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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3506 hits

Digital examination

Information about digital examination has been divided into Plan and Build and conduct assessment. Besides giving information specific to digital examination, here are also more general ideas regarding how you can think about examination. There is also some articles within the theme Digital examination, written by teachers who tell and reflect on their experiences. Plan your digital examinationThe - 2025-01-17

LUBI landing page

LUBI seminar series autumn 2024 LUBI seminar series autumn 2024 17th of October, 12-13 (Segerfalkssalen). Chamseddine Kifagi, ActiveMotif: “Spike-In: A Universal normalization strategy for you assays (CUT&RUN, CUT&Tag and ATAC-Seq ) by Active Motif.”7th of November,10-11, Segerfalkssalen. Nikolay Oskolkov, NBIS: “Single cell omics integration"5th of December, 10-11, Segerfalkssalen. TBA Read more - 2025-01-17

Multidisciplinare impact pathways - Defining project outcomes, outputs and impact

SRA Workshop series I would like to register for the workshop on Multidisciplinary impact pathways - Defining project outcomes, outputs and impact. Date: Tuesday November 22nd Time: 8.30-12.00 Location: LU Clinical Research Centre (Dept of Clinical Sciences Malmö) Malmö. Please register latest by November 15th. Surname (required)    Family name (required)    LU email address (required)    I have t - 2025-01-17

Tema Digital examination

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev! Planera din digitala examination Pedagogiska tips och råd, pedagogiskt stöd och tillgänglighet Bygg och genomför din tenta Information om verktyg, hjälp kring dataskydd mm samt checklistor som kan stötta dig Utbildningar Workshops & utbildningar inom digital examination Föregående Nästa Play Pause Pedagogiska råd & tips Artiklar om digital examination Dataskydd mmfr - 2025-01-17

Ny student

Är du antagen till studier hos oss? Då vill vi hälsa dig varmt välkommen! Här har vi samlat allt du behöver veta inför terminsstarten. Checklista – detta behöver du göra innan terminsstarten: 1. Läs välkomstinformationen Musikhögskolan i Malmö skickar ut ett välkomstmejl innan skolstart med information inför läsårsstarten. Läs det! 2. Aktivera ditt studentkonto Det första du behöver göra är att ak - 2025-01-17

COSM34 Schedule 2021

Microsoft Word - COSM34 2020 Schedule (2020.11.16).docx 1 COSM34 Development Theories and Issues in Asia Autumn Semester 2021 Course director: Nicholas Loubere E-mail: Period: 1 November – 30 November 2021 Office hours: By appointment Teaching 9 Lectures 2 Seminars Readings Students are required to complete all the required readings prior to class. Students, in groups, a - 2025-01-18

Timeedit fysioterapi som amne och profession fypa16 2021vt

Fysioterapi som ämne och profession, FYPA16 FYPA16 schemautkast VT2021 2021-01-18 - 2021-06-30 Fysioterapi som ämne och profession, FYPA16 Tid Kurs Stude ntgrup p Unde rgru pp Stu den t Delkur s/Mom ent Undervisnin gstyp Tit el Kommentar Lokal, Lokald el Platsk omme ntar Ansvarig/Lärare, Externa lärare Lokalbok ningsakti vitet U R L Id v 4 Mån 2021-01-25 13:00 - 14:00 FYPA1 6 FYPA1 6 Introduktion, - 2025-01-18

Schema MVES13 rev. 211227

Schema vårterminen 2022 Kurs: MVES13 Ett cirkulärt och biobaserat samhälle Kursansvarig: Helena Hanson Lokaler: Se Time Edit Litteratur: Enligt separat lista Studieteknik: Läs om studieverkstaden Studenträttigheter: Läs om dina rättigheter och skyldigheter som student Likabehandling: Läs Lunds Universitets likabehandlingsplan för studenter Pedagogiskt stöd: Läs om pedagogiskt stöd vid funktionshin - 2025-01-18

Course analysis for Basic Quantum Mechanics, FYSB11, Spring 2020, 7.5 credits

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Course analysis for Basic Quantum Mechanics, FYSB11 and ÄFYD03 VT 2020 Course responsible: Peter Samuelsson, Patrik Eden Other teachers: Smita Chakraborty, Ekin Önder, Andrew Lifson, Athanasios Tsintzis. Number of students registered: 45 (38 Ladok students, 3 students, 4 Ladok students & students according to Canvas classification) Course represent,%20FYSB11,%20Spring%202020,%207.5%20credits.pdf - 2025-01-18

Teaching for Sustainability: Introducing Sustainability Competencies

7 May 2024 10:15 to 12:00 | Seminar Sustainability competencies provide an orientation to help reframe or integrate sustainability into both curriculum and teaching practice. Despite decades of pedagogical research, the sustainability competencies frameworks are largely unknown and insufficiently operationalised in higher education. In this seminar, we present the concept of sustainability compete - 2025-01-18

NGEA11 course evaluation summary 2020

NGEA11course evaluation 2020 Course Summary for Introduction to GIS, NGEA11 ht 2020 Course coordinator: Micael Runnström Teachers in the course: Helena Elvén Eriksson, Karin Larsson, Vaughan Philips, Per-Ola Olsson, Mitch Selander, Micael Runnström Number of students: 32 registered students Grade distribution: G=18, VG=10, F=4 (some have just exercises left. Only one have failed the exam (twice). - 2025-01-18

Transition to Distance Education in 2020 : Challenges among University Faculty in Sweden

This study aims to describe the challenges that faculty faced in the transition to distance education in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020. The study presents the results from a nationwide questionnaire, answered by 1,963 individuals, concerning the transition among university faculty in Sweden. The results highlight the main obstacles and describe the practices in teach