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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3439 hits

From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-commerce in China

12 February 2025 15:15 to 17:00 | Lecture/talk Open lecture with Lizhi Liu, Assistant Professor, the McDonough School of Business, University of Georgetown University. In merely two decades, China transformed from a digital newcomer to the world's largest e-commerce market, with 800 million users and nearly 50% of global retail sales. In From Click to Boom, Lizhi Liu unveils the surprising forces - 2025-01-17

From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-commerce in China

12 February 2025 15:15 to 17:00 | Lecture/talk Open lecture with Lizhi Liu, Assistant Professor, the McDonough School of Business, University of Georgetown University. In merely two decades, China transformed from a digital newcomer to the world's largest e-commerce market, with 800 million users and nearly 50% of global retail sales. In From Click to Boom, Lizhi Liu unveils the surprising forces - 2025-01-17

Invitation 0

Invitation.pdf Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources Lund University Centre for Business Law (ACLU) invites to a seminar on In 2024, World Intellectual Property organization (WIPO), the United Nations’ specialized agency for intellectual property rights, will hold a diplomatic conference to finalize an international treaty on the disclosure of origin of genetic resources in patent a - 2025-01-18

Recommendations on digital teaching and isk digital code of conduct

Postal address: Campus Helsingborg, Box 882, 251 08 Helsingborg – Sweden Visiting address: Universitetsplatsen 2, 252 25 Helsingborg - Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)42-35 65 95, +46 46 222 00 00 E-mail: Website: Department o f St rateg ic Communicat ion Facul ty o f Soc ia l Sc ience s Rrecommendations on digital teaching and Digital Code of Conduct for the Department of - 2025-01-18


Invitation.pdf Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources Lund University Centre for Business Law (ACLU) invites to a seminar on In 2024, WIPO (the UN's specialist agency for intellectual property rights) will hold a diplomatic conference to finalize an international treaty on the disclosure of origin of genetic resources in patent applications. Genetic resource refers to substance from - 2025-01-18

All tools A–Z

Ally and Advanced Reader (in Canvas)Bing Co-pilotCanvasComsolDigiExamEasy ReaderEndNoteExcelInsperaLadokMapleMatlabMATLAB GraderMentimeterOffice365Ouriginal (formerly Urkund)PadletPeergradePowerPointQPSRespondusScanner appsSpell RightSPSSStava RexStudio Teams (integrated in Canvas)TimeEditTorTalkWordZoom Looking for something you can't find? Help us make this website better by suggesting new conte - 2025-01-17

COSM10 timetable 2021

COSM10 timetable 2021 preliminary 20210616 (1) Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies COSM10 Asian Studies: Asian Studies, 6 credits Autumn semester 2021, 30 August – 22 September Timetable (preliminary 2021-06-16) Dates Times/venues Teachers Registration, lectures, seminars and deadlines 30-08 Group A: 10.00-10.30 Group B: 10.30-11.00 Group C: 11.00-11.30 Student lunch room Nina Brand Regis - 2025-01-18

Digitala verktyg

Under din studietid kommer du att använda en rad digitala verktyg. Här presenterar vi några av de vanligaste på Lunds universitet, med länkar till guider och mer information. Klicka i menyn för att hitta just det verktyg du letar efter, eller se hela utbudet listat under Alla verktyg A–Ö. Teknisk support Kontakta LU Servicedesk om du behöver teknisk support i våra digitala verktyg.Mejl: servicedes - 2025-01-17

Digital tools

During your time as a student, you will be using a variety of digital tools. Here we present some of the most common tools, with links to guides and more information. Click in the menu to find the specific tool you're looking for, or see the complete selection listed under All Tools A–Z. Technical support Contact LU Servicedesk if you need technical support when using our digital tools.E-mail: ser - 2025-01-17

June 11th 2020

From the Management The Faculty of Science has now formally appointed Per Persson as the Director of CEC from 1 January 2021. The process and dialogue with the Faculty continues, and decisions about the rest of the management structure, a new mission, the board and budget will be taken in the autumn. The management group this week prepared for the yearly follow up with the faculty, that will be he - 2025-01-17

PSP 211110 nr8 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 8:2021 Dnr STYR 2021/2354 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen for psykologi Ledningsgruppen for psykologprogrammet Sammantradesdatum 2021-11-10 Narvarande ledamoter Jonas Bjarehed Kristian Almquist Bengt Brattgard Tomas Jungert Tomas Kempe Erik Lundin Chris Mathieu Elinor Schad Catharina Strid Margit Wangby Lundh Anita Lennerstedt Narvaro- och yttranderatt Susanne Wiking Anmalt forhinder Oai - 2025-01-18

PSP 220309 nr2 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 2:2022 Dnr STYR 2022/531 LUNDS UNIVERSITET lnstitutionen for psykologi Ledningsgruppen for psykologprogrammet Sammantradesdatum 2022-03-09 Narvarande ledamoter Martin Wolgast Kristian Almquist Ines Bramao Daiva Daukantaite Dariush Djamnezhad Robert Holmberg Tomas Jungert Tomas Kempe Erik Lundin Chris Matheiu Elia Psouni Erik Palsson Elinor Schad Catharina Strid Susanna Vestberg Njordur V - 2025-01-18

Schema atpb16 vt 2021

Arbetsterapi: Introduktion i arbetsterapi, ATPB16 Kurs ATPB16 2021-01-18 - 2021-06-30 Arbetsterapi: Introduktion i arbetsterapi, ATPB16 Tid Kurs Studentgrupp Und ergr upp Stu de nt Delk urs/M omen t Undervisnings typ Tit el Kommentar Lokal , Lokal del Plats kom ment ar Ansvarig/Lärare, Externa lärare Lokalb okning saktivit et U R L Id v 4 Mån 2021-01-25 10:15 - 12:00 ATPB16 ATPB16 Obligatoriskt, U - 2025-01-18

Träffa en student

Är du nyfiken på hur det är att vara student på Medicinska fakulteten? Eller vill du veta mer om ett specifikt program innan du ansöker? Hör av dig till oss så ser vi till att du får komma i kontakt med en studentambassadör. Då får du möjlighet att ställa dina frågor om utbildningen, studentlivet, hur du hittar bostad och allt där emellan. Du kan lära dig mer om Medicinska fakultetens utbildningar - 2025-01-18