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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3428 hits

NVivo Introduktionskurs andra delen

25 mars 2025 09:00 till 12:00 | Workshop Nvivo är ett program för kvalitativ dataanalys (QDA) som främst används för kvalitativa forskningsmetoder som grundad teori (Grounded Theory), innehållsanalys, fenomenologi, diskursanalys men även litteraturöversikter med mera. NVivo underlättar din forskningsprocess genom att göra det enklare att organisera, strukturera och koda din forskningsdata. Lär dig - 2025-01-16

NVivo Introduktionskurs andra delen

25 april 2025 09:00 till 12:00 | Workshop Nvivo är ett program för kvalitativ dataanalys (QDA) som främst används för kvalitativa forskningsmetoder som grundad teori (Grounded Theory), innehållsanalys, fenomenologi, diskursanalys men även litteraturöversikter med mera. NVivo underlättar din forskningsprocess genom att göra det enklare att organisera, strukturera och koda din forskningsdata. Lär di - 2025-01-16

20-minute one-to-one session with a The Conversation editor

4 december 2023 10:30 till 12:30 | Övrigt Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation? Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation?The Conversat - 2025-01-16

Susanne Remvall – Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund

31 januari 2025 09:00 | Halvtidskontroll Title: Impact of Depression Guideline Implementation on Quality of Care in Child and Adolescent PsychiatryMain supervisor: Handledare: Peik Gustafsson, docent, Lunds universitet  Reviewers: Mia Ramklint, professor, Uppsala universitet David Mataix-Cols, professor, Karolinska InstitutetAbstract BackgroundEarly-onset depression is an increasing concern, signi - 2025-01-16

Susanne Remvall – Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund

31 januari 2025 09:00 | Halvtidskontroll Title: Impact of Depression Guideline Implementation on Quality of Care in Child and Adolescent PsychiatryMain supervisor: Peik Gustafsson, docent, Lunds universitet Reviewers: Mia Ramklint, professor, Uppsala universitet and David Mataix-Cols, professor, Karolinska InstitutetAbstract BackgroundEarly-onset depression is an increasing concern, significantly - 2025-01-16

Post-COP28 Webinar: What happened (or not) at COP28?

14 december 2023 15:00 till 16:00 | Seminarium Formal Opening of the UN Climate Change Conference, COP28, on November 30, 2023, in Dubai, UAE. (Photo by COP28 / Mahmoud) Welcome to a post-COP28 webinar exploring crucial outcomes at this year’s climate negotiations in Dubai. Were expectations met, what happened to the key questions at COP, and what disappointments and surprising twists unfolded at - 2025-01-16

Examination schedule may2018

Department o f Psychology PSYP01-PSYP02, VT 2018 El ia Psouni Head examiner and course coord inator MASTER’S THESIS Examination Schedule 30th- 31st May and 1st June 2018 SESSION 1 - Wednesday 30th of May 2018, 09:00-17:00 Room M123 DATE/TIME STUDENT Advisor ASSESSOR Assessor2 Opponent TOPIC Wed 30/5 08:00-089:55 Marcos Lopez Etzel Cardeña Magnus Lindgren Tomas Jungert Evelyn - 2025-01-15

Ht 2020 auda17 schema

Brevmall OBS! Lunds universitet följer Regeringens och Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer för att minska smittspridningen av coronaviruset. Schemat inkluderat innehåll, tider och platser kan komma att ändras utifrån förändrade förutsättningar och bestämmelser. AUDA17 Introduktionskurs 4,5 hp LOGA16 Introduktionskurs 4,5 hp Kursansvar v 36-38: Tobias Kastberg För information om kursmål, littera - 2025-01-15

A2030 monthly update 230411

Agenda 2030 Graduate School monthly newsletter #3 2023-04-11 Ylva van Meeningen Hi! Hope that you all have/had a nice Easter, Ramadan or Pesach. Where I celebrated this year, the sun was shining and we saw the first butterfly of the season. There is an old superstition that you can tell how the summer is going to be like depending on what type of butterfly you see. I saw a lemon butterfly, which f - 2025-01-15

Newsletter fall 2023

During their studies each MA student will develop their work in close collaboration with one or more of the art institutions, societal stakeholders and artistic communities that Malmö Theatre Academy has established partnerships with. After a kickoff seminar with all the partners at the beginning of September, during the Autumn, the students visit the partners on site and become acquainted with th - 2025-01-15


IAC-technical-equipment-2023_v1 1 IAC technical equipment 2023 IAC provides a wide variety of audiovisual equipment. Always consult our technical staff in good time regarding the needs of your project. There are lots of other equipment and tools at IAC that could be interesting for your project that is not listed below. For some technical equipment and facilities you must be given basic tutorials - 2025-01-15


1 IAC technical equipment 2024 IAC provides a wide variety of audiovisual equipment. Always consult our technical staff in good time regarding the needs of your project. There are lots of other equipment and tools at IAC that could be interesting for your project that is not listed below. For some technical equipment and facilities you must be given basic tutorials to be allowed to use it. You wil - 2025-01-15

25 February 2021

People We warmly welcome Helena Gonzales Lindberg and Izabella Rosengren to CEC. Helena will be Ylva’s substitute during her parental leave and be supporting the PhD education in Environmental Science and the research schools ClimBEco and Agenda 2030. Izabella will work part time with communication for CEC and Sustainability Forum.  We are also happy to announce that Camilla King will stay at CEC - 2025-01-15

April 20th 2020

From the management We are experiencing difficult times which inevitably will affect our work in multiple ways. It is important to remind ourselves that what we are doing is important as a contribution to make the world sustainable! And most work at CEC continues as usual, with modifications, but still towards the same long term goal. Below some examples, as well as information on what’s going on - 2025-01-15

Antagning till masterprogram, Jazz/Improvisation

KONSTNÄRLIGT MASTERPROGRAM I MUSIK | INSTRUMENTAL/SÅNG Hållpunkter för din ansökanAnmäl dig till programmet på Antagning.seAnmälningsperiod: 2 december 2024 – 15 januari 2025 Styrk din behörighet. Sista kompletteringsdag för att styrka din behörighet är 27 januari 2025. Ladda upp dina arbetsprover (delprov 1) senast 22 januari 2025. Läs mer om innehåll och format längre ner på den här sidan. Bedöm - 2025-01-16

A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying (a seminar in the Populism and

A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying (a seminar in the Populism and Religion seminar series). Marisa Žele. | Centre for Theology and Religious Studies 12 Feb A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying (a seminar in the Populism and Religion seminar series). Marisa Žele. 12 February 2025 16:15 to 18:00 Seminar If we were to set out to write - 2025-01-15

A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying (a seminar in the Populism and

A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying (a seminar in the Populism and Religion seminar series). Marisa Žele. | Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap 12 feb A Deal with the Devil – On the Question of Trickery, Truth and Lying (a seminar in the Populism and Religion seminar series). Marisa Žele. 12 februari 2025 16:15 till 18:00 Seminarium If we were to set out to - 2025-01-14

Uppsatser i nationalekonomi

En kandidatuppsats om 15 hp avslutar dina studier i nationalekonomi på kandidatnivå. Kandidatuppsatsen sammanfattar dina grundstudier i nationalekonomi och ger dig en ökad förståelse för ämnet. På avancerad nivå skrivs en magisteruppsats om 15 hp för en magisterexamen i nationalekonomi och ytterligare en uppsats om 15 hp för en masterexamen. Uppsatser i nationalekonomi skrivs antingen individuellt - 2025-01-16