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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3586 hits

Exploring GAI tools – seminar

6 mars 2024 13:00 till 14:00 | Seminarium This is an introduction to the use of GAI tools. You will get the chance to try things out, compare your outputs with those of others, and ask questions, particularly about the use of GAI tools in higher education. This session is suitable for everyone. Please register in advance so that we can adapt the activities to your area of work. The session will be - 2025-01-15

Öppen LUCRIS-verkstad

Öppen LUCRIS-verkstad | HT-biblioteken 10 jan Öppen LUCRIS-verkstad 10 januari 2025 10:15 till 12:00 Workshop Har du frågor kring hur du registrerar eller uppdaterar din information i LUCRIS inför den årliga forskningsredovisningen? Exempelvis gällande poster för publikationer, aktiviteter och projekt eller hur relationer skapas mellan dem? HT-biblioteken anordnar detta drop-in tillfälle där du ka - 2025-01-10

Eng 200318 template conversation with employee regarding work environment working from home

MANAGER SUPPORT/TEMPLATE Drawn up in consultation between the employer and Chief Health and Safety Representatives 18 March 2020 Human Resources MANAGER SUPPORT As manager you are responsible for the work environment even when an employee is working from home. There are some things to bear in mind before a conversation with an employee who is working from home, for example due to the risk of sprea - 2025-01-15

Schema MVEN22 VT23

2022-11-08 Preliminärt schema 230116 -- 230321 Kurs: MVEN22 Metodik och praktik, 15 hp, vt 2023 Kursansvarig: Andrea Hjärne,, tel 0725-671218 Lärare: Adam Kristensson(AK), Emilia Thorup(ET), Fredrik Nilsson(FN), Gregor Holmgren(GH), Karin Broberg(KB), Leif Lövström(LL), Patrik Edholm (PE), Staffan Skerfving (SS), Ursula Dworak (UD), Åsa Bjerstedt (ÅB), Viktor Forsell (VF) L - 2025-01-15

COSM38 schedule 2021

CÖSM38 schedule November 2021 for Canvas TIMETABLE for COSM38 Religion and Society in East and Southeast Asia Room: 005 (unless otherwise specified) 1 November 15:15-17:00 First day of class, Introductory Lecture: Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion, Knowledge and Practice (KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION) 3 November 15:15-17:00 Religion, Modernity, and Colonialism in Asia (KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTI - 2025-01-15

Brexit II

Inbjudan II.pdf Brexit II International and Jurisdictional Issues Post-Brexit Centre for Business Law at Lund University (ACLU) invites to the seminar The webinar will address some principal issues regarding choice of law, juris- diction and enforcement of judgments in the future EU-UK relations. What implications and practical impacts will ensue following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU? Hugh Mer - 2025-01-15


WORKSHOP APPLICATION FORM The document name should be the same as the workshop title. The proposal should be max 2 A4 and be sent to (if the main applicant is from Lund University (LU)) or to (if the main applicant is from the University of Gothenburg (UGOT)) in good time before planned activities Title Aim and relevance Describe the aim of the worksho - 2025-01-15

FORTE EpiDem Digital meeting Sept 2021

FORTE EpiDem – Digital network meeting, 23 Sept 2021, 2 – 4 PM Dear Demographers and Epidemiologists, Welcome to our FORTE EpiDem – Digital network meeting, Thursday 23 September 2021, 2 – 4 PM, where Anders Ahlbom will give a talk on the topic Some reflections for epidemiologists and demographers based on the new edition of Modern Epidemiology As always with FORTE EpiDem – the talk will be follow - 2025-01-15

AI Lund Lunch Seminar: High-risk AI transparency? Exploring the role of information disclosure for oversight bodies under the EU AI Act

19 June 2024 12:00 to 13:15 | Seminar Topic: High-risk AI transparency? Exploring the role of information disclosure for oversight bodies under the EU AI Act When: 19 June at 12.00-13.15Where: Online  - link by registrationSpeaker: Kasia Söderlund, PhD student, Department of Technology and Society, Lund UniversityModerator: Stefan Larsson, Department of Technology and Society, Lund UniversitySpoke - 2025-01-15

Tools for digital exams

On this page, you will find digital tools used in some courses at Lund University for which the university does not have general guides. In cases where there are open guides from the courses that use these tools, we provide links to them. DigiExamWith the help of DigiExam, you can use your own computer to write an exam entirely digitally. At Lund University, it’s primarily programmes at the Facult - 2025-01-15


Ouriginal, or Urkund as it was called before, is a text comparison system that compares your text with other sources to discover identical sections. The purpose of Ouriginal is first and foremost for teachers to be able to check if you are guilty of plagiarism, that is if you have copied another text without citing or if you’re too close to your sources linguistically when you’re referencing. Ouri - 2025-01-15

A till Ö – utvalt innehåll i bokstavsordning

AAdministrativa systemAtt vara anställdArbetsgivarintygArbetsmiljöArbetsskada och tillbudArbetstidArkiveringBBilderBisysslaBoka lokalCCyklarDDiarieföringDigitala mötenDisciplinärendenDistansarbeteDoktorandEEduroam – trådlöst nätverkEkonomiEkonomiwebbenFFackliga organisationerFakturahanteringFilmproduktionFlextidForskarutbildningForskarutbildningsnämndenForskningsnämndenForskningsfinansieringFriskv - 2025-01-14

Anmälan till föreläsningen "Träd som resurs för vilda pollinatörer"

Foto:Theresia Widhalm Dagens talare är Johanna Yourstone, doktorand vid Biologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet, och seminariet modereras av Pernilla Olsson, naturvårdshandläggare vid Länsstyrelsen Skåne. Seminariet ingår i föreläsningsserien "Att gynna vilda pollinatörer - vad säger forskningen?", som samarrangeras av Länsstyrelsen Skåne och Lunds universitet (genom samverkansinitiativet L - 2025-01-13