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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3576 hits

Clinical trials epidemiology course uu 2020

Mottagare Clinical Trials Epidemiology Course 14-25 September 2020 This course will give an introduction to the concepts and methods of randomized clinical trials. It will be given over a 2-week period at half pace, corresponding to 5 full days. Note that this course will be given as an online course and since the teacher is based in the US, all sessions will take place in the afternoon, most 3-6 - 2025-02-23

Master minutes 2022-05-12

STYR 2022/1206 MINUTES 3:2022 2022-05-12 LUND UNIVERSITY F aculty of Social Sciences Department of Psychology Management Group of the Master of Science Programme in Psychology Participants Roger Johansson Programme Director, Chairing Elia Psouni Programme Director Geoffrey Patching Member Lindsey Macke Student Representative Roger Persson Member Åsa Arvidsson Programme Coordinator Absent Mikael Jo - 2025-02-23

Genemr2016 paper 02

AGILE workshop on “Automated generalisation for on-demand mapping" and 19th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Helsinki, 2016” 1 On-demand mapping and integration of thematic data Weiming Huang, Ali Mansourian and Lars Harrie Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden E-Mail:; ali - 2025-02-23


In Ladok, you can view the courses you are registered for, sign up for exams, check your exam results, and deregister from a course you no longer wish to attend. You can also generate certificates of your results and apply for graduation when the time comes. Below, we’ve listed some important things to keep track of in Ladok. Update your email addressTo avoid missing important information from the - 2025-02-23

Symposium on the Law and Policy of Data-Driven Innovation in Competition and Cooperation

5 June 2024 08:30 to 17:00 | Conference Illustration: Louise Larsson, created using Discord/Midjourney. We are pleased to announce our upcoming Symposium on the Law and Policy of Data-Driven Innovation in Competition and Cooperation. The symposium takes place on June 5, 2024, at the Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). Set against the backdrop of recent developments in digit - 2025-02-24

The investigation of disciplinary matters

If you are reporting a suspected disciplinary offence, here you can learn more about the various stages of the investigation. You will also find out who the members of the Disciplinary Board at Lund University are. The investigationWhen a suspected disciplinary offence has been reported, the Vice-Chancellor has the Legal Division at the Legal and Record Management section to investigate the matter - 2025-02-24

Territorial Peace Through Peace For the Territory: Analysing Conditions of Indigenous Peacebuilding in Colombia

The “territorial peace” runs as a buzzword around Colombian peacebuilding. A so-called territorial approach was adopted in the beginning of the Havana Peace Talks, as a means of creating locally based, differentiated modes of peacebuilding, and addressing the structural neglect of Colombia’s diverse rural areas. This study highlights the experiences of Colombian indigenous peoples in the context o

A multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models

In this paper, a novel multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of 3D city models, called CityTree, is proposed. To create a CityTree, the ground plans of the buildings are generated and simplified. Then, the buildings are divided into clusters by the road network and one CityTree is created for each cluster. The leaf nodes of the CityTree represent the original 3D objects

The Making of Everyman’s Capitalism in Sweden : Micro-Infrastructures, Unlearning, and Moral Boundary Work

This article analyzes the so-called turn to the market in Sweden, with an emphasis on aspects that are typically absent from large-scale narratives. How did the changes known as neoliberalization and financialization enter everyday life and mundane financial practices? And which analytical tools can historians use to meaningfully connect the experience of changes on the micro level to those on the

Calibrated color measurements of agricultural foods using image analysis

A computer vision system (CVS) was implemented to quantify standard color of fruit and vegetables in sRGB, HSV and L*a*b* color spaces, and image capture conditions affecting the results were evaluated. These three color spaces are compared in terms of their suitability for color quantification in curved surfaces. The results show that sRGB standard (linear signals) was efficient to define the map

PSP 210203 nr1 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 1 :2021 Dnr STYR 2021 /265 LUNDS U N !VERS ITET In stitutionen för psykologi ledningsgruppen för psy kologprogrammet Närvarande ledamöter Jonas Bjärehed Ordförande Kristian Almquist Studievägledare Bengt Brattgård Lärarlag kurs I 0 Daiva Daukantaite Lärarlag kurs 12 Dariush Djamnezhad Tomas Jungert Lärarlag kurs 5 Kajsa Järvholm Lärarlag kurs 3 Tomas Kempe Lärarlag kurs 8 Sammanträdesdat - 2025-02-23

Våra medarbetare

Cecilia Axwinge Studievägledare vid Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation.På enheten: Fakultetskoordinator för samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten och systemförvaltare för Padlet och Mentimeter. Epost: cecilia [dot] axwinge [at] isk [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia[dot]axwinge[at]isk[dot]lu[dot]se) Erik Bergsten Bibliotekarie vid Ekonomihögskolans bibliotek.På enheten: Verksamhetsspecialist för video - 2025-02-23

Administrative systems

Login shortcuts Alphabetical list of administrative systems and tools intended for a wide target group and administered within the University administration. Please note that most of the systems are in Swedish. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W |CanvasIn this digital learning and teaching environment students, teachers and administrators can communic - 2025-02-23


NGEA05 VT22 NGEA05_VT22 Answer Count: 3 NGEA05 VT22 Part I: The course in general (If not indicated in another way: 1= not at all, 5=very well) Do you think that the aim, as described above, has been  reached in this course? Do you think that the aim, as described above, has been reached in this course? Number of  responses 1 1 (33,3%) 2 0 (0,0%) 3 0 (0,0%) 4 1 (33,3%) 5 1 (33,3%) Total 3 (100,0%) - 2025-02-23

Programme DevRes 2024

Conference venue Address: Inspira, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 4, 223 63 Lund  Abstracts Devres 2024 The complete list of abstracts presented at Devres 2024 (Pdf, 779 kb, opens i new window) Print friendly version of the programme Print friendly version of the programme (Pdf, 1,7 MB, opens in new window) Conference Day 1 – 21 October Conference venue: Inspira, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 4 13. - 2025-02-23