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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3481 hits

Lotus Case Seminar: Legacy

1 december 2025 14:00 till 16:45 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice. The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here. More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lo - 2025-03-23

Alla Shylova

Utbildningskoordinator/studievägledare Utbildningskoordinator och studievägledare för följande program och kurser: • Masterprogrammet i Humanekologi: Kultur, makt och hållbarhet (CPS) • Fristående kurser i HumanekologiKontaktinformation E-post: alla [dot] shylova [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 84 17Organisation Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi Hämtställe: 16 - 2025-03-24

International office at LUSEM

Lund University School of Economics and Management International Office The International Office at Lund University School of Economics and Management develops and administers the international study opportunities at the School. Contact the International Office if you have questions about:Exchange studiesDouble degree programmesInternational Master ClassSummer exchangeTuition-based mobility progra - 2025-03-22

Teaching for Sustainability: Ideas on how to support transformative change

16 May 2024 10:30 to 12:00 | Seminar In the face of increasing conflict and uncertainty, there is a growing movement within and beyond the academy to assess the current assumptions underlying knowledge production and learning in higher education. In this seminar, we will reflect upon the role of the university to promote transformative change, and share specific examples that demonstrate possibili - 2025-03-23

Mental Health First Aid training course

Overview In this course, you will learn how to assist a peer PhD student, a colleague, or someone else near you who may be experiencing a mental health problem until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence-based action plan. Program Design The Mental Health First Aid course will run as 4x3 hour modules. Participation during all four days is req - 2025-03-23

Engage in your own learning

When the studies don’t require you to leave your home or to meet other students, it’s easy to become passive, to sign in a few minutes late to a session, to stop taking notes or to sleep in instead of going to the voluntary practice session. Nevertheless, learning is the result of effort. It’s possible, of course, to take in information by reading or listening to it, but if you want to learn somet - 2025-03-23

About LU Accommodation

LU Accommodation is part of Lund University and offers housing for international students. To be able to rent a room from LU Accommodation you have to be a student of Lund University. LU Accommodation or Lund University do not own any of the housing areas and buildings. These are owned by private landlords, but contracts are always signed between the student and LU Accommodation.LU Accommodation h - 2025-03-23

The Use of Cuteness in Taiwan’s 2020 and 2024 Presidential Elections

23 January 2024 15:15 to 17:00 | Lecture/talk Open lecture with Hsin-I Sydney Yueh - Associate Teaching Professor of Communication, University of Missouri. The event is organised in cooperation with the Graduate School in Asian StudiesAn under-explored field in studying Taiwan’s politics and democracy is the use of cute elements in political campaigns. Cute elements have been part of political cam - 2025-03-23

Skyddet för företagshemligheter, anställdas rörlighet och rätten till arbetsresultaten – aktuell utveckling och praxis

22 May 2024 17:30 to 19:30 | Seminar Lagen om företagshemligheter är en viktig skyddsmekanism för bolag som vill hindra att företagsintern information sprids. Företagshemligheterna produceras av och delas ofta med de anställda. Skyddet för bolagens företagshemliga information kan försvåra de anställdas möjligheter att utnyttja sina kunskaper och inskränka rörligheten på arbetsmarknaden. Tvister om - 2025-03-23

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: Satellite data, remote sensing and AI - how can we use today's technology to improve nature conservation?

24 April 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Today's technological possibilities are close to limitless - also for nature conservation! To conduct cost-effective nature conservation work and evaluate the results of the efforts made, a good picture of how different environments look and change over time is required. At today's lecture we will learn more about how to use satellite data and data from - 2025-03-23

Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) of viral genomes

Despite the structure of packaged viral DNA being central for ejection and consequentially infectivity of the virus, the detailed understanding of the packing structure of DNA inside the viral capsid. SAXS and SANS allow investigation of the structure of DNA filled capsids in solution in a wide range of environmental conditions. SAXS and SANS are powerful techniques that provides detailed structur - 2025-03-23

The Use of Cuteness in Taiwan’s 2020 and 2024 Presidential Elections

23 January 2024 15:15 to 17:00 | Lecture/talk Open lecture with Hsin-I Sydney Yueh - Associate Teaching Professor of Communication, University of Missouri. The event is organised in cooperation with the Graduate School in Asian StudiesAn under-explored field in studying Taiwan’s politics and democracy is the use of cute elements in political campaigns. Cute elements have been part of political cam - 2025-03-23

AI Lund lunch seminar: AI tools and the impact on Education – what are our opportunities, responsibilities and fears?

31 January 2024 12:00 to 13:15 | Seminar Topic: AI tools and the impact on Education – what are our opportunities, responsibilities and fears?When: 31 January at 12.00-13.15Speaker: Rachel Forsyth, Educational Support Unit, Lund UniversityWhere: Online - link by registrationSpoken language: EnglishAbstractHow will the ubiquitous availability of AI tools, particularly generative AI, impact the ways - 2025-03-23

Future Biomaterials: Data-Driven Insight to Cell-Biomaterial Interaction - open lectures

29 May 2024 16:00 to 30 May 2024 15:30 | Seminar Organized by the Pufendorf Institute Theme "Roadmap of Biomaterials 4.0" Welcome to participate in the open online sessions of this conference on data science-driven biomaterials research, which is organised by the Pufendorf Institute Theme "Roadmap of Biomaterials 4.0". Leading international data scientists and biomaterial researchers will share in - 2025-03-23

Rethinking Global Challenges through Feminist Media and Communication Approaches

8 November 2024 13:00 to 15:00 | Seminar This seminar series engages with feminist theory in media and communication studies to rediscover older and forgotten ways of knowing and thinking about these issues, and to imagine alternative ways of communicating in an era marked by global crises and armed conflicts. It is organized by the Department of Communication (IKO), Lund University, in cooperatio - 2025-03-23

Decolonial Sociology of Law Seminar Series: Decolonial Tours of Palestine

20 November 2024 13:15 to 15:00 | Seminar Bringing together perspectives from scholars at varying career stages, this research seminar series offers a platform for critical discussion and debate on a range of issues germane to decolonising sociology of law, including the role of researchers, positionality, and knowledge production, re-evaluating and reimagining foundational scholarship in the disc - 2025-03-23