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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3460 hits

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Välkommen till Italienska: Skriftlig språkfärdighet på italienska Den här informationen riktar sig till dig som har blivit antagen till kursen Italienska: Skriftlig språkfärdighet på italienska, 7,5 hp (ITAM11), vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet hösten 2020. På kurshemsidan hittar du information om introduktionsmöte, schema och litteraturlista för kursen. All undervisning den här - 2025-03-25

Andrey Nikolaev (Lund University) on combining EEG and eye-tracking to study cognitive processes und

Andrey Nikolaev (Lund University) on combining EEG and eye-tracking to study cognitive processes under naturalistic viewing conditions Andrey Nikolaev (Lund University) on combining EEG and eye-tracking to study cognitive processes under naturalistic viewing conditions Published 29 April 2025 On 29 April, Andrey Nikolaev from Lund Memory Lab at the Department of Psychology at Lund University will - 2025-03-25

FYSA13 Course Analysis VT2021

Course analysis for “Physics: Introduction to University Physics, with Optics, Waves and Quantum Physics, FYSA13” VT 2020 Course responsible: Lukasz Michalak Teachers: lecturers: Vincent Hedberg (optics and waves) and Lukasz Michalak (waves and quantum physics) exercise supervisor (problem-solving sessions): Megha Gopalakrishna lab supervisors, geometrical optics: Smita Ganguly and Yuhe Zhang lab - 2025-03-25

December 10th 2020

From the Director Dear CEC colleagues The faculty board will soon decide on our new formal organisation, which means that a director and four deputy directors – focusing on undergraduate education, PhD-education, research development and stakeholder interactions – will lead CEC. The reorganization will also have secondary consequences on various roles at CEC. With this reorganization, we will have - 2025-03-23

COSM39 2021 schedule

COSM39_2021_schedule COSM39 Documentary Film in East and South-East Asia 30 August to 29 September 2021 Lecturer Prof. Marina Svensson, Dr. Jinyan Zeng, Chontida Auikool, Guest lecturers: Professor Markus Nornes, University of Michigan, and Professors Kiu-Wai Chu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Week 1 30 August - 2025-03-25

Google earth and geomorphology ver 2014

1 Exercise in Remote Sensing, Geomorphology, Ecology and Development Geography based on Google Earth Ulrik Mårtensson VT2013 1. Aims and objectives The World Bank and UN introduced the concept of State of the Environment Report (SOER) on their agendas about 30 years ago. The SOER is produced by national governments and includes descriptions of the current situation, issues and plans for future dev - 2025-03-25

EDGE : A new approach to suppressing numerical diffusion in adaptive mesh simulations of galaxy formation

We introduce a new method to mitigate numerical diffusion in adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations of cosmological galaxy formation, and study its impact on a simulated dwarf galaxy as part of the 'EDGE' project. The target galaxy has a maximum circular velocity of 21 km s-1 but evolves in a region that is moving at up to 90 km s-1 relative to the hydrodynamic grid. In the absence of any miti

Investigating Agency: Methodological and Empirical Challenges

The literature on regional development increasingly recognizes that agency is an essential but understudied factor in processes of regional structural change. However, much like the fundamental debates in social sciences about agency and structure, work in this field has often remained theoretical. Investigating the role of agency in regional economic development, systematically and at the micro-l

The Creation of Transnational Memory Spaces : Professionalization and Commercialization

In the age of globalization, local memories of past violence are often dislocated from their material places as remembrance is transpiring in transnational memory spaces. Historical events and commemorative memory practices increasingly transcend national boundaries and change the way memories of historical violence, atrocity, and genocide are represented in the transnational memoryscape. This art

Neolithic farmers or Neolithic foragers? : Organic residue analysis of early pottery from Rakushechny Yar on the Lower Don (Russia)

The emergence of pottery in Europe is associated with two distinct traditions: hunter-gatherers in the east of the continent during the early 6th millennium BC and early agricultural communities in the south-west in the late 7th millennium BC. Here we investigate the function of pottery from the site of Rakushechny Yar, located at the Southern fringe of Eastern Europe, in this putative contact zon