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Your search for "zoom" yielded 2158 hits

Information on the Swedish Mediterranean Institutes in Athens, Rome and Istanbul

Published 6 November 2024 Could a visit to the Swedish Mediterranean Institutes in Rome, Athens, or Istanbul benefit your employment, education, research, or teaching and expand your international network? How can such a visit be funded? Join the directors of the Swedish Mediterranean Institutes to learn about the resources and networking opportunities they offer. When? Monday, November 11, 11:00 - 2025-03-21

LU eScience Hub: NLP Applications in Scientific Domains

By alexandros [dot] sopasakis [at] math [dot] lth [dot] se (Alexandros Sopasakis) - published 12 September 2023 This event intends to bring together the scientific community and shed light on the capabilities of Natural Language Processing (NLP) while providing an overview of its achievements in different scientific fields A series of speakers from diverse scientific backgrounds will share insight - 2025-03-22

Course in Written English for Scholarly Publication

By claes [dot] lindskog [at] htbibl [dot] lu [dot] se (Claes Lindskog) - published 10 January 2024 Your research deserves to be communicated clearly, efficiently, and correctly. Otherwise, it’s unlikely to be published, and if published, unlikely to be read, and if read, unlikely to be fully understood. To help you develop your academic English, the English Unit at the Centre for Language and Lite - 2025-03-22

Information session and Q&A about Sten K Johnson Foundation grants

By lina [dot] tornquist [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Törnquist) - published 19 November 2024 Are you innovative and want to develop a project within education, entrepreneurship, literature, medicine, music, technology or training? Sten K Johnsson's foundation can provide funding and LU Innovation can help you. The Sten K Johnson Foundation awards scholarships of up to 300,000 SEK. Its a - 2025-03-22

Professional and career development for technical and administrative staff – a preliminary study is underway

Published 11 April 2023 During the spring, a preliminary study is being conducted with the aim of enhancing professional development and career paths for technical and administrative (TA) staff at the University. The preliminary study is to map the current situation: the development opportunities that exist, the rate of staff turnover etc. The work is to lead to concrete proposals for how LU can s - 2025-03-22

Invitation to notify interest in becoming a profile area and to next meeting scheduled for 3 December

By tina [dot] trollas [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se (Tina Trollås) - published 24 November 2021 The Vice-Chancellor have decided that Lund University will begin work on profiling and guidelines for the work. On 22 November, Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz has decided on the process for this work in accordance with the principles decided by the Vice-Chancellor. The process is described in the manageme - 2025-03-22

Ny supersimulering av hur galaxer bildas

Av johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - publicerad 23 februari 2024 Datorsimulering av hur galaxer går till. Foto: The AGORA Collaboration. Astronomer kan med hjälp av superdatorer simulera hur galaxer bildats ända sedan Big Bang för 13,8 miljarder år sedan fram till idag. Men det finns en rad felkällor. En internationell forskargrupp, ledd av Lunds universitet oc - 2025-03-21

Ny supersimulering av hur galaxer bildas

Publicerad 26 februari 2024 En del av det simulerade universumet. I mitten föds en galax genom gas som senare förvandlas till stjärnor. Hela processen tar miljarder år men simuleras på bara några månader i superdatorer. Foto: The AGORA Collaboration. Astronomer kan med hjälp av superdatorer simulera hur galaxer bildats ända sedan Big Bang för 13,8 miljarder år sedan fram till idag. Men det finns e - 2025-03-21

Pedagogisk pristagare: Lyssna till studenterna

Av lena [dot] bjork_blixt [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Lena Björk Blixt) - publicerad 15 februari 2021 Charlotte ­Sparrenbom, Paul McMillan och ­Vasna Ramasar är årets prisbelönta lärare. Lunds studenters pedagogiska pris går i år till en geolog, en astronom och en kulturgeograf. LUM fick en hastig intervju med en av dem, geologen Charlotte Sparrenbom, mitt i de hektiska förberedelserna inför ä - 2025-03-22

Development Research Day 2020

Publicerad 8 oktober 2020 The Development Research Day is an inter-disciplinary arrangement that was initiated in order to form a meeting ground for all researchers and students at Lund University who share an interest in development issues. About Development Research Day, DRD The first DRD The event was launched in 2002 by the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Since then the res - 2025-03-21

Vässa din penna: Utveckla din skrivna engelska för internationell publicering

Av jon [dot] ulvsgard [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jon Ulvsgärd) - publicerad 8 oktober 2024 Din forskning förtjänar att bli kommunicerad effektivt, korrekt och med ett varierat och professionellt språk. Vässa din penna och delta i den populära kursen ”Written English for Scholarly Publication”. Anmäl dig senast 11 oktober. Kursen arrangeras av Engelska sektionen vid Språk- och Litteraturcentrum oc - 2025-03-22

Ph.D. defence interview - Emil Ygland

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 15 November 2021 Emil Ygland Rödström will defend his Ph.D. thesis on Saturday 20th November. Emil Ygland Rödström is defending his thesis on the 20th of November. His research is about clinical, genetical, and biochemical biomarkers for the prognosis of Parkinson’s disease patients. Here, he tells us more about th - 2025-03-21

Björkdahl on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

Published 19 August 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Annika Björkdahl and Johanna Mannergren have authored the article "Translating UNSCR 1325 from the global to the national: protection, representation and participation in the National Action Plans of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda" in the journal Conflict, Security and Development 15(4). Abstract:A decade and a half after the adoption of United Nat - 2025-03-22

Björkdahl on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

Published 19 August 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Annika Björkdahl and Johanna Mannergren have authored the article "Translating UNSCR 1325 from the global to the national: protection, representation and participation in the National Action Plans of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda" in the journal Conflict, Security and Development 15(4). Abstract:A decade and a half after the adoption of United Nat - 2025-03-22

Open seminar on public diplomacy and gender

Published 11 April 2022 Nadia Kaneva, associate professor in Media and Strategic communication at Denver University (USA), will, among other things, discuss the marketing of national and gender-related identities. Nadia Kaneva visits the public diplomacy research group and the Department of Strategic Communication in May 2022. The visit is part of an ongoing collaboration between Lund University a - 2025-03-21

Sustainability Fund’s call open - funding for projects with the potential to make a difference

By Jenny [dot] Hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 24 April 2023 By supporting ideas at an early stage, research can contribute to a positive change in society. The second financial supports within LU's Sustainability Fund is now open for applications. Through the Sustainability Fund's Sustainable Idea Exploration, you get the opportunity to explore the innovative potent - 2025-03-22

Webinar: Noam Chomsky on language, mind, and thought

By mehdi [dot] sabzevari [at] ling [dot] lu [dot] se (Mehdi Sabzevari) - published 16 September 2022 Professor Noam Chomsky has agreed to give an online seminar on the topic of "Language, Mind and Thought" on Thursday, 29th of September The seminar will be in the late afternoon to accommodate the time difference. "Language, Mind and Thought" on Thursday, 29th of September, 16.00-17.00. NB: 16.00, - 2025-03-22

Rapport från fakultetsstyrelsens möte (5 juni 2024)

Av johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - publicerad 5 juni 2024 Medicinska fakultetens styrelse (MFS) har hållit sammanträde. Mötet inleddes med att vicedekan David Gisselsson Nord rapporterade om hanteringen av branden på BMC. Anders Rasmussen från Future Faculty meddelade de nu har en ny styrelse och kommer utse ny ordförande och därmed ändra representant i fak - 2025-03-22