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Våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par. Socialarbetares erfarenheter av heteronormativitet i socialt arbete.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur heteronormativitet påverkar socialt arbete med våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par, baserat på socialarbetares utsagor. Vi hittade lite forskningen inom detta område, majoriteten av forskningen vi hittade var internationell. Vi ville utforska hur våld i nära relationer karaktäriseras hos samkönade par. Vi ville också utforska hur heteronormativiThe aim of this study was to explore how heteronormativity influences social work regarding domestic violence in same-sex couples, based off the experiences of social workers. The research we found regarding this subject was limited, especially in Sweden. We wanted to explore the characteristics of domestic violence within same-sex couples. We also wanted to explore how heteronormativity is expres

Cluster architecture and job submission, 27 February 2024

Cluster architecture and job submission, 27 February 2024 | LUNARC Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not st - 2025-02-06

Control Seminar Series

Control Seminar Series | Department of Automatic Control Faculty of Engineering, LTH Search Department of Automatic Control LTH, Faculty of Engineering Education Research External Engagement Personnel Publications About, Contact Home  >  Research  >  Control Seminar Series Denna sida på svenska This page in English Control Seminar Series Monthly seminars are being held where eminent faculties and - 2025-02-06

Research on educational collaboration – Defense 26 April 2024

Research on educational collaboration – Defense 26 April 2024 Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store a - 2025-02-06

Utbildning av Trafiksäkerhetsgranskare

Utbildning av Trafiksäkerhetsgranskare Grade Portal Course catalogue   Course catalogue     Utbildning av Trafiksäkerhetsgranskare el UTBILDNING AV TrafiksäkERHETSGRANSKARE UPPDRAGSUTBILDNING | LUNDS UNIVERSITET Utbildningen av Trafiksäkerhetsgranskare ges av Institutionen för Teknik och Samhälle vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola och är utformad i enlighet med TSFS 2011:99. Kursen syftar att kompetensut®ionid=&cityid=&fromdate=&todate= - 2024-12-29

Welcome to the Master of Science Programme in Sociology

Programme code SASCO. Programme period 2024–2026. Here you will find all the information you need to get started with your studies at the Department of Sociology at Lund University. Mandatory introductory meetingThe programme starts with the course Classical and Contemporary Theory, SOCN03:Time and place:3 September at 15.00–17.00Address: Gamla lungkliniken, Sandgatan 11 (Department of Sociology, - 2025-02-05

8 April 2021

From the management Two weeks ago, the Dean of the Science Faculty gave all departments an assignment to investigate how we can strengthen coordination within and between the departments as well as between the departments and the Faculty. This assignment has been initiated by the transversal RQ20 panel reports and their recommendations to our Faculty regarding organization, infrastructure and recr - 2025-02-05

Conference Programme

IT = Invited Talk (20min + 5 min questions)CT = Contributed Talk (12 min + 3 min questions)The poster exhibition will take place outside the auditorium. Note that posters are limited to a width of 70 cm! Wednesday 2 OctoberLocation:  LUX auditorium12:00-13:30Registration13:30-13:35Welcome by LOC13:35-13:45Introduction from National committee for astronomy13:45-13:55Introduction from Swedish Astron - 2025-02-05

HEKN11 fall 2021 schedule (provisional)

1 FALL 2021 CULTURE, ECONOMY AND ECOLOGY (HEKN11) Schedule and literature Note: this is a provisional schedule. No major changes will be made, but details might well change (including some additional lectures and additions of articles and book chapters to the course literature). Final schedule will be distributed when the course commences. TEACHERS: Amr Ahmed (AA) – Ekaterina C - 2025-02-06

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | november 2022 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | november 2022 Publicerad den 15 november 2022 Foto: Maria Eklind (CC BY-SA 2.0) I november månads nyhetsbrev informerar vi om öppna laborationer för uppsatsskrivande studenter, om nyförvärven i oktober, en ny databas och månadens e-resurs: Brockhaus. Vi uppmärksammar också Vetenskapsrådets nya riktlinjer för publicer - 2025-02-07

Meeting rooms in Lund at BMC/Forum Medicum

Shortcuts on this page:BookTerms for renting premisesList of meeting roomsBookIn TimeEdit, you can search for available rooms, make reservations, and find prices for internal and external rentals. To be able to book a room, you need a cost center and a Lucat-ID. You will find instructions about how to make a reservation on Lund University Staff Pages.Book a room in TimeEditInformation and instruct - 2025-02-05

May 14th 2020

CEC's sustainable future As you have been informed in separate mails from Henrik last week and today, there has – in connection with the Science Faculty oversight of CEC – been a discussion about the future leadership at CEC from 1 January 2021. In connection with this, Henrik have been asked to provide a proposal for the structure of CEC’s future leadership, included finding candidates for the po - 2025-02-05

No title

Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Diskret matematik MATB13, vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Anna Torstensson Övriga lärare: Henrik Ekström hade en seminariegrupp. Victor Ufnarovski vikarierade för Anna Tor- stnesson på de flesta föreläsningarna och alla seminarierna de första tre veckorna. Antal studenter: 29 registrerade (på NF, kursen samläses med FMAA25 på LTH.) Betyg vid ordinarie tentam - 2025-02-06

Digital Tools in Supplemental Instruction (SI)

This study focus on digital tools and software programmes used in SI. It combines a case study for the SI programme at Lund University with an international overview. The digital tools are divided in categories based on where they are used in SI. Digital tools for SI leaders are usually tools for communication with participants between sessions (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.); sharing good p

A 'multiscale' assessment of the molecular mechanisms underlying the pro-survival Bcl-2 protein members in cancer

Apoptosis is a vital physiological defence mechanism against tumorigenesis and critical for embryogenesis, tissue homeostasis, and discharging damaged or infected cells. Protein members of the B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) family regulates the cellular commitment to cell survival or programmed cell death by intrinsic (mitochondrial) apoptosis. In response to intracellular stresses, this apoptotic bala

Do variations in the initial mass function affect galaxy evolution?

The initial mass function (IMF) describes the stellar mass distribution for a population of stars at birth. This parameter represents a topic of long standing discussion within astronomy due to its apparent insensitive nature to environmental conditions. However, in the last decade, significant evidence suggesting the contrary has been presented. Due to the role of the IMF as an input variable for

Bothness Despite Otherness: A Synergistic Approach in a North-South Social Enterprise fusing Mutual Collaboration with Degrowth Values

Title: Bothness Despite Otherness: A Synergistic Approach in a NorthSouth Social Enterprise fusing Mutual Collaboration with Degrowth Values Authors: Ricarda Becker and Ladina Kaupp Supervisor: John Murray, Lund University, Sweden Purpose: This thesis aims to identify how mutual collaboration practices are infused with degrowth values within a business context that spans the Global North and the