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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3568 hits

Actions in teaching at INES in response to Covid spring 2021

Actions in teaching at INES in response to Covid-19 related restrictions, spring 2021 Authors: INES management group, Jonathan Seaquist, Lars Eklundh, Petter Pilesjö & Ulrik Mårtensson Date: 2021-02-25 Validity: until further notice The guidelines and actions below should be followed at INES to ensure staff and student safety with regard to Covid-19 disease spread. It is the responsibility of all - 2025-02-05

For our new students

Hello student! Have you been admitted to one of our courses or programmes? On this page you will find everything you need to know before the start of the semester. Welcome to the Department of Human Geography with the division of Human Ecology. Start by reading the checklist where we have summarised the most important information you need to start studying with us. Secure your place For internatio - 2025-02-05

How to improve your ergonomics at home – five tips

Being a student wears on your body. It can be difficult to find ergonomic workplaces on campus and many sit on their couch or at the kitchen table at home when studying digitally. On this page, you can read about five ways in which you can improve your studying ergonomics without resorting to professional office chairs or expensive technology. Vary your working position The most important part of - 2025-02-05

An Analysis of (Sub-)Hourly Rainfall in Convection-Permitting Climate Simulations Over Southern Sweden From a User’s Perspective

To date, the assessment of hydrological climate change impacts, not least on pluvial flooding, has been severely limited by i) the insufficient spatial resolution of regional climate models (RCMs) as well as ii) the simplified description of key processes, e.g., convective rainfall generation. Therefore, expectations have been high on the recent generation of high-resolution convection-permitting

Rapid filamentary accretion as the origin of extended thin discs

Galactic outflows driven by stellar feedback are crucial for explaining the inefficiency of star formation in galaxies. Although strong feedback can promote the formation of galactic discs by limiting star formation at early times and removing low angular momentum (AM) gas, it is not understood how the same feedback can result in diverse objects such as elliptical galaxies or razor thin spiral gal

Climate Change Adaptation at District level. A case study of Sioma district in Zambia.

Climate change adaptation is taking a more visible role in the planning agendas of countries, cities, and communities. With increasing attention being paid on the different approaches and practicalities of selecting and implementing adaptation strategies and interventions to cushion the risks and impacts of climate change. Globally, there have been calls to strengthen adaptation especially among v

Continuous monitoring of summer surface water vapor isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet

We present here surface water vapor isotopic measurements conducted from June to August 2010 at the NEEM (North Greenland Eemian Drilling Project) camp, NW Greenland (77.45 degrees N, 51.05 degrees W, 2484 m a.s.l.). Measurements were conducted at 9 different heights from 0.1m to 13.5m above the snow surface using two different types of cavity-enhanced near-infrared absorption spectroscopy analyze

Revising the link between neighbourhoods and education: The case of well performing middle schools in Malmö

How do neighbourhoods affect life chances? This is a question that researchers have asked in different forms as early as the 50’s –and there is no shortage of papers exploring neighbourhood effects: how where we live affects our well-being or our participation in the labour market, our life expectancy or, in general, our life outcomes. Yet, there is less consensus than one would expect from a fiel


This thesis seeks to investigate what kind of planning Vesterport needs today. This thesis proposes to cover the rain tracks and create an overall urban planning that not only connects ends, but also links the existing. The ends being connected by infrastructural and nature grips, where a new promenade connects the area to the historical urban ring structure of Copenhagen. The promenade connects

Digitalization as a Tool to Facilitate the Development of Skåne’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Fostering entrepreneurship has become fundamental to economic development in cities and countries globally. The emergence of digital tools and services has created novel ways of pursuing entrepreneurship. Sweden ranks as the third most digitalized EU country, so this thesis aims to investigate how digitalization has facilitated the development of one of its most progressive Entrepreneurial Ecosyst

How do you cope? A study on entrepreneurs' work-life balance and their existing coping mechanisms

Title: How do you cope? A study on entrepreneurs' work-life balance and their existing coping mechanisms. Seminar: 01/06/2023 Course: FEKH99, Examensarbete i entreprenörskap och innovation på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Authors: Emmy Heiding, Vilma Larsson, Love Ivarsson Supervisor: Joakim Winborg Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Early-Stage venture, Work-Life Balance, Coping Mechanisms, Work Satisfaction.

How do patients experience and use home blood pressure monitoring? A qualitative analysis with UTAUT 2

Background: Hypertension is an important cardiovascular risk factor with potentially harmful consequences. Home blood pressure monitoring is a promising method for following the effect of hypertension treatment. The use of technology-enabled care and increased patient involvement might contribute to more effective treatment methods. However, more knowledge is needed to explain the motivations and

A2030 monthly update 240312

Agenda 2030 Graduate School monthly newsletter #3 2023-03-12 Ylva van Meeningen Hi! As spring comes closer and closer, everything seem to be in a rush. Plants have a rush to burst through the ground. Birds start to sing and more and more intensively and people in general seem to have stuff that need to be don right here and right now. Do not forget to take time once in a while to appreciate smalle - 2025-02-05

Ny student

VIKTIG OCH ANVÄNDBAR INFORMATION FÖR STUDENTER VID EKONOMIHÖGSKOLAN Börja här – 4 viktiga stegHitta informationNy student på Ekonomie kandidatprogrammetDatum och scheman IT (internet, skrivare, digitala verktyg)Ekonomihögskolans campusStöd och hjälp för dig som studentStudentlivRättigheter och skyldigheter Börja här - 4 viktiga steg 1. Aktivera ditt studentkonto Som student vid Lunds universitet t - 2025-02-06

Transkriberad version av ämnespodden om samhällsvetenskap, ekonomi och juridik, del 2

En gång så deep cleanade jag hela min ugn dagen före en tenta– –för att det var så otroligt viktigt. Gummihandskar på, sprej, skrapor... Det där är psykologiskt också, tycker jag! Stress inne i huvudet och så är det bara rent runt omkring, då mår man ändå bra. Det är skönt att ta ut lite ilska på en ugn... Vi har fått in: "Hur går praktikansökan till och hur lång är praktiktiden?" –Har nån gjort p - 2025-02-06

Våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par. Socialarbetares erfarenheter av heteronormativitet i socialt arbete.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur heteronormativitet påverkar socialt arbete med våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par, baserat på socialarbetares utsagor. Vi hittade lite forskningen inom detta område, majoriteten av forskningen vi hittade var internationell. Vi ville utforska hur våld i nära relationer karaktäriseras hos samkönade par. Vi ville också utforska hur heteronormativiThe aim of this study was to explore how heteronormativity influences social work regarding domestic violence in same-sex couples, based off the experiences of social workers. The research we found regarding this subject was limited, especially in Sweden. We wanted to explore the characteristics of domestic violence within same-sex couples. We also wanted to explore how heteronormativity is expres

H23 V24 Kursanalys MSFT02

H23_V24_Kursanalys_MSFT02 Avdeln ingen för Medic insk Strå ln ingsfys ik S jukhusfys ikerutb i ldningen, NASJF , senare de l HT2023 – VT2024 Kursanalys MSFT02 Medicinsk strålningsfysik - Examensarbete Michael Ljungberg Detta år har MSF haft sin examensarbeten förlagda till Lund och Halmstad. och det var till antalet fyra stycken Studenterna hade 12 projektförslag att välja på och inriktningarna tä - 2025-02-05


Dm STYR 2021/572 PROTOKOLL 1:2021 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi Ledningsgruppen för Psykoterapeutprogrammet Sammancräcksdacum 2021-02-16 Närvarande ledamöter ~ (I) 1- v, ::J (I) I- >, .D -0 Q) qj 5 0 Q. I 0 (L '"-I Catharina Strid Pelle Olsson Eva Malmberg Jens Knutsson Anna Carling Terese Parkas Isabelle Hansson Njördur Viborg Övriga Eva-Lena Hansson Ordförande, studierektor, Fami - 2025-02-05

Protokoll 20210427slutlig med signering

Dnr STYR 2021/1113 PROTOKOLL 2:2021 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi Ledningsgruppen för Psykoterapeutprogrammet Samrnanträdesdaturn 2021-04-27 Närvarande ledamöter .Y. (1J f·- (1) ::J Q) I­ >, ..0 -cJ (J) aj s: 0 a.. I 0 0.. ·,1 Catharina Strid Pelle Olsson Eva Malmberg Jens Knutsson Anna Carling Terese Farkas Isabelle Hansson Njördur Viborg Övriga Eva-Lena Hansson Ordförande, studie - 2025-02-05