Publikationer från CTR
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- Arvidsson, M., Cejvan, O. & Nilsson, J. (2025). Teosofi. I Adetorp, J. & Arvidsson, S. (Red.) Moderna gudar : Progressiv religion i vår tid (pp. 147-163). Arkiv.
- (2024). Hieronymus av Stridon : Mot Jovinianus II 18–34. I Wihlborg, D. & Pålsson, K. (Red.) Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek, Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek : Teologi efter Nicaea (pp. 167-201), VIII. Artos & Norma.
- Al Daghistani, S. (2024). Introduction. I Al-Daghistani, S. (Red.) Themes in Islamic Studies, Recovering Environmental and Economic Traditions in the Islamic World. (pp. 1-13), 9. Brill.
- Al Daghistani, S. (2024). On Tazkiya and Zakāt al-Nafs: Decolonizing Modern Economic and Environmental Thought. I Al-Daghistani, S. (Red.) Themes in Islamic Studies, Recovering Environmental and Economic Traditions in the Islamic World (pp. 17-55), 9. Brill.
- Arentzen, T. (2024). In the Shadows of Pillars. I Crostini, B. & Høgel, C. (Red.) Transactions, Syrian Stylites : Rereadings and Recastings of Late Ancient Superheroes (pp. 129-137), 26. Swedish Research Institute Istanbul.
- Arentzen, T. (2024). Kassia the Poet. I Akkent, M., US-MacLennan, P., Vartanyan Dilaver, A. & Vukašinović, M. (Red.) Publications of Istanbul Gender Museum, Kassia : Yüreklendiren Sözler (pp. 62-73). Kabalcı Publishing.
- Bergman, E. (2024). Visa mig vad du har i din bokhylla och jag skall säga vem du är : Peter Olofsson (?) - En profetisk predikant. I Bergman, E., Ciardi, A. M. & Nystrand, C. (Red.) Bibliotheca Theologiae Practicae, Från Jerusalem till Dalby : Perspektiv på medeltida pastoral praxis. Festskrift till professor Stephan Borgehammar (pp. 113-128), 103. Artos & Norma.
- Björk, M. (2024). A Place Free from and for Law : Franz von Baader on the Redemption of Time and Space. I Palmusaari, J. & Schneider, N. (Red.) Possibilities of Place in Continental Thought : Critique, Politics, Philosophy (pp. 243-262). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
- Björk, M. (2024). La destituzione del senso : Paul Feyerabend ed Erich Unger: l’abbondanza della percezione. I Astone, G. & Della Sala, F. (Red.) Lumen, Destituzioni : Per una politica della deposizione. Edizioni Efesto.
- Brissman, I. (2024). Contemporary Tree Lore and the Ancient Worship of Trees : The Contributions of James Frazer to the Contemporary Study of Religion and Ecology. A Century of James Frazer's The Golden Bough : Shaking the Tree, Breaking the Bough, 265-287. Taylor & Francis.
- Brissman, I., Linjamaa, P. & Thykier Makeeff, T. (2024). Introduction : Ritual Creativity. I Brissman, I., Linjamaa, P. & Makeeff, T. T. (Red.) Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Handbook of Rituals in Contemporary Studies of Religion : Exploring Ritual Creativity in the Footsteps of Anne-Christine Hornborg (pp. 1-15). Brill.
- Cejvan, O. (2024). Transformation beyond the Threshold : The Reiterative Practice of Initiation in the Contemporary Initiatory Society Sodalitas Rosae Crucis (S.R.C.). I Brissman, I., Linjamaa, P. & Thykier Makeeff, T. (Red.) Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Handbook of Rituals in Contemporary Studies of Religion : Exploring Ritual Creativity in the Footsteps of Anne-Christine Hornborg (pp. 193-207), 22. Brill.
- Cirafesi, W. (2024). John within Judaism. I Zetterholm, K. H. & Runesson, A. (Red.) Within Judaism? : Interpretive Trajectories in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the First to the Twenty-First Century (pp. 162-175). Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.
- Cirafesi, W. (2024). The Use of Paul in Hippolytus's De Antichristo. I Still, T. & Wilhite, D. (Red.) Pauline and Patristic Scholars in Debate, The Apologists and Paul (pp. 181-193). Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
- Cirafesi, W. V. (2024). Between self-knowledge and self-enjoyment : ΓΝѠθΙ CAYTON in the skeleton mosaic from beneath the Monastery of San Gregorio. I Filtvedt, O. J. & Schröter, J. (Red.) Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Know Yourself : Echoes and Interpretations of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy (pp. 269-291), 260. De Gruyter.
- Dahlman, B. (2024). Athanasios av Alexandria, Det första brevet till Serapion. I Wihlborg, D. & Pålsson, K. (Red.) Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek, Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek : Band VIII. Teologi efter Nicaea (pp. 85-103). Artos & Norma.
- Elmelund, C. T. & Wasserman, T. (2024). New Light on the Marginalia of Family 1 in John. I Gäbel, G., Geigenfeind, M. & Müller, D. (Red.) Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung, Textforschung zu Septuaginta, Hebräerbrief und Apokalypse : Die Relevanz von Textkritik für die Erforschung des frühen Judentums, des Neuen Testaments und des frühen ChristentumsFestschrift für Martin Karrer zum 70. Geburtstag (pp. 415-444), 60. De Gruyter.
- Faxneld, P., Plank, K. & Nilsson, J. (2024). Sweden. I Cox, L., Dessì, U. & Pokorny, L. K. (Red.) Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society, East Asian Religiosities in the European Union : Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity (pp. 321-344), 29. Brill.
- Goldman, A. J. (2024). Exceptions (to exceptions) and decisions (about decisions) in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and Schmitt’s Political Theology. I Pöykkö, P.-M., Slotte Russo, P. & Salo, V. (Red.) Helsinki Yearbook of Intellectual History, Political violence : Historical, philosophical and theological perspectives (pp. 131-152), 4. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Gruber, J., Schüßler, M. & Bobrowicz, R. (2024). Introduction. Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Part F2872, 1-17. Springer Nature.
- Guggenmos, E.-M. (2024). II.10 Religiöse Traditionen Chinas und ihre konfuzianischen und daoistischen Elemente. I Heller, B. & Franke, E. (Red.) De Gruyter Studium, Religion und Geschlecht (pp. 155-174). De Gruyter.
- Hallqvist, K. (2024). Hur döljer man en gloria? : Jesusbarnets och hans moders förutvetande och proleptiska lidande i senmedeltida birgittinsk spiritualitet. I Bergman, E., Ciardi, A. M. & Nystrand, C. (Red.) Bibliotheca Theologiae Practicae, Från Jerusalem till Dalby - perspektiv på medeltida pastoral praxis : Festskrift till professor Stephan Borgehammar (pp. 96-112), 103. Artos & Norma.
- Hornborg, A.-C. (2024). Ritual Studies. I Bogdan, H. & Larsson, G. (Red.) The Study of Religion in Sweden : Past, Present and Future (pp. 217-228). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Jackelén, A. (2024). Der Ketchup-Effekt. Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in den Kirchen. I Knop, J. (Red.) Herder Thema, Gottes starke Töchter : Frauen und Ämter im Katholizismus weltweit (pp. 60-61). Herder Verlag.
- Jackelén, A. (2024). Naturalism and Spirituality : The Need of Expanding the Concept of Sustainability. I Runehov, A. & Fuller, M. (Red.) Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology, Science, Religion, the Humanities and Hope : Essays in Honour of Willem B. Drees (pp. 103-113), 8. Springer.