Publikationer från CTR
Bokkapitel (sida 2 av 45)
- Liljefors, H. (2024). "Gammaltestamentliga" gudsbilder i mediedebatt : Kvinnohatare, nazist och homofob. I Axelson, T., Essunger, M., Nausner, M. & Wigorts Yngvesson, S. (Red.) Pastoralteologi, Gudsbilder i förändring (pp. 315-329). Verbum.
- Liljefors, H. (2024). Lingering Lions : Contemporary Uses of Methaphors from the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible in the Public Sphere of Sweden. I Davage, D., Larsson, M. & Tiemeyer, L.-S. (Red.) Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplements, Metaphors in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible and Beyond (pp. 231-251), 36. Brill Schöningh.
- Liljefors, M. (2024). Konsten på Södersjukhuset. I von Schantz, C. & Wengström, E. (Red.) Konsten : Södersjukhuset (pp. 12-15). Region Stockholm.
- Linjamaa, P. (2024). Bringing Embodiment Back to Antiquity : Manifesting Enlightenment through the Body in Valentinus’ Writings. I Brissman, I., Linjamaa, P. & Thykier Makeeff, T. (Red.) Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Handbook of Rituals in Contemporary Studies of Religion : Exploring Ritual Creativity in the Footsteps of Anne-Christine Hornborg (pp. 208-220), 22. Brill.
- Lundgren, S. (2024). Assyrians and Kurds in Sweden - A Strained Relation. Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien, Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien 11, 163-173. Praesens Verlag.
- Lundgren, S. & Lund, M. (2024). Judaism. The Study of Religion in Sweden : Past, Present and Future, 68-82. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
- Makeeff, T. T. (2024). Be water my friend : Esotericism, martial arts and entangled histories. Appropriating the Dao : The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China, 201-221. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
- Mannerfelt, F. (2024). Ekumeniska influenser i 1958 års ämbetsreform i Svenska kyrkan. I Rubenson, K. & Tillberg, K. (Red.) Svenska kyrkans forskningsserie, Vigd till tjänst : Om ämbetet i Svenska kyrkan (pp. 361-387), 53. Verbum.
- Mannerfelt, F. (2024). Nattvard 3.0 : Digitalt förmedlad nattvard i ett lutherskt perspektiv. I Derlén, T. & Mannerfelt, F. (Red.) Svenska kyrkans forskningsserie, Som spridda sädeskornen : Perspektiv på nattvardens levda teologi (pp. 225-258). Verbum.
- Morgan, J. (2024). Tales of transformation : Conversion narratives of unaccompanied refugee minors in the Church of Sweden. I Rose, L. & Öztürk, E. (Red.) Asylum and Conversion from Islam to Christianity in Europe : Interdisciplinary Approaches (pp. 125-146). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. & Sardella, F. (2024). Indian Religions. I Bogdan, H. & Larsson, G. (Red.) The Study of Religions in Sweden : Past, Present, and Future (pp. 95-111). Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Nilsson, J. (2024). An Exoticism of Rationality and Social Order? : Examining the East-West Binary in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Esoteric Representations of China. I Pokorny, L. K. & Winter, F. (Red.) Appropriating the Dao : The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China (pp. 145-162). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Nilsson, J. (2024). Manipulating the Sticks : Reconstructing Aleister Crowley’s Use of Yijing Divination. I Brissman, I., Linjamaa, P. & Thykier Makeeff, T. (Red.) Brill Handbook on Contemporary Religion, Handbook of Rituals in Contemporary Studies of Religion : Exploring Ritual Creativity in the Footsteps of Anne-Christine Hornborg (pp. 135-147), 22. Brill.
- Nilsson, J. (2024). Turning further East : C.H.A. Bjerregaard and the esoteric enthusiasm for Daoism. I Pokorny, L. K. & Winter, F. (Red.) Appropriating the Dao : The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China (pp. 109-124). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Nord, E. (2024). Kryptiska kolonner : En exegetisk blick på en gammal gåta. I Aggedal, J.-O., Ciardi, A. M. & Nilsson, B. (Red.) Årsbok - Stiftshistoriska sällskapet i Lunds stift, I katedralens inre : Kända skulpturer och nutida gudstjänster i Lunds domkyrka (pp. 9-50), 2023. Stiftshistoriska sällskapet i Lunds stift.
- Norocel, O. C. (2024). Three tales of welfare chauvinism. I Jungar, A.-C. (Red.) The Nordic Populist Radical Right : Voters, Ideology, and Political Interactions (pp. 100-115). Routledge.
- Nykvist, M. (2024). Radikala väckelsepredikanter och andlig revolution. I Arfvidsson Womack, A., Svanberg, F. & Torell, U. (Red.) Nordbor : Liv och rörelse under 500 år (pp. 326-331). Makadam förlag.
- Scharbrodt, O. (2024). Creating Shia Spaces in British Society : The Role of Transnational Twelver Shia Networks in North-West London. I de Rooij, L. (Red.) British Muslims and Their Discourses (pp. 101-120). Springer International Publishing.
- Scheuer, B. (2024). Between Absurdity And Hope : Suffering In The Book Of Isaiah. I Rossi, B., Irudayaraj, D. S. & Hens-Piazza, G. (Red.) The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, Unity in the Book of Isaiah. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Schmiedel, U. (2024). Theology and (Neo)Nationalism. I Muers, R., Cocksworth, A. & Ford, D. F. (Red.) The Great Theologians, Ford's The Modern Theologians : An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918 (pp. 660-673). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sidenvall, E. (2024). Till ledare och chefer skapades de : Gudsfolksteologi i samspel med professionaliseringsprocesser inom Svenska kyrkan. I Rubenson, K. & Tillberg, K. (Red.) Fackteologi, Vigd till tjänst : om ämbetet i Svenska kyrkan (pp. 417-446). Verbum.
- Strømmen, H. & Schmiedel, U. (2024). Contextualizing the Claim to Christianity : A Response to Martin Accad and Shenaz Bunglawala. I Paynter, H. & Power, M. (Red.) The Church, the Far Right, and the Claim to Christianity (pp. 81-90). SCM Press.
- Strømmen, H. & Schmiedel, U. (2024). Probing Challenges and Chances in UK Politics : A Response to James Crossley and William Allchorn. I Paynter, H. & Power, M. (Red.) The Church, the Far Right, and the Claim to Christianity (pp. 121-130). SCM Press.
- Strømmen, H. & Schmiedel, U. (2024). Putting the Semantic Struggle into Practice : A Response to Steinar Ims and Henrik Frykberg. I Paynter, H. & Paynter, M. P. (Red.) The Church, the Far Right, and The Claim to Christianity (pp. 46-57). SCM Press.
- Strømmen, H. & Schmiedel, U. (2024). Putting the Semantic Struggle into Practice : A Response to Steinar Its and Henrik Frykberg. I Paynter, H. & Power, M. (Red.) The Church, the Far Right, and the Claim to Christianity (pp. 46-57). SCM Press.