Publikationer från CTR
Bokkapitel (sida 13 av 46)
- Lind, P. (2018). Wisdom and Cognitive Conflict : Benign Perplexity in the Outlines of Scepticism. I Benitez, R., Lai, K. & Kim, H. J. (Red.) Cultivating a Good Life in Early Chinese and Ancient Greek Philosophy : Perspectives and Reverberations (pp. 104-131). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Lindström, F. (2018). "... vare sig de levande eller de döda" : om Gud och människa i Ruts bok. I Olsson, B. & Starr, J. (Red.) Ordet är dig mycket nära : tolkningar av Gamla testamentet (pp. 23-36). Artos & Norma.
- Lundgren, S. (2018). Har allt sin tid? : Varat och tiden ur pessimistisk synvinkel. I Wistbacka, P. (Red.) Spanarna : Årsbok för Borgå stift 2018 (pp. 14-14). Fontana media.
- Naesselqvist, D. (2018). Kontrasterande bilder av lärjungaskap i Markusevangeliet. I Lillas-Schuil, R., Samuelsson, G., Walser, G. A. & Ålöw, T. (Red.) LIR.skrifter.varia, "Må de nu förklara…" Om bibeltexter, religion, litteratur : Festskrift för Staffan Olofsson (pp. 115-138). Göteborgs universitet.
- Naesselqvist, D. (2018). Underexplored Benefits of Sound Mapping in New Testament Exegesis. I Lee, M. E. (Red.) Biblical Performance Criticism Series, Sound Matters: New Testament Studies in Sound Mapping (pp. 121-133), 16. Cascade Books.
- Otterbeck, J. (2018). Den nya islamiska popmusiken och Maher Zain. I Björkman, J. & Jarrick, A. (Red.) Musikens makt : RJ:s årsbok 2018 (pp. 233-248). Makadam förlag.
- Otterbeck, J. (2018). Islam in Satire : Representations, Taste Cultures, and Liquid Racism. I O’Donnell Polyakov, E. (Red.) Currents of Encounter: Studies in Interreligious and Intercultural Relations, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Interreligious Hermeneutics : Ways of Seeing the Religious Other (pp. 157-174), 58. Brill.
- Qvarnström, O. (2018). The Story behind the Story : Jain identity and patronage as narrated by Kakkasūri in the Nābhinandanajinoddhāraprabandha. I Chojnacki, C. & Leclère, B. (Red.) The Gift of Knowledge : Patterns of Patronage in Jainism. Sapna Book House.
- Rubenson, S. (2018). Early Monasticism and the Concept of a ‘School’. I Rubenson, S. & Larsen, L. (Red.) Monastic Education in Late Antiquity : The Transformation of Classical Paideia (pp. 13-32). Cambridge University Press.
- Selander, S.-?. (2018). Existential Questions in Research and Education in the Shape of a Response to Sven Hartman. I Ristiniemi, J., Skeie, G. & Sporre, K. (Red.) Religious Diversity and Education in Europe, Challenging Life : Existential Questions as a Resource for Education (pp. 47-65), 37. Waxmann Verlag.
- Svartvik, J. (2018). The theology of the land in Jewish-Christian relations and its role in misunderstandings between jews and Christians. The Medieval Roots of Antisemitism : Continuities and Discontinuities from the Middle Ages to the Present Day, 363-376. Routledge.
- Svenungsson, J. & Helgesson, S. (2018). Introduction : The Ethos of History. I Helgesson, S. & Svenungsson, J. (Red.) Making Sense of History, The Ethos of History : Time and Responsibility (pp. 1-13), 34. Berghahn Books.
- Thykier Makeeff, T. (2018). Was Aristotle an Anti-Semitic Alien? : Conspiracy Theory, Ufology, and the Colonization of the Past in Contemporary Greece. I Dyrendal, A., Robertson, D. G. & Asprem, E. (Red.) Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion (pp. 361-388), 17. Brill.
- Vähäkangas, M. (2018). Bible Study: Jacob Reconciled with Esau. I Andrée, U., Diehl, A.-K. & Simon, B. (Red.) Challenged by Ecumenism : Documentation of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute – Berlin 2017 (pp. 90-94). Missionshilfe Verlag.
- Vähäkangas, M. (2018). Postcolonial Positions : Jesse N.K. Mugambi and the Christian Responsibility in the Socio-Political Sphere. I Bongmba, E. K. (Red.) Religion and Social Reconstruction in Africa (pp. 98-107). Routledge.
- Vähäkangas, M. (2018). Theo-logical Positions vis-à-vis Syncretism. I Fridlund, P. & Vähäkangas, M. (Red.) Philosophy of religion. World religions, Theological and Philosophical Responses to Syncretism : Beyond the Mirage of Pure Religion (pp. 68-87), 7. Brill.
- Westergren, A. (2018). Paideia, Piety, and Power: Emperors and Monks in Socrates’ Church History. I Larsen, L. I. & Rubenson, S. (Red.) Monastic Education in Late Antiquity: The Transformation of Classical Paideia (pp. 53-72). Cambridge University Press.
- Zetterholm, M. (2018). Brott och straff? : Om olagliga anställningar i högskolan. I Rauhut, D. & Adamson, G. (Red.) Kejsarens nya kläder : Om new public management och de svenska universitetens sönderfall (pp. 49-63). Academic Rights Watch.
- Borgehammar, S. (2017). Nordens äldsta bevarade byggnad? : Dalby kyrkas värde mellan historia och framtid. I von Bonsdorff, J., Brohed, I. & Jarlert, A. (Red.) Konferenser, Kyrkobyggnad och kyrkorum : Forskningsfrågor (pp. 9-36), 90. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Borgehammar, S. (2017). Vitae Birgittae : en översikt och tre editioner. I Nilsson, A., Damtoft Poulsen, A. & Svensson, J. (Red.) Humanitas : Festskrift till Arne Jönsson (pp. 177-200). Makadam förlag.
- Byrskog, S. (2017). Birger Gerhardsson. I Thatcher, T., Keith, C., Person, Jr., R. F. & Stern, E. R. (Red.) Dictionary of the Bible in Ancient Media and Culture. Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
- Byrskog, S. (2017). Form Criticism. I Thatcher, T., Keith, C., Person, Jr., R. F. & Stern, E. R. (Red.) Dictionary of the Bible in Ancient Media and Culture. Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
- Byrskog, S. (2017). Jesus the Only Teacher: Further Thoughts. I Sweatman, C. S. & Kvidahl, C. B. (Red.) GlossaHouse Festschrift Series, Treasures New and Old: Essays in Honor of Donald A. Hagner (pp. 36-46). GlossaHouse.
- Byrskog, S. (2017). The Meal and the Temple : Probing the Cultic Implications of Jesus’ Last Supper. I Hellholm, D. & Sänger, D. (Red.) Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, The Eucharist – its Origins and Contexts : Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship in Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity, 376. Mohr Siebeck.
- Claeson, E. (2017). Imitatio Christi : Spiritual Marriage, Female Role Models and the Passion of Christ in Fifteenth-Century Vadstena Abbey. I Andersson, E., Gejrot, C., Jones, E. A. & Åkestam, M. (Red.) Konferenser, Continuity and Change : Papers from the Birgitta Conference at Darlington 2015 (pp. 144-159), 93. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.