

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Mud volcanoes : a review

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Vulkanism associeras av de flesta med magmatisk aktivitet och väldiga lavaflöden. Trots detta finns det över hela världen tusentals exempel på ”vulkaner” som oftast inte alls har med magmatism att göra – slamvulkaner. Slamvulkaner drivs genom helt andra och mycket ytligare processer. Slamvulkaner kan bildas i olika miljöer på en rad olika sätt vilket medför attMud volcanoes are pathways through and within which buried argillaceous loose sediments and lithified rocks are altered and transported back to the Earth’s surface. The types of mechanisms of formation, maintenance and triggering of this natural, sedimentary recycling-process vary largely whereby external as well as internal properties of mud volcanoes differ greatly. Sizes range from millimetres

Kulturtidskrifters vara eller inte vara?

Det statliga kulturstödet har stor betydelse för kultursektorn. Sedan slutet på 1960-talet har det funnits ett statligt kulturtidskriftsstöd. 2009 utarbetade Kulturdepartementet en promemoria specifikt rörande kulturtidskriftstöd Nya villkor för statligt stöd till kulturtidskrifter (Ku2009/2215/KV), en promemoria som i huvudsak innebar ett teknikneutralt kulturtidskriftsstöd, borttagande av förlus

Seal and Deal. Cloth Production and Trade between the Netherlands and Scania during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times

During the 15th, 16th and 17th century many commodities were traded from east to west and vice versa through The Sound. One commodity of great importance was cloth. To these large quantities of cloth lead cloth seals were attached as a hallmark of quality control. In this study the cloth trade between the Netherlands and Scania during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times is investigated for

Diaspora och suveräniteten - en begynnande arkeologi över diaspora

Taking as its point of departure Agamben's notion of the nation as that figure of ”bare life” upon which sovereignty in modernity has been invested, this essay represents some first steps towards a foucauldian archeology of diaspora. Through such an approach it is suggested that a more full understanding of the complex relation between nation, state and territory can be acquired. The essay thu

Internationella parallella relationer - En teoriutvecklande studie om internationell politisk ordning i tid och rum

How political order sustains and is constructed is a fundamental problem in the social sciences, and it is still disagreement of how it should be solved. The structure of the operating system is argued has changed, which has contributed to the nation-states ability to manage the problem of political order has enervated. The thesis point of departure is that the traditional way of study and analyze

Education and micro-credit in Kenya- A minor field study about the impact education and micro-credit has on empowerment among youths

This bachelor thesis analyses the impact that development projects working with higher education and micro-credit have on youth’s empowerment processes. I have made a minor field study in Kenya and conducted 21 semi-structured respondent interviews with a group with higher education, a group that was provided with micro-credit and a group which was not provided with neither. The interviews were co

Kasta inte pärlor åt svin - En studie av medeltida djurhållning och människans syn på sina husdjur utifrån det osteologiska materialet i kvarteret Hjärtat 4, Halmstad

This thesis is an osteological analysis of the bone assemblage from the quarter Hjärtat 4 in Halmstad, dating about 1320-1500 AD. The main aim was to quantify taxa and body parts, estimate sex and age at death, calculate withers height, identify taphonomic processes and record pathological conditions. Using this information, the next step was to analyze husbandry decisions and make an attempt to u

Det rättfärdiga kriget - Idéanalys över utvecklingen av det rättfärdiga kriget.

Wars have, basically, always existed. Hand in hand with all wars there is always some kind of justification. As our communities and wars develop so the criteria for a just war develop with them. The aim of this thesis is to examine how the development of the just war has occurred. This will be done through a choice of various historical events, in which I will analyze the discussion about the just

Det demokratiska uppdraget i svensk skola En studie av demokratibegreppet och implemeteringen

This essay studies how democracy is formulated in the steering documents in the Swedish school system. It suggests that the program is a dynamic interventionistic program. Democracy is analysed with Lundquist´s model that present the democratic values in substantial values- equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and process values- openness, mutual reciprocity, responsibility. The conclusion is th

Military Co-(operation) of the EU Member States - A case study of Sweden, France, United Kingdom and Germany and their motivations for the use of force in the name of European Union

The thesis contributes to the debate of an emerging European strategic culture on the use of force. This is highly relevant in order to understand the future development of the military operations within the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). In order to be able to analyse the motivations of the following operations: Concordia, EUFOR DR Congo and Atalanta, the research builds on the constr

The Icelandic European Debate - Explaining Icelandic attitudes towards EU membership

This thesis aims at explaining the Icelandic European debate. It does so by trying to identify the most prominent theme of the debate and to determine if it is characterized by sectoral, national identity or economic arguments. The thesis also aims at determining how the 2008 financial crash and the 2009 decision to apply for EU membership affected the debate. To answer these questions a content a

Den europeiska unionen och välfärden

The integration of the European Union has reached the core of the welfare states. Since 2001 an open method of coordination has been used to improve the level of welfare in the member states. The aim of this thesis is to examine the level of democracy in the writing of the national action plans which are part of the OMC social inclusion. A vast number of participants have been involved in the proc

Skeletons in the closet - A post-colonial perspective on museums of world culture and foreign cultural heritage

This study stems from an opinion that the current approaches to the repatriation of articles of cultural heritage to their places of origin are inadequate. Attempting to find alternative ways to discuss the matter, I am using idea analysis to investigate if the museums of world culture can be problematised and criticized from a post-colonial perspective – if they can be found to be maintaining a h

The ghost of wars past

Early warning systems are institutionalized hypothesis of an adversary’s behavior. Such systems are mere models of our bias perception, not the real world. At best they describe casual relationships and employ predictive validity within the cognitively constructed analogies of the systems constructor and operator. An analogy is an experience used to create a generalizing model of analysis where a

En hållbar urban utveckling - Överensstämmelsen mellan visioner och handling

The increasing amount of inhabitants living in urban areas, especially in the Global South, are causing big pressure on the city infrastructure and but also at the global environment, as a result of changing consumption- and production patterns. In 1996 the United Nations conference of cities, Habitat II, were held in Istanbul, resulting in the Habitat agenda, a plan for achieving sustainable deve

The Ties That Bind: A Study of Diaspora Engagement Policies in Ghana

The present study concerns itself with an aspect of the migration-development debate that has heretofore been surprisingly neglected in academic research. While migrants’ transnational engagement have drawn much attention, the corresponding outreach undertaken by emigration states to actively ‘court’ the diaspora has until recently escaped notice. This study advances the theoretical and empirical

Tvångslikvidation vid kapitalbrist - en komparativ studie

Bestämmelser om tvångslikvidation vid kapitalbrist har funnits i svensk aktiebolagsrätt sedan 1895 års ABL. Idag stadgas reglerna i 25 kap. 13-20§§ ABL. Det som fastslås i ABL skiljer sig från liknande stadgor i övriga Europa, detta är något som väcker frågor. Stadgandet i 25 kap. 13-20§§ ABL ställer upp åligganden för ett bolags styrelsemedlemmar. Dessa åligganden sanktioneras med ett personligThe provisions on compulsory winding-up due to capital shortage have been found in the Swedish corporate law since 1895. Today the rules are stipulated in Chapter 25, Section 13-20 in The Swedish Corporate Act (ABL). What is set in ABL differs from similar laws in other European countries and this raises some questions. The provisions in Chapter 25, Section 13-20 ABL sets up duties for the member

Institutionellt ägande och dess inverkan på rörlig ersättning - En kartläggning av samband mellan institutionellt ägande i svenska börsbolag och andelen rörlig ersättning till VD

Titel: Institutionellt ägande och dess inverkan på rörlig ersättning – En kartläggning av samband mellan institutionellt ägande i svenska börsbolag och andelen rörlig ersättning till VD. Tema: Företagsekonomi, Bolagsstyrning, Kandidatuppsats 15 Akademiska Poäng, Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds universitet. Seminariedatum: 2012-01-13 Författare: Lindström Johan, Svensson Magnus & Wirén Emma Handledare:Title: Institutional ownership and its impact on variable remuneration – A survey of the relation between institutional ownership in Swedish listed companies and the proportion of variable remuneration to the CEO. Subject: Business Administration, Bachelor Thesis in Corporate Governance, 15 ECTS credits, School of Management and Economics, Lund University Seminar date: 2012-01-13 Authors: Lindströ

Torvstratigrafisk studie av en trädstamshorisont i Viss mosse, centrala Skåne, kring 4 000-3 000 cal BP med avseende på klimat- och vattenståndsförändringar

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: I en mosse i södra Sverige, som heter Viss mosse, har fynd av trädstammar gjorts. Fynden gäller ek, bok och al. Denna horisont med trädstammar tyder på att miljön på mossen var förhållandevis torr när träden levde, eftersom det normalt sett är för blött på en mosse för att ekar och bokar ska kunna växa där. Kol-14-dateringar visar att träden dog för cirka 3 200 Findings of a tree stump horizon in Viss mosse, a raised bog in Scania, southern Sweden, indicate relatively dry conditions on the bog during the lifetime of the trees . 14C-datings show that the trees died about 3 200 years ago. Four peat cores were collected from the bog in order to investigate whether climatically induced water level fluctuations were responsible for establishemt and death of t

Metodik för att förhindra metanemissioner från avfallsdeponier, tillämpad vid Albäcksdeponin, Trelleborg

Gasbildning i deponier kan pågå under mycket lång tid, och bidrar i väsentlig grad till antro-pogena utsläpp av växthusgaser i form av metanemissioner. Det finns ett behov av att få bättre kännedom hur läckage av metan sker, och av miljö samt ekonomiska skäl, är det viktigt att samla in och återvinna metangas. Albäcks avfallsupplag i Trelleborg, har sedan årsskiftet 2008/2009 upphört efter mer än Gas formation in landfills may last for a very long time, and contributes significantly to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases through emission of methane. Greater knowledge is needed about how methane leakage occurs and for environmental and economic reasons, it is important to collect and recycle methane gas. The Sysav landfill at Albäck in Trelleborg, has since the end of 2008/2009 been