Din sökning på "*" gav 533463 sökträffar
Long-term linguistic outcome in adults with congenital cytomegalovirus infection
BACKGROUND: Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) is the most common prenatal infection and the main infectious cause of neurodevelopmental abnormalities in developed countries. Long-term neuropsychological outcome of cCMV infection is still not well understood. This is the first study that presents linguistic follow-up data performed on adults who were infected in utero.METHOD: All individuals from a
Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies: Volume 1: National Reports
The world's legal professions have undergone dramatic changes in the 30 years since publication of the landmark three-volume Lawyers in Society, which launched comparative sociological studies of lawyers. This is the first of two volumes in which scholars from a wide range of disciplines, countries and cultures document and analyse those changes.The present volume presents reports on 46 countries,
Estimating the mortality burden of large scale mining projects-Evidence from a prospective mortality surveillance study in Tanzania
We set up a mortality surveillance system around two of the largest gold mines in Tanzania between February 2019 and February 2020 to estimate the mortality impact of gold mines. Death circumstances were collected using a standardized verbal autopsy tool, and causes of death were assigned using the InSilicoVA algorithm. We compared cause-specific mortality fractions in mining communities with othe
Snösmältning uppskattad från värmebudgetstudier
Bombkriget 1939-45
Under andra världskriget fälldes tusentals ton bomber mot både militära och civila mål på marken. Förlusterna var stora såväl vad gäller antal nedskjuta bombplan och omkomna besättningsmän på dessa plan som de som blev offer för bombraiderna. Historien om bombkriget sträcker sig längre tillbaka än andra världskriget, men under åren 1939–45 förändrades förutsättningarna. Bombplanen kunde medföra al
Health in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development : From framework to action, transforming challenges into opportunities
Mechanisms Underlying the Specification of Definitive Hematopoiesis
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain blood through self-renewal and differentiation. Although HSC transplantation is the only cure for various blood disorders, generating and maintaining HSCs in vitro remains challenging, partly due to a limited understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying human HSC ontogeny. In embryos, definitive HSCs arise from hemogenic endothelium via
Kungen och juridiken
Podcast "Öppet fall" från Lunds universitet, Juridiska fakulteten: Kan kungen få sitt körkort indraget om han kör för fort? Äger kungen Stockholms slott? Kan kungen blockera ett regeringsskifte? Får kungen konvertera och bli muslim? En panel med jurister från Lunds universitet svarar på frågor om kungen och juridiken.
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Malign foreign interference and information influence on video game platforms: Understanding the adversarial playbook
Vi lever i en tid där omfattningen av otillbörlig kognitiv informationspåverkan från främmande makt med syfte att påverka människors uppfattningar, beteenden och beslut ökar. Särskild uppmärksamhet har riktats mot sociala mediers betydelse ochpotentiella effekter. Men det finns en stor digital sektor som hamnat utanför strålkastarljuset – dataspel inklusive de plattformar och sociala aktiviteter s
Calm Surveillance in the Leaky Home : Living with a Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Understanding the attachment owners can feel to their robot vacuums, which also map and collect data about their homes, is key to understanding the ambivalences involved in the integration of automated visualities in the home. Drawing on qualitative video interviews and observations of people interacting with their robot vacuums, this article identifies three key factors in understanding how cohab
Monitoring of engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for stability variations and genetic mutations during 7-day tank fermentations
The groundbreaking field of synthetic biology has immense potential to revolutionize our society by reducing our reliance on petroleum. With a growing demand for sustainable ingredients and molecules, companies like Amyris, who have successfully developed and commercialized this technology, are poised to reap significant rewards. I am privileged to work for a scientifically advanced organization t
Atmospheres of Surveillance
This dissertation is a contribution to the ‘cultural turn’ in the multidisciplinary field of surveillance studies. Its objective is to advance knowledge about how surveillance is perceived as bodily, emotional, and multisensory experiences - explored and conceptualized here as ‘atmospheres of surveillance’. The overarching argument is that surveillance contains and co-produces atmospheres. The stu
Bayesian ode solvers: The maximum a posteriori estimate
There is a growing interest in probabilistic numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations. In this paper, the maximum a posteriori estimate is studied under the class of ν times differentiable linear time-invariant Gauss–Markov priors, which can be computed with an iterated extended Kalman smoother. The maximum a posteriori estimate corresponds to an optimal interpolant in the reproducin
Developing Trends in the Global Ocean and Ocean-Climate Change Nexus
Introduction : IntroductionGen Z, tourism, and sustainable consumption
Generation Z has increasingly become one of the fastest-growing travel segments and a crucial market to target. The growth and behaviour of this economically significant market will have enormous implications for the future development of the tourism industry and destinations and its long-term sustainability. This introductory chapter provides a critical examination of Gen Z consumer and travel be
Narrow and broad functions of negation in a miniature artificial language
Negated forms have been shown to cause a higher processing cost for language comprehension in the form of higher error rates and longer processing times. Studies that tested prefixal negation (e.g. unhappy) found conflicting results as to whether these forms are processed as negated forms or as single lexical items without any processing cost (Hoosain, 1973; Sherman, 1976, 1973). The present study
The Transcriptional Landscape of Pericytes in Acute Ischemic Stroke
The current treatment options for ischemic stroke aim to achieve reperfusion but are time critical. Novel therapeutic approaches that can be given beyond the limited time window of 3–4.5 h are still an unmet need to be addressed to improve stroke outcomes. The lack of oxygen and glucose in the area of ischemic injury initiates a pathological cascade leading to blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown,
Bumblebee and butterfly community responses to plant diversity and habitat type
One of the leading causes of biodiversity loss and species communities’ alteration is land-use change for agricultural purposes. Land-use may affect pollinators directly or indirectly via the plant communities. A better understanding of plant community and pollinators interactions can be important to comprehend the potential for management to support pollinating insects in different habitats. This