

Din sökning på "*" gav 532839 sökträffar

En suverän utrikespolitik?

The aim of this study is to develop a better understanding of the challenges and possibilities of sovereignty from an institutionalist view. By studying an area of uncertain status in institutionalist theories on sovereingty, I hope to clarify whether the conventional content of sovereignty is still intact. The foreign policy of the European Union has a unique status as containing elements of poli

Demokratins Vägkorsning

Democratization has taken place in several countries in Africa, but a democratic consolidation is far more difficult to reach. Thus, this thesis aims to see why some countries develop democratic consolidation and why some experience difficulties achieving it. The framework presents an analysis based on Linz and Stepans theory consisting of five categories and implementing this on two quite similar

Ekologiskt jordbruk : ett sätt att minska övergödningen och bevara den biologiska mångfalden?

I takt med att befolkningen i Sverige har ökat har även behovet av mat blivit större. För att producera mer mat har jordbruket intensifierats och användandet av gödsel och bekämpningsmedel har ökat. Förutom de positiva effekterna med högre skördar har detta även skapat miljöproblem. Ett av dessa är övergödning, som på sommaren orsakar den algblomning man kan se i sjöar och hav. Ett annat problem äThe Swedish agriculture has become more intense and large-scale by the use of artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. While the intensification has contributed to an increased harvest, it has also brought with it several environmental problems. This thesis brings up two of the main problems: eutrophication and the loss of biodiversity. These problem areas are also addressed by the Swedish

A New World Order: Towards the Ideal-Type of Bureaucracy 2.0

In the ideal-type of bureaucracy, Max Weber outlined the creation of the modern state as an iron-cage of disenchantment and quantification. This thesis updates Weber’s ideal-type on the notion that the modern nation state is declining, and the large institutions with it. Based in an ideal-type of Michel Foucault’s Biopolitics, as Economization (a rational focus on quantitative measures), Individua

BNP-tillväxtprognostisering - är det möjligt att förutsäga framtiden?

This bachelor thesis examines the correlation between GDP growth forecasts and the actual GDP outcome the projected year, hence examines if forecasters realy can project the future or not. It concludes that the methods and models by which forecasts are produced are very similar, and hence the results are similar as well. They usually have ha mismatch around 0,9 percentage points over time for thei

Yttersta skyddsnätet – ett liv med krav och aktivering

Throughout the history of Sweden the work first concept can be found as a fundamental concept that has influenced social policy as well as labor market policy. The demand for quid pro quo has however varied over time. The purpose of this essay has been to examine whether the economic officers at Social Services work according to the work first concept in their contact with clients. The purpose has

Attitydspeglingar om hemlöshet

The aim of our study was to examine society‘s attitudes towards the causes of homelessness and to identify where the responsibility lies. We have compared the attitudes of men and women and also analysed our results from the perspective of stigma. We have conducted our study in a training facility using questionnaires. We have investigated what people believe is the reason why individuals become h

Patent right and access to medicine

The reasons for the lack of access to essential medicines are manifold, but in many cases the high price of drugs is a barrier to needed medicines. The unaffordable prices of drugs are often the result of strong intellectual property protection. This thesis lay out the conflicts between patent right protection and access to medicine as human right, especially the impact of TRIPS Agreement on the a

Rättstillämpning i samarbetssamtal

The aim with this study is to examine how family law secretaries relate to and practice law in the context of family mediation. Family mediation is a supporting measure provided by the family law office to separted parental couples in conflict concerning the custody, housing situation or the right of access to their mutual child. The study is based on data from interviews performed with family law

"I väntan på ålderdomshemmet? En kvalitativ studie av äldres boendealternativ i Helsingborgs kommun"

Abstract This essay presents a study of the different alternatives concerning ways of living elderly people have in Helsingborg’s municipality. The intention with the essay was to examine the different senior housing alternatives for people that’s not in need of care but needs more than their own home can offer, what the target group is, and why they are needed and also to examine aspects that cou

Biogasproduktion från vall - Analys av metanpotential samt energi-­och miljösystemanalys

In these times, when global warming is escalating and the finite resources of the world are consumed in a fast pace, it is very important to find sustainable solutions for the near future. Transport is one of the sectors that need to find alternative solutions to the utilisation of fossil fuels. This master thesis investigates biogas production from ley crops, which is a mixture of different speci

Unga tjejer – en åsidosatt grupp inom det brottspreventiva arbetet?

The purpose of this study was to analyze experiences from five social workers and three former criminal girls, how they apprehend young girls with a criminal risk-behaviour in the crime prevention work today. Another aim with this study was to analyze how our informants from Gothenburg thought the crime prevention work should be developed. The study was based on semi-structured inter¬views with fi

Verkligheten ställer krav - om utformning av boenden för ensamkommande barn.

The reality demands – framing of residential care for unaccompanied minors. The purpose of this study was to examine what factors that influence the framing of residential care for unaccompanied minors and how superintendents within the field view and approach the National Board of Health and Welfare’s policy regulating standards for “HVB-homes”, SOSFS 2003:20, as well as the concept of “HVB-home

Remittances and Poverty in El Salvador

With larger income gaps and opportunities between rich and poor countries, world labour migration has increased, and so have remittances from international labour migrants. Since remittances are an important source of income for many developing countries of the world, there is a need for studies that address effects of remittances on the receiving economy. The objective of this thesis is to study

ACTA – analysis of an emerging IPR enforcement regime

Uppsatsen granskar och analyserar ACTA, ett färskt internationellt avtal om verkställighet av immateriella rättigheter. Analysen sker ur både mikro- och makroperspektiv. På mikronivån avser analysen det materiella innehållet och incitamenten till förstärkningar på regelnivå. Avtalets räckvidd (scope) liksom titelns relevans diskuteras separat. På makroplanet analyseras de politiska incitamenten i The thesis scrutinizes and analyses ACTA, a recently finished international agreement on enforcement of intellectual property rights. The analysis is performed on both a micro and a macro level. On the micro level, the analysis concerns the substantive content and the incentives to enhance the protection on the level of individual provisions. The scope and the title of the agreement is dealt with

Drogpreventivt arbete i grundskolan

This study aims at examining and analyzing the involvement of the school counselor in the drug prevention work which is carried out in primary schools. This by examining how the work with drug prevention is carried out in some primary schools today, if there is a special focus on the defined risk student, and which approaches of the work is evidence based. We chose qualitative semi structured inte

INS-Modellen: En modell för kunskapshöjande konsulters försäljning

Problemställning: Byggbranschen kan uppfattas som en konservativ bransch med förutfattade meningar om vad konsulter är och vad de kan. Detta ställer krav på kunskapshöjande konsulter som vill bidra till att utveckla branschen. Modeller som idag finns för kundbearbetning och försäljning av konsulttjänster är inte heltäckande. De är inte heller anpassade efter någon specifik tjänst eller bransch. Sy

Identitet Europa

European identity based on the common religious and cultural history is very hard to argue for. Still, the guiding treaties in the European Union are mentioning the necessity to protect and preserve Europe’s religious, cultural and historical inheritance. This essay explains how this identification of Europe’s common inheritance is no more than a political construct, based on the same theories of

Den rysk-europeiska relationen – gasberoende och liberaldemokratisk utveckling

Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the relation between the European Union and the Russian federation has been stressed. The Russian leadership has been severely criticised by the EU for intentionally hampering Russia’s democratic development, an issue that affects the relationship between the two parties. At the same time, the EU imports approximately 36 % of its natural gas from Russia,