Reduced ROS production triggers arthritis / The role of T cells in arthritis pathogenesis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Brist på fria radikaler kan ge artrit Fagocytiska celler i vårt immunförsvar producerar fria syre-radikaler för att eliminera fagocyterade (uppätna) mikroorganismer. Produktionen av dessa syre-radikaler sker med hjälp av ett enzymkomplex (NADPH oxidas) i cellmembranet samt i membranet på de fagosomer, innehållande mikroorganismer, som bildas i och med fagocytos. MännisThe aim of this thesis is to defend a novel mechanism that triggers arthritis susceptibility in both rats and mice through reduced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but also to introduce a novel model for chronic relapsing arthritis. Five papers are included, all of which employ animal models for rheumatoid arthritis and one that also uses animal models for multiple sclerosis. Paper I a