

Din sökning på "*" gav 530177 sökträffar

Reduced ROS production triggers arthritis / The role of T cells in arthritis pathogenesis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Brist på fria radikaler kan ge artrit Fagocytiska celler i vårt immunförsvar producerar fria syre-radikaler för att eliminera fagocyterade (uppätna) mikroorganismer. Produktionen av dessa syre-radikaler sker med hjälp av ett enzymkomplex (NADPH oxidas) i cellmembranet samt i membranet på de fagosomer, innehållande mikroorganismer, som bildas i och med fagocytos. MännisThe aim of this thesis is to defend a novel mechanism that triggers arthritis susceptibility in both rats and mice through reduced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but also to introduce a novel model for chronic relapsing arthritis. Five papers are included, all of which employ animal models for rheumatoid arthritis and one that also uses animal models for multiple sclerosis. Paper I a

Controversy and epistolary mediation in the construction of phonetic knowledge

As scientific knowledge grows, it often engenders controversy. The aim of the particular case of controversy studied here, in a series of letters exchanged between two phoneticians, is to capture vacillations of a discipline (phonetics) and its “actants” (phoneticians and their equipment), described at a key moment in the history of the discipline (an historical “turning point”), i.e. when phoneti

A ranking index for quality assessment of forensic DNA profiles

Background: Assessment of DNA profile quality is vital in forensic DNA analysis, both in order to determine the evidentiary value of DNA results and to compare the performance of different DNA analysis protocols. Generally the quality assessment is performed through manual examination of the DNA profiles based on empirical knowledge, or by comparing the intensities (allelic peak heights) of the ca

On the estimation of ligand binding affinities

Popular Abstract in Swedish De allra flesta människor har vid något tillfälle tagit ett läkemedel. Till exempel vaccineras nu för tiden alla svenska barn mot bland annat stelkramp. Vad nog de allra flesta däremot inte har gjort är att fundera på vad ett läkemedel är. Kanske sträcker man sig till att ha kollat upp ett läkemedel i FASS, och kanske får man då syn på en figur som består av streck och A method to accurately estimate the binding affinity of a small molecule to a receptor would be indispensable in numerous fields. For instance, most drugs exert their action by binding to a macromolecule target. Thus, a lot of time and resources could be saved in drug design by predicting affinities by computer programs. In a series of 15 papers, we have tested, compared, and improved the most p

A VLSI implementation of MIMO detection for future wireless communications

This paper describes a VLSI implementation of V-BLAST detection for future multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications. This design is implemented using a 0.35-μm 5-layer metal 3.3 V CMOS technology. For a 4-transmit and 4-receive antennas system using QPSK modulation scheme, a detecting throughput of 128 Mb/s can be achieved. Furthermore, it is shown that the implementation comp

Alkylglycoside Surfactants - Self-Assembly, Solid-State Properties and Interactions with Hydrophobic Molecules

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tensider är en mycket vanlig typ av kemikalier som använts i tusen år och som man ofta stöter på i vardagliga livet. De ingår i exempelvis rengöringsmedel, diskmedel, tvättmedel, lim, målarfärger, hudkrämer och schampo. Tensider är ytaktiva ämnen som anrikas på ytor där de reducerar ytspänningen och därmed ändrar ytans egenskaper. En tensidmolekyl består av en hydrofil A thorough physical-chemical characterisation of alkylglycosides has been performed. The effects of temperature, salt, concentration and deuterium exchange on the self-aggregation of n-nonyl-b-D-glucoside (b-C9G1) and n-tetradecyl-b-D-maltoside (b-C14G2) have been studied in dilute solutions by static and dynamic light scattering, neutron scattering, rheology, capillary viscometry and tensiometry.

Certain humans, certain animals : attitudes in the long term

Do certain humans and animals have greater value than other humans and animals? The question will be discussed using some examples from pre-Christian burial practices and other depositions of human and animal bones in Scandinavia. During the pre-Christian period it seems that certain humans and certain animals were buried in graves made for the purpose, while other humans and animals were deposite

The Global Expansion of Judicial Power

In Russia, as the confrontation over the constitutional distribution of authority raged, Boris Yeltsin's economic program regularly wended its way in and out of the Constitutional Court until Yeltsin finally suspended that court in the aftermath of his clash with the hard-line parliament. In Europe, French and German legislators and executives now routinely alter desired policies in response to or

Interoperabilitet i nätverksbaserat försvar – ett pussel med många bitar och okända mönster: Grupp- och organisationspsykologiska aspekter

Denna framställnings syfte är, att med stöd av existerande kunskap söka efter ej undersökta sociala och psykologiska effekter av att bygga behovssammansatta förband över nationsgränser med interoperabilitet (IO) som mål. Detta tänks ske samtidigt som ett nätverksbaserat försvar (NBF) implementeras inom FM. Förbanden förutsätts vidare vara avsedda för strid i främmande miljöer.