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Oscillations in Systems with Relay Feedback
Developing flexible skills
Innovation Policy for Asian SMEs: an Innovation Systems Perspective
On Translating Mario Vargas llosa. The Novels of Mario Vargas Llosa in English, French and Swedish Translations
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Bildens retorik: Exemplet Endre Nemes
An applied analysis of attentional intersubjectivity
The goal of the present deliverable is to provide a developmental analysis of attentional intersubjectivity, which, as we show below, is a more inclusive notion than the more commonly used term ‘joint attention’ (e.g. Moore & Dunham 1995). The use of the term ‘joint attention’ is not consistent in the literature, sometimes referring to the general phenomenon when two or more subjects attend to
Lung examinations
In Control of Local Jurisdiction. Border Peasants in Eastern Denmark during the 16th Century
Vad påpekar de sakkunniga? - 2008 års bokslut
Industrial Relations Foresight 2025: Sweden Compared to EU15, EU12 and Global 7 Countries
This report supplements the report "Industrial Relations Foresight for Sweden: Presentation of Results and Comments. While the latter report focus on Sweden does this report primarily contain comparisons between the 34 countries participating in the Eurofound project on future industrial relations up to the year 2025.
Vad hände sen - produktivitetsminskningar i äldre produktionsanläggningar
Alignment of Software Product Quality Goals in Two Outsourcing Relationships
Issues with software product quality are commonly reported when organisations engage in outsourcing relationships. To address this issue, value-based software engineering literature emphasises the need for all success-critical stakeholder groups to work towards a mutually agreed goal. Aim: This paper presents a case study that aims to compare and contrast the priority two groups place on software
Bonpo Tribute Missions to the Imperial Court
The Architecture of Global Climate Governance: Setting the Stage
This chapter introduces the first main part of this volume, on the overarching 'architecture' of global climate governance beyond 2012. In particular, the central question that guides all chapters in this part is about the causes and consequences of fragmentation versus integration of governance architectures. We ask which type of governance architectures promises a higher degree of institutional
Fibrinolysis and blood loss in major arthroplasty. The effect of tranexamic acid
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1980-talet blev riskerna med blodtransfusioner alltmer uppenbara. Störst uppmärksamhet väckte ett antal fall med spridning av HIV- (AIDS) smitta, men ännu vanligare var spridning av ett virus som kunde orsaka leverinflammation. Dessa risker är numera nästan helt försvunna men dels kvarstår en oro för spridning av nya, okända virus, dels har det visat sig att blodtBlood loss in major arthroplasty may be abundant and often necessitates blood transfusions. These may transmit disease and entail an immunological burden to the recipient. After trauma and surgery, the fibrinolytic system reacts with a short period of increased activity, followed by a fibrinolytic shut-down. In this thesis we investigated the impact of the early fibrinolytic activation on blood