

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Production of polystyrene-based scintillation microspheres for the measurement of radioactivity by spray-drying

The use of plastic scintillation microspheres (PSm) is an innovative technique for measuring the radioactivity of beta-emitting radionuclides. PSm can be produced via different methods; none of which has been assayed at the industrial scale. In the present paper, we evaluate the production of PSm by spray-drying on an industrial scale. Our results indicate that fluorescent solutes were indeed enca

Air quality impacts of European wildfire emissions in a changing climate

Wildfires are not only a threat to human property and a vital element of many ecosystems, but also an important source of air pollution. In this study, we first review the available evidence for a past or possible future climate-driven increase in wildfire emissions in Europe. We then introduce an ensemble of model simulations with a coupled wildfire-dynamic-ecosystem model, which we combine with

Risk factors for atrial fibrillation in population-based studies : Epidemiological perspectives

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common among the elderly, and has serious consequences such as stroke and increased mortality. Not all of the population attributable risk for AF is explained by known risk factors. This thesis used epidemiological methods and two population based cohorts- the Malmö Preventive project (MPP) and the HOMA sub study of the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study (MDCS)- to analyse the

Automatic T2* determination for quantification of iron load in heart and liver : a comparison between automatic inline Maximum Likelihood Estimate and the truncation and offset methods

PURPOSE: To validate ironload T2* by automatic inline Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) with k-space Rician noise correction, against the manual and automated truncation, as well as offset methods, in phantoms and in heart and liver in patients.METHODS: Twenty-five patients and an iron-oxide phantom were scanned at 1.5T using 2 multi-echo gradient-echo sequences. All parameters were identical (vox

European Neighbourhood Policy : History, Structure, and Implemented Policy Measures

The objective is to provide an overview of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Focus will be on the history of the ENP and its goals, the institutional structure of the ENP, and the policy measures that have been carried out through the ENP. The evolution of the ENP is traced from its origins in a 2003 European Commission communication to the broad and multifaceted policy that it is nowadays.

State-space models and stored electromagnetic energy for antennas in dispersive and heterogeneous media

Accurate and efficient evaluation of the stored energy is essential for Q-factors, physical bounds, and antenna current optimization. Here, it is shown that the stored energy can be estimated from quadratic forms based on a state-space representation derived from the electric and magnetic field integral equations. The derived expressions are valid for small antennas embedded in temporally dispersi

A multivariate spatial econometrics model with an intra-location feedback effect

In the spatial multivariate econometrics models, the relations are typically built for the between location dependencies, which is adopted from univariate case like SEM and SLM models. However, this does not allow for intra-location dependencies to be accounted directly. The weakness of the previous models is shown analytically and using examples. A new multivariate spatial econometric model is pr

Att ersätta det oersättliga : Statlig gottgörelse för ofrivillig sterilisering och vanvård av omhändertagna barn

Kraven på historisk rättvisa har intensifierats under de senaste decennierna. Sanningskommissioner, officiella ursäkter och ekonomiska ersättningar är nu vanliga sätt att bemöta människors vittnesmål om oförrätter i det förflutna. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på uppgörelser med krig och kolonialism. I denna avhandling studeras gottgörelse för kränkningar i samband med sociala interventioner.I In 1999 the Swedish Parliament decided to provide economic compensation to victims of involuntary sterilization, and in 2012 a similar law was enacted to redress neglect and abuse in foster homes and orphanages. This study explores the dilemmas that arise with reparations for past injustices, focusing on the process leading up to the reparation laws. Four themes are investigated: [1] state redress