Huruledes särskilda menigheter må för egna behov sig beskatta
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Popular Abstract in Swedish Förebyggande av hjärtkärlsjukdom har varit en utmaning för medicinsk forskning under flera decennier. Viktiga frågeställningar om såväl screeningmetodik som risk-faktor intervention söker fortfarande sitt svar och har i sig betydelse för både samhällsmedicin och klinisk verksamhet. Målsättningen för denna studie var att undersöka möjligheten för läkare och sjuksköterskoCardiovascular disease prevention has been a challenge for research for decades. The studies of this thesis were designed to investigate the role of health professionals in everyday clinical work based upon the concept of comprehensive primary care consultation. Routine check-up of blood pressure was the basis for the inclusion in an opportunistic screening for hyperchol-esterolaemia. Additionally
A great need exists in many fields of eye-tracking research for a robust and general method for scanpath comparisons. Current measures either quantize scanpaths in space (string editing measures like the Levenshtein distance) or in time (measures based on attention maps). This paper proposes a new pairwise scanpath similarity measure. Unlike previous measures that either use AOI sequences or forgo
In response to stakeholder expectations from corporate social responsiblity (CSR), many firms create written policies about principles of social responsibility to be applied in their corporate activities. In this book, it is suggested that CSR could be integrated as part of the firm's marketing strategies. The perspective is that of a retail organisation. The retailer not only has immediate contac
A Swedish LGBT-history from the stone age until now. Suited as a textbook on the ground level.
Entrepreneurship matters. In modern open economies, entrepreneurship is one of the key aspects for economic growth and is often thought of as the act of commercializing on an innovation. Teaching and learning entrepreneurship is therefore of importance and schools, colleges and universities can play an important role by including entrepreneurship and innovation in their curricula. Governments and
Was there a connection between St. Mauritius and the oldest church in Dalby and what is the evidence for such a supposition? And, if such a connection can be established, what can be concluded about its impact on the formation and character of the ecclesiastical setting of early medieval Dalby? The idea about a connection between St. Mauritius and the oldest church in Dalby was introduced by the
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Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a method that can be used to capture the detailed activities of the transport processes at microscale. Here LBM is used to model the porous anode for an anode-supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of electrochemical reactions on the transport processes by a 3D model at microscale. A porous 3D modeling domai