

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Impact of perfusion map analysis on early survival prediction accuracy in glioma patients.

Studies investigating dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging-determined relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) maps as a metric of treatment response assessment have generated conflicting results. We evaluated the potential of various analytical techniques to predict survival of patients with glioma treated with chemoradiation. rCBV maps were acquired in patients with high-grade

Effective and highly selective lipase-mediated synthesis of 2-monoolein and 1,2-diolein in a two-phase system

The possibility of using 1,3-regioselective lipases for the synthesis of 2-monoolein and 1,2-diolein by ethanolysis of triolein was evaluated. The reactions were carried out in aqueous/organic two-phase systems, achieving high reaction rates due to the interfacial activation of the lipases. Different lipases and reaction conditions were screened. Commercially available lipases were used without pu

Exercise During Growth and Young Adulthood Is Independently Associated With Cortical Bone Size and Strength in Old Swedish Men

Previous studies have reported an association between exercise during youth and increased areal bone mineral density at old age. The primary aim of this study was to investigate if exercise during growth was independently associated with greater cortical bone size and whole bone strength in weight-bearing bone in old men. The tibia and radius were measured using both peripheral quantitative comput

Kinetics of premixed acetaldehyde plus air flames

Non-stretched laminar burning velocities, SL, of acetaldehyde + air mixtures at initial gas mixture temperatures, T, of 298, 318, 338, 348 and 358 K are reported for the first time. The flames were stabilized on a perforated plate burner at 1 atm using the heat flux method at conditions where the net heat loss from the flame to the burner is zero. Uncertainties of the measurements were analyzed an

Properties and degradation of hydrocarbon fuel cell membranes: a comparative study of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone)s with different positions of the acid groups

Sulfonated fully aromatic polymers with different positions of the acid groups, but with an identical polymer backbone, have been investigated and compared with respect to their properties as proton-exchange membranes. Three different series of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone)s (SPAES) having the same backbone structure were prepared from 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyl sulfone (DCDPS) and 4,4’-dihydr

Search for new particles in events with one lepton and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This paper presents a search for new particles in events with one lepton (electron or muon) and missing transverse momentum using 20.3 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root s = 8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess beyond Standard Model expectations is observed. A W' with Sequential Standard Model couplings is excluded at the 95% confid

Electric dipole polarizabilities of the halogen atoms in P-2(1/2) and P-2(3/2) states: Scalar relativistic and two-component configuration-interaction calculations

A study of the influence of spin-orbit coupling and dynamical electron correlation on the polarizabilities of the halogen atoms in a variational treatment is presented. It is shown that for the heavier homologs it is necessary to replace the averaged values by individual component polarizabilities for the J=3/2 and J=1/2 atomic states due to the large spin-orbit coupling. A high level of correlati

Non-manipulable assignment of individuals to positions revisited

This paper investigates an allocation rule that fairly assigns at most one indivisible object and a monetary compensation to each agent, Under the restriction that the monetary compensations do not exceed some exogenously given upper bound. A few properties of this allocation rule are stated and the main result demonstrates that the allocation rule is coalitionally strategy-proof. (C) 2008 Elsevie

Attitude and irony in the narrative voices of Jane Austen's juvenilia

This narratological study deals with the stance of irony in Jane Austen’s juvenilia. It looks for ‘gaps’ between the attitudes of implied authors, narrators and characters, and investigates how these gaps contribute to the irony of the texts. Once it has been established that the implied author has an ‘ironic intent’, the primary question is whether the narrator shares this intent. Some narrators

Early adrenaline administration does not improve circulatory recovery during resuscitation from severe asphyxia in newborn piglets.

AIM OF THE STUDY: : To investigate the effects of early intravenous adrenaline administration on circulatory recovery, cerebral reoxygenation, and plasma catecholamine concentrations, after severe asphyxia-induced bradycardia and hypotension. METHODS: One-day old piglets were left in apnoea until heart rate and mean arterial pressure were less than 50min(-1) and 25mmHg, respectively. They random

Higgs boson searches in CP-conserving and CP-violating MSSM scenarios with the DELPHI detector

This paper presents the final interpretation of the results from DELPHI on the searches for Higgs bosons in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). A few representative scenarios are considered, that include CP conservation and explicit CP violation in the Higgs sector. The experimental results encompass the searches for neutral Higgs bosons at LEP1 and LEP2 in final sta

Water Development Projects and Marital Violence: Experiences From Rural Bangladesh

In this study, we explored the implications of a groundwater development project on women's workload and their experience of marital violence in a Bangladesh village. We believe that the project facilitated irrigation water but also that it resulted in seasonal domestic water shortages. Men used deep motorized pumps for irrigation, and women used shallow handpumps for domestic purposes. Many handp

Viscoelastic properties of sodium dodecyl sulfate with aluminum salt in aqueous solution

The rheological properties of wormlike micellar solutions formed by the pseudo-ternary system sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-Al(NO3)(3)-H2O have been studied at a fixed molar ratio Al(NO3)(3):SDS = 5.92:1 as a function of surfactant concentration. The linear data show that solutions behave as a Maxwell fluid and there are two well-defined domains characterized by scaling laws for surfactant concentr

Methods and Tools for Robust Optimal Control of Batch Chromatographic Separation Processes

This contribution concerns the development of generic methods and tools for robust optimal control of high-pressure liquid chromatographic separation processes. The proposed methodology exploits a deterministic robust formulation, that employs a linearization of the uncertainty set, based on Lyapunov differential equations to generate optimal elution trajectories in the presence of uncertainty. Co

Beta(-)-Delayed And Isomer Spectroscopy Of Neutron-Rich Ta And W Isotopes

Decays of neutron-rich A similar to 190 nuclei have been studied following projectile fragmentation of a Pb-208 beam on a Be-9 target at the GSI Fragment Separator. Gamma-ray decays from previously reported isomeric states in Ta-188, W-190 and (192,193) Re were used as internal calibrations for the particle identification analysis, together with the identification of previously unreported isomeric

Solvatochromic fluorescent BODIPY derivative as imaging agent in camptothecin loaded hexosomes for possible theranostic applications

We here discuss the potential theranostic nanomedicine application of an innovative formulation consisting of monoolein-based nanoparticles with a two-dimensional hexagonal inner structure stabilized in water using a mixture of PEO132-PPO50-PEO132 block copolymers with and without conjugated folate for targeting. The proposed tumor-cell targeted formulation was shown to be able to simultaneously h

Ordering fluctuations in a shear-banding wormlike micellar system

We present a first investigation about the non-linear flow properties and transient orientational-order fluctuations observed in the shear-thinning lecithin-water-cyclohexane wormlike micellar system at a concentration near to the zero-shear isotropic-nematic phase transition. From rheological measurements the stress plateau was found shifted to very low values of the applied shear rate (gamma)ove

Work environment perceptions following relocation to open-plan offices: A twelve-month longitudinal study

BACKGROUND: A workplace's design can have various positive or negative effects on the employees and since the 1970s the advantages and disadvantages of open-plan offices have been discussed. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate perceived health, work environment and self-estimated productivity one month before and at three, six and twelve months after relocation from individual offi

Population-based study of antiepileptic drug exposure in utero-Influence on head circumference in newborns

Purpose: To study the effect of AED exposure on head circumference in the newborn. Methods: Data on all Swedish singletons births between 1995 and 2005, over 900,000 births, were obtained from the Swedish Medical Birth Registry. The effects of AEDs on birth-weight-adjusted mean head circumference (bw-adj-HC) were estimated by comparison with data from all births in an analysis which was adjusted f

Measurement of the top quark mass with the template method in the t(t)over-bar -> lepton plus jets channel using ATLAS data

The top quark mass has been measured using the template method in the t (t) over bar -> lepton + jets channel based on data recorded in 2011 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The data were taken at a proton-proton centre-of-mass energy of root s = 7 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 1.04 fb(-1). The analyses in the e + jets and mu + jets decay channels yield consistent results. T