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Historia på film: Två intervjuer med Oliver Stone
Intervju med filmregissören Oliver Stone.
Hadronic matrix elements for kaons
We review some work done by us calculating matrix elements for Kaons. Emphasis is put on the matrix elements which are relevant to predict non-leptonic Kaon CP violating observables. In particular, we recall our results for the (B) over cap (K) parameter which governs the (K-0) over bar - K-0 mixing and update our results for epsilon(K)' including estimated all-higher-order CHPT corrections and th
First line supervision : Intermediate position, divided loyalty, and strategies of action in three organizations
Popular AbstractI avhandlingen presenteras en undersökning av första linjens chefer i tre organisationer inom den offentliga sektorn. Den första är en verkstad inom Samhall, där arbetsledarna på verkstadsgolvet står i fokus. I den andra organisationen - hemtjänsten i en kommun- belyses hemtjänstassistenternas arbetsledning. Den tredje och sista organisationen är en klinik, s k basenhet, på ett lasThis doctoral dissertation concerns supervisors, i.e. first line mangers, in three different organizations within the public sector - a Samhall sheltered employment workshop, a municipality home-help service and a hospital clinic. The focus of my dissertation is the intermediate position of the supervisors and the strategies they use to manage their jobs in such a position. What all supervisors ha
High throughput processing of particulate-containing samples using supermacroporous elastic monoliths in microtiter (multiwell) plate format
Two steps in parallel processing of multiple biosamples, namely, sample clarification and capture of the target protein, were integrated and combined with the direct assay of captured protein using a newly developed microtiter (96-well) plate system based on the monoliths of hydrophilic elastic supermacroporous material, cryogel. Cryogel monoliths have pore size large enough for microbial and mamm
Teaching medical ethics to experienced staff: participants, teachers and method
Almost all articles on education in medical ethics present proposals for or describe experiences of teaching students in different health professions. Since experienced staff also need such education, the purpose of this paper is to exemplify and discuss educational approaches that may be used after graduation. As an example we describe the experiences with a five-day European residential course o
An Attempt to Measure the Flow of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, such as PCBs, from Water to Air in the Field
A field sampling device to study the transport of aromatic, persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons from water to air was constructed. It was tested in large, outdoor artificial ponds contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The PCB compounds volatilised to air at a rate of 0·9 to 9·6 ng m−2 h−1 depending on levels of PCBs in the water and water temperature.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of human dUTPase
Human dUTPase, expressed in Escherichia coli, has been crystallized. Single crystals were obtained by the vapour-diffusion technique using 2-propanol and PEG 4000 as precipitants. The enzyme was co-crystallized with the substrate dUTP and a metal chelator EDTA to prevent hydrolysis of the substrate. The crystals belong to the orthorombic space group P212121 with cell dimensions a = 67.51, b = 68.2
Notes on the cetrarioid lichens.
The new species Cetraria peruviana is described and its systematic position is discussed. Cetraria nivalrs is reported as new from New Guinea, and its ascomata are described.
Surface characterization of the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis - an XPS study
Interactions at the bacteria-solid interface in aquatic environments are of crucial importance in biofilm formation processes. The characterization of microbial surfaces properties is therefore a very important step for the understanding of these interactions. In this study, XPS spectra of Bacillus subtilis wet pastes centrifuged from suspensions over a span of pH values were recorded using a fast
Relationships among serum cystatin C, serum creatinine, lean tissue mass and glomerular filtration rate in healthy adults
In an effort to increase our knowledge of the optimal use of serum cystatin C and creatinine as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) markers, these variables, as well as lean tissue mass and GFR, were determined in a population of 42 healthy young adults (men and women with normal GFR). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and measurement of the plasma clearance of iohexol were used to measure lean tissue
Importance of ERK1/2 in upregulation of endothelin type B receptors in cerebral arteries
1 This study examines the importance of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in upregulation of endothelin type B (ETB) receptors. 2 Rat middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) were incubated for 24 h with or without kinase inhibitors. Vessel segments were mounted in myographs and the contractile responses to endothelin-1 (ET-1; ETA and ETB receptor agonist) and sarafotoxin 6c (S6c; ETB receptor agon
The Cost of Maternal-Newborn Illness and Mortality
The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic review of the estimation of the cost of illness (COI) related to maternal-newborn ill-health (MNIH). The methodology used for the review includes a systematic search on electronic databases for published literature and manual searches for the identification of grey (unpublished) literature. Searches are based on the major electronic databases and al
Oloph Bexell, "Sveriges kyrkohistoria. Del 7, Folkväckelsens och kyrkoförnyelsens tid" (2003)
Spline-Galerkin methods for Rydberg series, including Breit-Pauli effects
We discuss the recently introduced spline-Galerkin method for Rydberg series of atomic systems, and extend it to Breit-Pauli configuration interaction calculations. Special emphasis is put on the efficient evaluation of the different radial integrals appearing in these calculations. An application to the 1De series of beryllium illustrates the potential of the method in the non-relativistic case.
Effect of processing on protein nutritional quality of canavalia gladiata.
Evaluation of protein true digestibility (TD), biological value (BV), and net protein utilization (NPU) of diets containing mature sword bean (Canavalia gladiata), seed flour and grits were carried out with male Sprague-Dawley rats. The seed flour and grits were processed by soaking, cooking, soaking and cooking, autoclaving, and roasting. The TD of processed flour (cooked (84.8), soaked and cooke
Does an acute pain service improve postoperative outcome?
Avgasemissioner och bränsleförbrukning i gatunät med olika egenskaper
[abstract missing]
Caesarean section on request: a comparison of obstetricians' attitudes in eight European countries
Objective To explore the attitudes of obstetricians to performe a caesarean section on maternal request in the absence of medical indication. Design Cluster sampling cross-sectional survey. Setting Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) associated maternity units in eight European countries. Population Obstetricians with at least 6 months clinical experience. Methods NICU-associated maternity units w