

Din sökning på "*" gav 532263 sökträffar

Stat eller kommun? En analys av ansvarsfördelningen i frågan om barnfattigdom

Child poverty is a growning issue in the Swedish society today. Research in the area demonstrates differences in support and intervention work around Sweden, which appose the principle of equality that underpin Swedish welfare policy. Combating child poverty is a shared concern between different political actors. It does not in itself constitute a specific policyarea. But it is linked to activitie

Energieffektivisering med hjälp av EnergiDirigent på Tetra Pak Packaging Material Lund AB

Ett verktyg som kallas EnergiDirigent installerades år 2000 på Tetra Pak Packaging Material Lund AB (TPPM) med avsikten att användas som internmätsystem. Än så länge har systemet bara använts i viss omfattning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur EnergiDirigent på TPPM kan användas på bästa sätt. Exempel på tillämpningar av EnergiDirigent föreslås, genomförs och diskuteras. Aspekte

Experimental determination of shielding factor for a Swedish farmhouse

The protection that different types of buildings can provide against gamma radiation from radioactive fallout has been investigated since the late 1950s. The DCPA Standard Method has served as the basis to determine this protection, which is given by the so called “protection factor”. Several studies in the U.S. have utilized enclosed sources of radioactive nuclides to simulate fallout and test th

Child Gender and Parental Allocation of Time and Health Investments in Ecuador: Are Boys and Girls Treated Differently?

This research empirically investigates differences in parental allocation of resources between boys and girls in Ecuador for 2012. For this task, using the ENSANUT (2012) and the TUS (2012) surveys, a novel identification strategy, that takes advantage of the fact that child’s gender at conception is random in the absence of sex selective abortion, is used. The results suggest that families do not

Gemenskap, mening, utveckling och stimulans. Sex kvinnor om drömjobb.

Arbetet utgör en stor bit av det pussel som bildar våra liv, därför är arbetets mening en central del i våra liv. En människas självidentitet är nära kopplat till hennes yrke eller en speciell titel. Giddens (1999) visar hur vår definition av självidentiteten i det moderna västerländska samhället, går ifrån att vara traditionsbundet till att kravet på livsval blir för stora och till slut omöjliga


The United States (US) and European Union (EU) both have preferential trade agreements with least developed countries with the aim of increasing trade volumes in order to catalyse development. The US implemented their system, the “African Growth and Opportunity Act” (AGOA) in 2000 and the EU followed with “Everything But Arms” (EBA) in 2001. Since these preference systems have the goal of increasi

Hur ett varumärke uppfattas efter ett utländskt uppköp

Ett företag som varit svenskt under en längre tid och profilerat sig som svenskt kan komma att möta motstånd när företaget inte längre ägs av svenskar. Denna studie ämnar analysera hur företag uppfattas av sin givna svenska målgrupp efter ett utländskt uppköp. Hur reagerar målgruppen på de nya ägarna, förändras uppfattningen om varumärket och hur påverkar det konsumenternas syn på ett köp från för

Transportation and deposition of volcanic ash from Iceland to the Arctic

As the Arctic will become more available to shipping traffic in the future, given the current trend of diminishing ice sheets continues, the emission of particles and gases originating from ships will increase in the Arctic. The emission of particles and gases can affect the sensitive Arctic environment in many ways, e.g. change albedo by deposition, affect air traffic, harm livestock and humans e

Using the Go Programming Language in Practice

When developing software today, we still use old tools and ideas. Maybe it is time to start from scratch and try tools and languages that are more in line with how we actually want to develop software. The Go Programming Language was created at Google by a rather famous trio: Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and Robert Griesemer. Before introducing Go, the company suffered from their development process no

Microcredit, Food Security and Women Empowerment in Bangladesh

Food security is an important factor contributing to the socio-economic stabilization and development of Bangladesh. Though, the country has made a steady progress in the expansion of food production, but food insecurity is still a major problem mainly because of poverty. Various development strategies aimed at eliminating poverty are now combining the microcredit as one of the key sectors in thei

DBT-metodens stöd till anhöriga - hur DBT-metodens behandlare uppfattar anhörigas situation

This essay is about families with an adolecent with self-injuried behaviour and what kind of support they can get. This essay is based on several therapist's view. These therapists works with the method dialectical behavior therapy. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a method that has gained good results with patients that have self-injury behavior. This essay is based on a qualitative stud

"Det är annorlunda att vara adoptivföräldrar" - En undersökning av adoptionsrådgivares beskrivning av arbetet med adoptivfamiljer utifrån anknytningsteori och socialkonstruktivism

The aim of this study was to examine how professional adoption counselors perceives and works with the problems that may occur in adoptive families. With a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews five adoption counselors were interviewed to answer the questions: What difficulties do professionals experience in the adoptive family when they seek help? What causes do the professionals see t

Elektronisk media och dess inverkan på kreativitet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur studenters kreativitet påverkas av användandet av Instant messenger och elektronisk media. Hypoteserna var att studenter som använder instant messenger kommer prestera sämre på kreativitetstest och att det finns en negativa relation mellan hög medieanvändning och prestation på kreativitetstest. Studien utfördes som ett experiment på totalt 50 studenterThe purpose of this study was to examine how students' creativity is affected by the use of Instant Messenger and electronic media. The hypotheses were that students who use Instant Messenger will underperform on creativity tests, and that there is a negative relationship between high media usage and performance on creativity tests. The study was conducted as an experiment on a total of 50 stu


Abstract Today large amounts of macadam are being delivered for the production of asphalt. One of the requirements of the material that´s being used is the adhesion. The adhesion is essential for the performance of the coating. It minimizes the risk of stone chips and makes the construction of the pavement stronger etc. Several studies have been made using the Roller bottle method. The results sho

Här är du inte osynlig, vi ser dig - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möte med papperslösa barn i den svenska skolan

The purpose of this project was to study the interaction which takes place between school counselors and undocumented children in the Swedish school system. Qualitative interviews with seven school counselors have been conducted to highlight their experiences of working with children who find themselves inside the society's geographical boundaries, yet with limited civil rights. The theoretica

U-Pb baddeleyite geochronology and geochemistry of the White Mfolozi Dyke Swarm : unravelling the complexities of 2.70-2.66 Ga dyke swarms on the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Den östra delen av Kaapvaalkratonen i södra Afrika är rikt på flera generationer av mafiska gångar med olika riktningar. Där finns tre gångsvärmar som tidigare undersökts och som tillsammans bildar ett radierande mönster med ett gemensamt fokus i Bushveld-komplexets östra del. De nordostliga och ostliga grenarna av denna svärm består av diabasgångar som blivit daterade till ca 2660, 2685 och 2700 Numerous mafic dykes of different generations and trends intrude the eastern part of the Kaapvaal Cra-ton. On eastern Kaapvaal, there are three previously investigated dyke swarms that appear to radiate out from the eastern lobe of the Bushveld Complex. The NE- and E trending branches comprise dykes dated at ca. 2660 Ma, 2685 Ma and 2700 Ma (Olsson et al. 2011). Further south, a NE-trending swarm,

En berättelse om ledare - Ett mediums inverkan kring sociala konstruktioner i samhället

Genom kritisk ledarskapsforskning har vi genomfört en narrativ studie kring hur ledare konstrueras utifrån sociala konstruktioner. I enlighet med samhällets konstruktion av det normativa gentemot det avvikande reproduceras dagligen omedvetna föreställningar som skapas genom strukturer där interpersonella relationer, akademisk forskning och framförallt media har stor inverkan. Vi har problematisera

Isärhållandets makt. En genusanalys av 2013 års litteraturkritik

The aim of this thesis is to map the Swedish literary criticism of 2013 with regard to gender equality, and to discuss how equality issues affect the canonization of literature. The study includes a statistical overview of gender representation in literary reviews and a qualitative analysis of the literary debate in Sweden. This thesis also uses Michel Foucault’s discourse analysis and Yvonne Hird

Skaminventering: Ett nytt instrument att mäta skam

The purpose of this study was to psychometrically test a Swedish translation of The Shame Inventory, originally developed by Rizvi (2010). Another purpose was to investigate the link between shame and psychopathology and specifically to borderline personality disorder. The psychometric properties of the Swedish version of The Shame Inventory were investigated, as well as the ability of the instrum