Parmelia ernstiae - new to the Nordic lichen flora.
Parmelia ernstiae Feuerer & A. Thell, recently described from northwestern Germany, is reported from one locality in central Skåne, southernmost Sweden.
Parmelia ernstiae Feuerer & A. Thell, recently described from northwestern Germany, is reported from one locality in central Skåne, southernmost Sweden.
The first unifying definition for the metabolic syndrome was proposed by WHO in 1998. In accordance to this, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance have the syndrome if they fulfil two of the criteria: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, obesity/abdominal obesity and microalbuminuria. Persons with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) should also be insulin resistant. About 40% of
In these studies of tumor cell growth interaction we have used two tumors differing from each other in sensitivity to estradiol, transplanted to opposite sites of the same nude mice. In the first experiment we found that the growth of an estradiol-sensitive tumor may be delayed by the presence of an estradiol-resistant tumor in the same animal. Although the growth pattern was changed, proliferativ
A model is presented for calculating the minimum amount of blow-through steam for condensate drainage in paper drying cylinders. Two criteria for cylinder flooding are given. First, the condensate must be lifted from the inner cylinder wall by the decrease in pressure in the siphon inlet. Secondly, the drag force on the drops in the siphon tube must be higher than the centrifugal force acting in t
A general model for pressure drop calculations in siphons and riser tubes has been developed. The model takes into account different physical flow phenomena such as inlet pressure drop and pressure drop in the tube. For each phenomenon, we applied theory and established correlations to calculate the separate accelerational, frictional, gravitational, and centrifugal pressure drops. Model results a
This paper presents an experimental validation of a proposed non-linear damping model for shaft torsional vibration studies, compared to the linear viscous damping model. Nine different shaft configurations were used. The deflection of each shaft exhibiting free vibration was measured for a period of one minute and the signal component at the natural frequency of torsion was found. The experiments
Gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM) and gastric cancer are associated with Helicobacter pylori, but the bacterium often is undetectable in these lesions. To unravel this apparent paradox, IM, H. pylori presence, and the expression of H. pylori virulence genes were quantified concurrently using histologic testing, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry. H. pylori was detected inside metapla
n diagnosing endometrial carcinoma in women with postmenopausal bleeding analysis of lactate dehydrogenase, LD, isoenzymes in uterine aspirates appeared to have 100 per cent sensitivity and negative predictive value combined with high specificity and positive predictive value. Determination of the LD-profile is suggested as a marker for endometrial carcinoma in women with postmenopausal bleeding.
PURPOSE: To relate changing abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) morphology after endovascular grafting to the presence of leakage, collateral perfusion, and other factors. METHODS: Thirty-five patients who underwent successful AAA endovascular grafting were evaluated. Self-expanding Z-stents and Dacron grafts were applied in bifurcated and aortomonoiliac systems. Postoperative diameter changes were ca
Source-sorted municipal organic waste collected from different dwelling types in five Danish cities and pre-treated at three different plants was sampled and characterized several times during one year to investigate the origin of any differences in composition of the pre-treated waste introduced by city, pre-treatment technology, dwelling type or annual season. The investigated pre-treatment tech
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A 43-L column photobioreactor wash tested for the treatment of acetonitrile Using a symbiotic consortium consisting of a Chlorella sorokiniana strain and a Comamonas strain. Complete biodegradation of 1 g acetonitrile/l was achieved in 79 hours under continuous illumination at 500 mu E/m(2) s and 26 degrees C. When the photobioreactor was operated at 26 degrees C under a 14/10 hours light/dark ill
Objectives. To study electrocardiogram (ECG) in relation to forensic diagnosis in young persons who suffered a sudden cardiac death (SCD) in Sweden during 1992-99. Design. A register study of a national database of forensic medicine in Sweden, selecting all cases of SCD 15-35 years of age. In this group, 12-lead ECGs and clinical data were searched for in military conscription and medical records.
Application specific digital signal processors are superior compared to standard digital signal processors in a number of application fields, mainly due to high throughput and low power consumption traded for flexibility. This thesis deals with two areas related to hardware implementation of custom digital signal processors: design methodology and efficient implementation of arithmetic circuits. A
Eight patients with Acanthamoeba keratitis were diagnosed and treated at our clinic between February 1991 and February 1993. Five of these were contact lens wearers, two had suffered recent corneal trauma and one had recently undergone penetrating keratoplasty. The diagnoses were based on both culture and histological examination of biopsy material in three cases, on culture alone in two cases and