Din sökning på "*" gav 534784 sökträffar
Electrocardiographic scores of severity and acuteness of myocardial ischemia predict myocardial salvage in patients with anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Background: Terminal "QRS distortion" on the electrocardiogram (ECG) (based on Sclarovsky-Birnbaum's Grades of Ischemia Score) is a sign of severe ischemia, associated with adverse cardiovascular outcome in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). In addition, ECG indices of the acuteness of ischemia (based on Anderson-Wilkins Acuteness Score) indicate myocardial salvage potential. We a
Appropriateness of anteroseptal myocardial infarction nomenclature evaluated by late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging
Background: In traditional literature, it appears that "anteroseptal" MIs with Q waves in V1-V3 involve basal anteroseptal segments although studies have questioned this belief. Methods: We studied patients with first acute anterior Q-wave (>. 30. ms) MI. All underwent late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: Those with Q waves in V1-V2 (n = 7) evidenced
Helsingborgs kultur styrs stick i stäv med de nationella målen
Beslutsfattarna är förda bakom ljuset
Stora risker med kvalitetsbrister i globala hälsosystem
The acquisition of Italian geminates by L1 German and Swedish speakers in production and perception
Laban (Person) : II Judaism. B. Rabbinic Judaism
Minor long-Term effects 3-4 years after the ReDO™ intervention for women with stress-related disorders : A focus on sick leave rate, everyday occupations and well-being
BACKGROUND: The Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO™) work rehabilitation method has been found effective, compared with care as usual (CAU), for women with stress-related disorders. OBJECTIVE: To conduct a long-Term follow-up of former ReDO™ and CAU participants with respect to sick leave, well-being and everyday occupations 3-4 years after completed work rehabilitation. METHODS: Forty-Two women
Androgen Receptor in Stage I-II Primary Breast Cancer -Prognostic Value and Distribution in Subgroups
BACKGROUND/AIM: The value of androgen receptor (AR) in breast cancer has gained renewed interest as a prognostic and treatment predictive biomarker. The aims of this work were to study the associations and the prognostic value of AR in patients from two clinical cohorts.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cohort 1 included 208 premenopausal, node-negative patients of whom 87% had received no adjuvant medical t
Renormalization of effective interactions in a negative charge transfer insulator
We compute from first principles the effective interaction parameters appropriate for a low-energy description of the rare-earth nickelate LuNiO3 involving the partially occupied eg states only. The calculation uses the constrained random-phase approximation and reveals that the effective on-site Coulomb repulsion is strongly reduced by screening effects involving the oxygen-p and nickel-t2g state
EU Design Law and 3D Printing : Finding the Right Balance in a New E-Ecosystem
The article considers the implications for EU design law of 3D-printing. It first describes the 3D-printing technology and the e-ecosystem which is evolving around the technology and involves a number of new stakeholders who in different ways are engaged in the making and sharing of CAD-files and/or printing. It is submitted that it is only a matter of time before 3D-printing equipment becomes ubi
Patenting Nanomedicine in Europe : Applying the 'medical methods exception' to emerging technologies
Patenting Nanomedicine in Europe: Applying the ‘medical methods exception’ to emerging technologies is based on the authors PhD dissertation, defended in March 2014, at the University of Copenhagen. The book debates restrictions on the patentability of medical methods in European Patent Law. The main question addressed is whether it is viable and advisable the reinterpretation, reformulation or re
Response : Methods for second primary cancers evaluation have to be standardized (IJC-17-2354)
Keeping the child in focus while supporting the family : Swedish child healthcare nurses experiences of encountering families where child maltreatment is present or suspected
Child maltreatment can lead to acute and long-term consequences, and it is important that at-risk children are identified early. Child healthcare (CHC) nurses in Sweden are in a position to identify child maltreatment, as they follow children and their parents from the child’s birth to school age. Therefore, the aim was to describe CHC nurses’ experiences when encountering families in which child
Blood pressure and all-cause mortality: a prospective study of nursing home residents
Aim: to explore the natural course of blood pressure development and its relation to mortality in a nursing home cohort. Methods: a cohort of 406 nursing home residents in south east Sweden was followed prospectively for 30 months. Participants were divided into four groups based on systolic blood pressure (SBP) at baseline. Data were analysed using a Cox regression model with all-cause mortality
När ska vi minnas att krigsherrarna fick Helsingborg att se ut som dagens Aleppo?
Att bygga Guds rike i Aleppos helvete och hopp
Legal Aid in Sweden
Sweden has a combination of public and private protection of legal expenses in civil cases. The public legal aid scheme is subsidiary to the legal expense insurance, which means anyone who had a legal expense insurance covering the current affair would not receive legal aid. The chapter aims at reviewing the current legal aid in the country with emphasis on the public legal aid scheme and the lega
Cadmium, carotid atherosclerosis, and incidence of ischemic stroke
Background--Exposure to cadmium has been associated with carotid plaques, inflammation in carotid plaques, and increased risk of ischemic stroke. This study examined the separate and interacting effects of blood cadmium levels and carotid plaques on the risk of incident ischemic stroke. Methods and Results--Cadmium levels were measured in 4156 subjects (39.2% men; mean ± SD age 57.3 ± 5.9 years) w