

Din sökning på "*" gav 532827 sökträffar

The American Way? Återvändande emigranter i skånsk lokalpolitik under 1920-talet

Forskningen om den svenska utvandringen till Amerika har periodvis varit ett hett ämne inom historieforskningen i Sverige. Mycket av den forskning som är gjord har dock fokuserat på varför människor lämnade Sverige och vad som hände dem i Amerika. Väldigt få har behandlat de cirka tjugo procent som återvände till Sverige. I mitt avhandlingsarbete undersöker jag cirka 1500 återvändande amerikaemigr

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En översättning till kinesiska av sidorna 65-66 i boken Bilder från Maos Kina (plus ett antal fotografier ur samma bok), med översättares kommentar.

Mechanisms evaluation for reforming processes

The three mechanisms that describe the reaction kinetics for various combustion processes were evaluated against experimental data for a reforming process. M1 is the GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism, originally designed to model combustion of natural gas. The M2 mechanism originated from a methane combustion mechanism, which was extended to include reactions for methanol, acetaldehyde, ethanol, and ethylene

Another attack on A5/1

A5/1 is a stream cipher used in the GSM system. Several time-memory trade-off attacks against A5/1 have been proposed previously. This paper presents a completely different attack, based on ideas from correlation attacks.

Thermal bridges in passive houses and nearly zero-energy buildings

An important strategy for climate mitigation is reduction of energy use in buildings. One approach is to build or renovate buildings applying passive house design or a zero-energy building approach. The first step towards passive house design is reduction of heat losses, and therefore improving the thermal resistance of the building envelope. This is reached by adding more insulation and/or insula