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Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Combustor Related Geometries

Popular Abstract in English The concern about pollutant emissions from combustion devices has stimulated the development of modern combustion devices. As one of the major power generation machines, modern gas turbine engine has been designed to run at fuel-lean and premixed mode of combustion in which the combustion temperature is moderate so that NOx emission is low. Combustion in premixed mode rThis thesis deals with the physics of turbulent swirling flows. Large eddy simulation (LES) method is used to investigate the vortex breakdown process, the precessing vortex core (PVC), and the effect of swirl number and flow field configuration on swirling flows. The study is based on an open source CFD code, \textit{OpenFoam}. Turbulent swirling flows are widely used in combustion devices such a

Predictors of response to anti-TNF therapy according to ACR and EULAR criteria in patients with established RA: results from the South Swedish Arthritis Treatment Group Register.

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors predicting response to first TNF blocking treatment course in patients with established RA with a special focus on gender differences. METHODS: Patients with active RA initiating their first treatment course of TNF-blocking therapy were enrolled. The study period was March 1999 through September 2006. The prospective protocol included information on demographics, cli

Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 Is Strongly Expressed in Poorly Differentiated Neuroblastoma: Implications for Therapy.

Aberrant epigenetic changes in DNA methylation and histone acetylation are hallmarks of most cancers, whereas histone methylation was previously considered to be irreversible and less versatile. Recently, several histone demethylases were identified catalyzing the removal of methyl groups from histone H3 lysine residues and thereby influencing gene expression. Neuroblastomas continue to remain a c

Sågtandande polyper en dold men vanlig orsak till kolorektal cancer : Serrated polyps is a hidden but common cause of colorectal cancer

Konceptet att sågtandande polyper kan leda till kolorektal cancer är relativt nytt. Sågtandade polyper orsakar upp till en tredjedel av all sporadisk kolorektal cancer. Trots detta är kunskaperna om sågtandade polypers etiologi, incidens, prevalens och naturalförlopp ofullständiga. Sågtandade polyper är svåra att identifiera och ta bort endoskopiskt. Endoskopister och patologer måste ha kunska

Transport Phenomena Coupled by Chemical Reactions in Methane Reforming Ducts

Mass, heat and momentum transport processes are strongly coupled with catalytic chemical reactions in a methane steam reforming duct. In this paper, a three-dimensional calculation method is developed to simulate and analyze reforming reactions of methane, and the effects on various transport processes in a steam reforming duct. The results show that the design and operating parameters grouped as

An anticancer drug suppresses the primary nucleation reaction that initiates the production of the toxic Aβ42 aggregates linked with Alzheimer's disease.

The conversion of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide into pathogenic aggregates is linked to the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Although this observation has prompted an extensive search for therapeutic agents to modulate the concentration of Aβ or inhibit its aggregation, all clinical trials with these objectives have so far failed, at least in part because of a lack of understanding of th

Implementation of a telemetry system for neurophysiological signals.

With an ever increasing need for assessment of neurophysiological activity in connection with injury and basic research, the demand for an efficient and reliable data acquisition system rises. Brain-machine interfaces is one class of such systems that targets the central nervous system. A necessary step in the development of a brain-machine interface is to design and implement a reliable and effic

Analytical Sociology: Bringing Culture and Identity Back In

This paper is a critique of analytical sociology as presented in Peter Hedström’s book Dissecting the Social. Our critique has two main targets. First, we believe that too little attention is being paid to the macro-to-micro link, and we argue for the importance of macro-level entities such as culture, social categories, and groups – all of which have so far been largely omitted from analytical so