Din sökning på "*" gav 535649 sökträffar
Recension av "Kriminaldårar. Sinnessjuka brottslingar och straffrihet i Sverige, ca 1850–1930"
Realismen, Bhaskar och Laclau
Motsättningarnas marknad
Elijah’s Different Roles—A Reflection of the Rabbinic Struggle for Authority
Review of Livet, kärleken och döden. Fyra uppsatser om svensk befolkningsutveckling 1300-1850
Maastrichtian to Early Eocene dinoflagellate cysts of Nigeria, West Africa
Church and people in Britain and Scandinavia
Medical Transillumination Imaging Using Short-pulse Diode-lasers
The recently introduced time-resolved technique for enhanced medical transillumination imaging has been demonstrated for the important case of a diode laser transmitter. This type of gated-viewing technique utilizes early received light only to reject multiply scattered, delayed light, normally blurring the image. Human breast-cancer detection is demonstrated in vitro, and the observations are exp
Particularism and Principles
Gränslöst tankeflöde
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, Eugenol, CAS Registry Number 97-53-0.
Salt-inducible kinase 1 influences Na+,K+-ATPase activity in vascular smooth muscle cells and associates with variations in blood pressure.
OBJECTIVES: Essential hypertension is a complex condition whose cause involves the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors such as salt intake. Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) is a sucrose-nonfermenting-like kinase isoform that belongs to the AMPK (5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) family. SIK1 activity is increased by high salt intake and plays an essential rol
Levels of 1-hydroxypyrene, symptoms and immunologic markers in vulcanization workers in the southern Sweden rubber industries.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HP) levels in contemporary Swedish vulcanization workers and in controls. These levels were used as an index substance for vulcanization fumes, as well as a biomarker for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The risk of symptoms and changed levels of immunologic markers were investigated in relation to the 1-HP level
Antikoagulantia efter akut ischemisk stroke med förmaksflimmer - Frågan om rätt tidpunkt för insättning kräver randomiserad klinisk prövning.
Early or delayed onset of oral anticoagulant therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke with atrial fibrillation is an unsolved issue. Retrospectively, 294 patient records at two hospitals were scrutinized according to a protocol consisting of 20 items regarding choice of therapy (warfarin or NOAC), time for onset of therapy, CT findings of bleeding, capacity to swallow, and occurrence of clin
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, Linalool, CAS registry number 78-70-6.
"Tystnad! Omtagning..."
Kulturartikel om amerikanska nyinspelningar av framförallt franska men också brittiska biosuccéer.
Den verksamme Guden : ett bidrag till Predikarens verklighetsuppfattning, speciellt hans teologi
Health-related factors associated with hospitalization for old people: Comparisons of elderly aged 85 in a population cohort study.
The aim of this population-based study was to (1) describe living conditions and actual health care utilization among 85 year olds; (2) determine factors that affect hospital admissions in this age. The study was conducted on 85-year-old residents in Linköping municipality, Sweden. The data collected included medical records, health care utilization during the preceding 12 months and a postal ques
Sverige och tysk motståndsrörelse under andra världskriget
Not available.