

Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar

Accounts of Northern Barbarians in Tacitus' Annales : A Contextual Analysis

The Roman historian Tacitus is not only our most important source for the Early Roman Empire, but also a literary artist second to none. His fragmentarily preserved Annales deals with the imperial rule established by the first emperor Augustus, the Julio-Claudian dynasty (AD 14 – 68). Through his scathing analyses of the consequences of autocratic government, Tacitus has established himself as an

Measurement of the production cross-section of a single top quark in association with a Z boson in proton–proton collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The production of a top quark in association with a Z boson is investigated. The proton–proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015 and 2016 at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1fb−1. Events containing three identified leptons (electrons and/or muons) and two jets, one of which is identified as a b-quark jet

Subjectivism and Relational Good

In this paper, a distinctly subjectivist analysis of the nature of relational goodness or goodness for is proposed. Like the generic subjectivist analysis of value, the proposal is to analyse value in terms of attitudes. Specifically, the proposed analysis of goodness for appeals to a special kind of attitude: namely, so-called for-someone’s-sake attitudes. Unlike other analyses in the literature

Optimal harmonic period assignment : complexity results and approximation algorithms

Harmonic periods have wide applicability in industrial real-time systems. Rate monotonic (RM) is able to schedule task sets with harmonic periods up to 100% utilization. Also, if there is no release jitter and execution time variation, RM and EDF generate the same schedule for each instance of a task. As a result, all instances of a task are interfered by the same amount of workload. This property

Rel B is an early marker of autoimmune islet inflammation in the BioBreeding (BB) rat

Because the development of insulitis and diabetes is predictable in Lyp/Lyp congenic BB rats, we have characterized early islet inflammation in these rats to determine the cell subsets involved in the onset of autoimmune insulitis. Pancreas sections from prediabetic Lyp/Lyp, Lyp/+ and +/+ rats were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. We found W3/25+ cells in the exo- and endocrine tissue from all th

Design and Implementation of RF Kickers in MAX IV

The MAX IV facility in Lund, Sweden, consists of two storage rings for production of synchrotron radiation, and a full-energy LINAC for top-up injections. The LINAC also delivers short high-intensity electron bunches to a short pulse facility. MAX IV was inaugurated in June 2016, and the larger 3 GeV ring has been delivering light to users since November 2016. In this thesis, the design and implem

Treatment of diabetic rats with encapsulated islets

Immunoprotection of islets using bioisolator systems permits introduction of allogeneic cells to diabetic patients without the need for immunosuppression. Using TheraCyte™ immunoisolation devices, we investigated two rat models of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), BB rats and rats made diabetic by streptozotocin (STZ) treatment. We chose to implant islets after the onset of diabetes to mimic the pr

Neurocognitive bases for the functional role of gaze direction during episodic memory retrieval

Previous research has established that when engaged in episodic memory retrieval, people frequently look at locations associated with the sought-after memory trace, even if those locations no longer contain any information. While it has been further demonstrated that gaze positions showing compatibility between encoding and retrieval increase the likelihood of successful remembering (Johansson &amPrevious research has established that when engaged in episodic memory retrieval, people frequently look at locations associated with the sought-after memory trace, even if those locations no longer contain any information. While it has been further demonstrated that gaze positions showing compatibility between encoding and retrieval increase the likelihood of successful remembering (Johansson &am

Pneumococcal vaccination in inflammatory rheumatic disease. Antibody response and protection against infections.

AbstractObjectives: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs) have higher risk of serious infections than healthy individuals due to their illness, comorbidities and treatments. Streptococcus pneumoniae is responsible for 30-50% of community aquired pneumonia in Europe.The proportion of patients with IRD receiving vaccination against pneumococci is still estimated to be suboptimal. The

Arthroscopic surgical procedures versus sham surgery for patients with femoroacetabular impingement and/or labral tears : Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (HIPARTI) and a prospective cohort study (HARP)

STUDY DESIGN: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and a prospective cohort. BACKGROUND: The number of arthroscopic surgical procedures for patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) has significantly increased worldwide, but high-quality evidence of the effect of such interventions is lacking. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective will be to determine the efficacy of hip a

Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale

Background: The widely used Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale (RSES) has not been evaluated for psychometric properties in Sweden. Aims: This study aimed at analyzing its factor structure, internal consistency, criterion, convergent and discriminant validity, sensitivity to change, and whether a four-graded Likert-type response scale increased its reliability and validity compared to a yes/no response

Parallel Evolution of Chromatin Structure Underlying Metabolic Adaptation

Parallel evolution occurs when a similar trait emerges in independent evolutionary lineages. Although changes in protein coding and gene transcription have been investigated as underlying mechanisms for parallel evolution, parallel changes in chromatin structure have never been reported. Here, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a distantly related yeast species, Dekkera bruxellensis, are investigated be

High pT spectra and anisotropy of light and heavy hadrons

Data driven studies of heavy-ion results has played a big role in highlighting interesting features of these complex systems. In this proceeding, a simple QGP-brick interpretation of the RAA and v2 at high pT (pT≈10 GeV/c) is presented. This interpretation draws attention to two fundamental questions: is there an effect of the asymmetric QGP expansion on the v2 at high pT? is there an energy loss

Utopia, Dystopia or Somewhere In-between? Sweden, the Second World War and the Moral Turn

In many ways can Thomas More’s vision in his classic Utopia from 1516 lend itself to describe Sweden as no longer a great power in war, as had been the case in the 17th and early 18th century, but an egalitarian nation and also in other aspects a peaceful, humanitarian example to follow. The ideal that More envisioned is to be understood as an unattainable and therefore unrealistic dream; his idea