

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Epidemiology and time trends of distal forearm fractures in adults - a study of 11.2 million person-years in Sweden

Background: A distal forearm fracture is a very common injury causing both suffering and substantial health care costs. The incidence of this fracture type seemed to increase worldwide until the middle 1980’s, but thereafter most reports have shown stable or decreasing rates. As few large studies have been presented lately we aimed to describe recent epidemiology and time trends of distal forearm

Salt-inducible kinases in adipose tissue

Fetma och typ 2 diabetes är stora folksjukdomar som ökar i rasande takt världen över. En gemensam nämnare för dessa sjukdomar är att de vävnader i kroppen som reglerar ämnesomsättningen, t.ex. fettvävnaden, förlorar känsligheten för hormonet insulin så att det inte längre fungerar normalt. Detta kallas insulinresistens och i min forskning undersöker jag hur kroppens fettvävnad fungerar för att förObesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are metabolic diseases that increase rapidly in the modern society. The underlying mechanisms are complex and involve both environmental and genetic factors. Adipose tissue is an important organ for maintaining whole body energy homeostasis. In response to nutrient overload (as observed in obesity), adipocytes become hypertrophic and dysfunctio

Association of circulating MicroRNA-124-3p levels with outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : A substudy of a randomized clinical trial

IMPORTANCE: The value of microRNAs (miRNAs) as biomarkers has been investigated in various clinical contexts. Initial small-scale studies suggested that miRNAs might be useful indicators of outcome after cardiac arrest. OBJECTIVE: To address the prognostic value of circulating miRNAs in a large cohort of comatose patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This

Hedgerows Have a Barrier Effect and Channel Pollinator Movement in the Agricultural Landscape

Agricultural intensification and the subsequent fragmentation of semi-natural habitats severely restrict pollinator and pollen movement threatening both pollinator and plant species. Linear landscape elements such as hedgerows are planted for agricultural and conservation purposes to increase the resource availability and habitat connectivity supporting populations of beneficial organisms such as Agricultural intensification and the subsequent fragmentation of semi-natural habitats severely restrict pollinator and pollen movement threatening both pollinator and plant species. Linear landscape elements such as hedgerows are planted for agricultural and conservation purposes to increase the resource availability and habitat connectivity supporting populations of beneficial organisms such as

Association between statin use and consultation or surgery for osteoarthritis of the hip or knee : A pooled analysis of four cohort studies

Objective: Experimental findings and previous observational data have suggested lower risk of osteoarthritis (OA) with statin use but results are inconsistent. Large-scale studies with a clinically important outcome are needed. Thus, we aimed to determine whether statin use is associated with a reduced risk of developing clinically-defined hip or knee OA. Design: Pooled analysis based on time-to-e

MicroRNA-Dependent Control of Serotonin-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Contraction

Background: Serotonin (5-HT) is considered to play a role in pulmonary arterial hypertension by regulating vascular remodeling and smooth muscle contractility. Here, arteries from mice with inducible and smooth muscle-specific deletion of Dicer were used to address mechanisms by which microRNAs control 5-HT-induced contraction. Methods: Mice were used 5 weeks after Dicer deletion, and pulmonary ar

Two Liters a Day Keep the Doctor Away? Considerations on the Pathophysiology of Suboptimal Fluid Intake in the Common Population

Suboptimal fluid intake may require enhanced release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin for the maintenance of adequate hydration. Enhanced copeptin levels (reflecting enhanced vasopressin levels) in 25% of the common population are associated with enhanced risk of metabolic syndrome with abdominal obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure, vascular d

Experimental Characterization of Circular Polarization Selective Structures Using Linearly Single-Polarized Antennas

Abstract: We present a technique for performing high-accuracy measurements of the transmission and reflection properties in circular polarizations (CPs) of a test panel. Using linearly polarized antennas and measuring at four different antenna orientations, all with a relative rotation of 45°, an efficient normalization of each scattering component can be utilized. This method achieves a high sign

Comparative functional analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster proteomes

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a popular model system in genetics, not least because a majority of human disease genes are conserved in C. elegans. To generate a comprehensive inventory of its expressed proteome, we performed extensive shotgun proteomics and identified more than half of all predicted C. elegans proteins. This allowed us to confirm and extend genome annotations, characteriz

Experimental investigation of methanol compression ignition in a high compression ratio HD engine using a Box-Behnken design

Methanol is an alternative fuel offering a lower well-to-wheel CO2 emission as well as a higher efficiency, given that the fuel is derived from biomass. In addition to reduced CO2, methanol does not emit soot particles when combusted which is a great advantage when attempting to reduce NOX levels due to the effectively non-existing NOX-soot trade-off. The engine setup used was a Scania D13 engine

Karlfeldt efter Karlfeldt

Karlfeldtforskningen beskrivs, och vilka nya vägar kan den gå. Två föreslås: dels forskning om Karlfeldts positioner i den litterära offentligheten, dels forskning om Karlfeldts egendomliga bildspråk (Jean Paul, C F Dahlgren ) som är en del av en svensk tradition (Tegner, Tranströmer)